

Joanna, 19 april 2012

We will not apologize.

The dreams we hold in our deepest souls. Those are our secrets.  Those are our hopes. Our wishes. Our nightmares. They are our fantasies. They give us our will to live. They give us our foresight.  Our patience. Our desires. What a world have we created where our dreams are our nightmares? Where our (... więcej)

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Joanna, 19 april 2012

I will not sink

I will not sink.  I may be in so far over my head that I honestly cannot tell which way is up, but I’m still swimming.  I am not giving up.  I will find my way out.  I may almost drown – I may actually drown – but I will not sink.  I will not go out with a whimper of distress – I will go (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail



What Once Had Been

Tears pour down my face like from an unearthy powerful waterfall. I tried to grip something for support mentally and physical, but nothing can keep me up and give me strength. My thoughts wonder a different time in my life, and then to another, but in each landscape, you are the centerpiece. A questions (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 1 | detail


Joanna, 16 april 2012


If you could do anything what would you do?  I would love with all  my heart and soul.  Every fiber of my being would love every fiber of your being.  If you reject me – it is okay.  To quote some famous man, "It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at
all."  (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 5 | detail


Joanna, 16 april 2012

Not enough...or is it?

There's never enough.  Enough of what, you ask?  Everything.  Never enough time.  Never enough money.  Never enough love.   Never enough trust.  Never enough understanding.  Never enough  forgiveness.  Never enough peace.  Never enough joy.  Never  enough laughter.  Never enough tears.  (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 4 | detail


Joanna, 16 april 2012


Once you've seen who you really are you can't go back.  You  can't unsee it.  You can't pretend you don't know about it.  You can't hide your self from yourself.  You can't forget you saw
it.  You can't pretend it isn't a part of you.  You can't (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail


Joanna, 16 april 2012

Perfection is terrifying

A princess.  Perfect hair.  Perfect make-up.  Perfect life.  The only thing missing is me. It'll never be my life again. Maybe in another time.  Maybe it was another life.  Maybe it was just the most  magnificent dream my mind has ever conjured.  Maybe it's just as  fake as all that (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 3 | detail


Joanna, 16 april 2012

Mother Earth

My soul died the day the first sky-scraper was built.  It has been crushed beneath your cannons and boots.  Your tanks and bombs destroyed my lovely face.  But then you took the final shot.  You built those massive buildings so tall.  You built them so that they
would not fall off no matter how (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 4 | detail




342 words

The wheel of time spins, spins
to the beat of our heart or to the rays of the sun. How in reality it spins is a question that
may never be answered. Like a Ferris
wheel that breaks down by surprise you don’t know when the wheels in your life
are going to break down and (... więcej)

number of comments: 0 | rating: 3 | detail


Noby, 11 april 2012


A generation cannot be formed without the help of the previous generation, but it can change all by itself...

number of comments: 2 | rating: 9 | detail

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