Fatmata Kaikai, 6 august 2013
Feverishly anxious the ticking of the clock siezes
Awkward faces glance patiently for her arrival
Dance the path of changes
Whisper in the air
Coming to a complete destination
Eyes tearing; Smiles widen
Innocence of crimson stings
Mesmerize the heartache wound
Condeming her true nature song
Uncertain the life of her choosen path
Redemption the inner struggle
Finally at a stage in life
Peace of mind
As seeking her lovers feature
In ripple effect
Coming to be one with herself
But also one with her lover
As the ticking of the clock run
Etenity of life
Never ending that spiritual movement
Fatmata Kaikai, 11 january 2013
Not red of romance
But black of darkness The Black rose you held tighty griping
Its stem close to your chest The thorn poking you with it prickly thorn Getting secure from the black rose
But have this loliness in you Looking at the black rose as a smile approach his face Black rose a warm secure feeling
Thou cold loliness feeling tooThat so painful in my heart
That doesn't make me whole but break me away
From my true identity willing to burst out
Fatmata Kaikai, 11 january 2013
When we were little we plan what we want to happen in our life.But guess what the unexpected thing happen we run out of time.Once were gone we can never come back.
We imagine how we will die but we cant control our death.Some of us die at a very young age never even saw the world.How we describe death is all in our imagination some of us describe death like it just plain, black and very cold, other describe it like its a dream.
We try to wake our self up but realize that were dead and our soul isnt with us.But our soul isnt dead, it's only our body whats dead.We think once were gone that our body and soul is dead.
What keep us alive not talking about the body, but it our soul and spirit.We might not be in this world, but who said our soul and spirit isnt in another world.We dont know or may never know.
What it feel like to be dead and if we do we cant tell no one, cause were gone and we wont ever come back.
If there was a way we can stop from dying, we'll try anything to stay alive.But we can't stop from dying, we know that we must die someday.We dont know when, where, and how, but know were gonna have to die.
But dont have to worry on lifeYou can live peacefully.Where ever your spirit and soul is it would live peaceful.
Fatmata Kaikai, 11 january 2013
What do we call beauty?
Are you beautiful because you are a size 0
and are 5'9 feet tall with blond hair and blue eyes and big
Are you beautiful for your long soft leg?
Are you beautiful because your hair drops to your waist?
To the world that is what we picture when we talk about beauty.
To me I am not beautiful; But I am exquisite.
I may not have pale skin or light skin; But I love my golden fair
I may not have blue, green or even gray eyes; But I love my
dark brown eyes that I used to see upon the world.
I may not be extremely skinny; But I love my petite curvy figure.
I may not be tall at all; But I love my short sexy self.I may not have straight pointy nose; But I love my flat nose.
I may not have long soft sexy legs; But I love my short soft leg.I might not have the biggest breast; But I love my perky breast.
I might not have wide eye; But I love my small chingy eye self.
I might not have long flowy hair; But I love my dark brown short soft curly hair.
I might not have the tastes lips; But I love my full lips.I can care less what you think of me anymore.
To what is beautiful to you but to me I know I am beautiful in my own way from my head to my toe.
If you have a problem with my sexy sensual self than that's really sucks to you doesn't it.
I'm loving myself each and every day.
One step at a time. Because you stand there with such disgust in your face envious of the attention I bring upon myself.
Thanks because of you I finally learned to love my self and say that I am B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L in my own way that I can only be.
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