12 may 2013
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Maybe someone who is like me can't be all evil, as it was described to me.
Maybe there really is no difference rather than the parts. If I have to be honest, there works of art. They are actually living and being free.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Where I'm together with someone who finally understands me, and fights a cause which I want to believe in.
Against a religion preached with false allegations by people who use the bible as a excuse to never understand.
That me and you and thousands and millions are just all the same and there is no one to blame.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. The origin of my life will still see there child, that they will still love me and see that there still is a future for me.
That kids and spouses are not wiped out from my existence. That those choices are still a possibility and that they will see our family grow. That the problems will still be the same like theirs and the love that they shared will be, but through the eyes of someone I love. And that no matter what, i wish that they will be there for me.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. That I am who I am and I'm proud. That there words melt in my presence, no matter how loud.
Where I'm free to express what's inside and feel the love all around. Where I'm no longer bound.
Where I will no longer feel like I need to change or hide or die for there hate. Where they see that they are sad and lost and I'm happy and found. Where my tears don't burn down the face of my beauty.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Where my friends, beautiful and unique can understand a struggle within myself. That my actions are false. That my harm or confusion is just an internal call for help. That this change may breed a evil and that my intentions are truly pure.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Where I inspire the future of the different. Where I'm able to hold out a hand and cloak them in a love so powerful. where They too can live and be and feel the way I would feel. To be that person who I always wished to guide me through the darkness. To show me the light, give me a reason to fight, and love the world and smite the hatred and pave a path so bright.
Ok let us do, Let us live the dream.
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025