Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 12 may 2013
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Maybe someone who is like me can't be all evil, as it was described to me.
Maybe there really is no difference rather than the parts. If I have to be honest, there works of art. They are actually living and being free.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Where I'm together with someone who finally understands me, and fights a cause which I want to believe in.
Against a religion preached with false allegations by people who use the bible as a excuse to never understand.
That me and you and thousands and millions are just all the same and there is no one to blame.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. The origin of my life will still see there child, that they will still love me and see that there still is a future for me.
That kids and spouses are not wiped out from my existence. That those choices are still a possibility and that they will see our family grow. That the problems will still be the same like theirs and the love that they shared will be, but through the eyes of someone I love. And that no matter what, i wish that they will be there for me.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. That I am who I am and I'm proud. That there words melt in my presence, no matter how loud.
Where I'm free to express what's inside and feel the love all around. Where I'm no longer bound.
Where I will no longer feel like I need to change or hide or die for there hate. Where they see that they are sad and lost and I'm happy and found. Where my tears don't burn down the face of my beauty.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Where my friends, beautiful and unique can understand a struggle within myself. That my actions are false. That my harm or confusion is just an internal call for help. That this change may breed a evil and that my intentions are truly pure.
Ok let us see, let us dare to dream. Where I inspire the future of the different. Where I'm able to hold out a hand and cloak them in a love so powerful. where They too can live and be and feel the way I would feel. To be that person who I always wished to guide me through the darkness. To show me the light, give me a reason to fight, and love the world and smite the hatred and pave a path so bright.
Ok let us do, Let us live the dream.
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 12 may 2013
With the soft gloss paint job of thick skin
your 6 cylinder engine roars with confidence
Your body frame is "muscle" because strength defines you.
Gears that can shift from friend to superhuman in less than 3 seconds, your acceleration is unprecedented
Your interior has a polished leather with a center piece of pure heart.
The dash board holds the plain and bold truth that your a friend and that's all you are. Ready to hold up whoever,
and the texture, not too rough
The steering wheel is perfectly positioned towards the path of good
The mileage that is shown has the distance of the collective kindness you had towards all the people you care about and the belief that it always should.
The rear view mirror shows the past which should be left behind, but just a small sliver to remember as it is
since it's something you can't deny
But still enjoy, as it becomes smaller as your life becomes more distant. More vintage
The smell is vintage, powerful and at it's prime. The presence says it's experience the fine line we all walk with the black tar strokes across compacted earth.
And the fuzzy dice of warm humor to gently show off the ride of your life.
Start your engine, get revving, and leave a cloud of smoke to leave the best impression
That's what you are to me.
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 12 may 2013
If I'm superman
Ill be flying across the sky
Faster than the wind
Just hold on darling
Ill be coming in
If I'm your superman
Then you'll be Louis lane
And ill be there to save the day again
But in the end
Ill still pretend
Ill hide myself
and you'll love him
And ill will look off in the distance knowing it has to be
Cause if I'm your superman
You can never love me
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 12 may 2013
Breathe, this doesn't feel like a dream
It feels more believable. The moment sings
This intensity grows like a rising flame.
I'm staring in your eyes. The electricity strikes quick and jolts my nerves.
I'm suddenly at a lost for words.
Breathe, just breath dont mess this up. You only get one shot so best of luck.
Like two forces we collide for a moment I've been waiting for my whole life.
The world can pressure the world I chose to exist in. But this happiness is too powerful to be faced and this moment will be forever, it will always feel right.
Breathe, breathe to let the lungs fill fully
Seconds and minuets and hours and days. I'm budding into the world, better than how I ever was before.
I rose with the sun and glowed just as bright. I felt somewhere in the world and the world felt right.
I explored my world that fell dark in my mind long ago. I found a talent once frowned upon through my eyes. I did one then three then seven then more.
I had something to do and something to show. More and more my talent grows.
Shame the beauty in your eyes can never be drawn or the beauty I felt in my heart. Nothing like that can ever be put towards art.
Breathe, this doesn't mean anything
The time felt sour, like it just slipped away. It felt one sided. I knew things were not ok.
I became concerned and wanted to savior something. Not only I had strange behavior, I knew something was coming.
I rose with the sun but the shadow was new. I hope this wasn't something bad that not even I can undo.
Breathe, it starts to feel light. I start to feel thin.
Your eyes don't look the same. I feel an frustration in that focused gaze.
That amazed feeling just doesn't feel the same. I'm worried of the truth that unfolds.
I'm fighting to hold on. Don't you dare let go. I wanted you to feel how I felt. I wanted you to just hold.
I hatched plan after plan. I tried again and again. I searched for advice new and old. I tried everything
And still you let go.
Breathe, at this point i just want to the air to leave.
I blame me and you and the world we have to live.
The earth and the sky and the moon and stars. My over active mind where my feelings are. It's like a war up there, the hate spills over it all.
Everything hit me hard and it all mattered to me now. Even if they weren't my problems from the start.
I wanted to destroy everything I saw, I wanted to pull the pain out so that it can stop tearing everything apart.
I don't know how to feel. I want to disappear from it all. I wanted to collide one more time and never feel like this at all.
Stop hating me. Stop dealing with things alone. You may like it but I don't want to feel alone.
I can't go back to those days, watching the world grow and thrive. Seeing the sick show of affection powered by popularity and lies.
That wasn't us, we could never fall into that trap, just fix thing now. Just please come back.
Well the fire that was set burned deep. Nothing to salvage at all. Just a pile of dead heap. Memories burned black on the walls.
I can look at them but what's left is just the ash. It doesn't feel the same at all.
I'm getting dizzy from the barring field built on the love I use to have
I'm trying to build something now. But there isn't anything left.
Where to now, my home is destroyed, the time here only hurts and you actually hurt the most.
Just breathe. I can't have tears fall down my face. That's when I allow the pain to run its course. Not now. Only a seed so tiny is the little bit of hope
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 12 may 2013
Empty apartment
I awake with tectonic cracks all over my sore body staring at a poker face wall.
The cold chills hold me like how you use to hold me. But the icicles jabbed in my heart is new
I wake up not knowing how to move on. Crazy dreaming and ignoring basic instinct to at least slow down the bleeding.
I'm not succeeding but I'm moving
Moving from you,
so that I can't go thought with the bitter reminder that it wasn't me who left you
It was you.
I put the key back into the lonely door leading into the echo space you left me.
The creeks is missing your footsteps and breaking the harmony
The table for two was divided and only one sits
I miss the pointless conversations where you pretended to keep me company because you did.
How your dumb enough to think you meant nothing to me goes way beyond my own beliefs
And how you challenged my love like I don't appreciate it
Do know I was able to look over each imperfection as perfection
Ignored your unpleasantries, see you as the one for me.
No no it's my fault really.
How can anyone believe in love if love doesn't exist for them.
If these wall can walk I think they'll walk away with me. Cause of the abandonment. How it was unfair to me.
It'll pick me up and hand me a napkin to clog the gates of sorrow positioned between the lips you use to kiss.
It'll pick up the little memories I had and lunge the bed we once laid. Whisper in the ear you once whispered to me and say the exact words "I love you" and ill believe it again cause I did when you said it to.
Those words were a promise and until the day you slashed it I thought it will never be broken. The anguish that was left from you goes beyond the hurt of hurtful children using hurt to solve the wrongs that were felt towards them.
But you, what was your excuse. I was good was I not?
The endless day soon comes to a end
How the impossible becomes possible. When your not poisoning my mind. I lay back in the bed once shared and stare at the poker face wall.
It cracks a smile
And I, back at the wall
do the same
And the tectonic cracks fill with a rising hope and the sores melt away. And the empty apartment doesn't feel so
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 1 march 2012
Dorment, entombed. a pin drop of sounds beats against my still, frozen heart. a block of emotions i hurl with me, it's state is not solid nor liqiud nor air, but all the heavy. it is an inanimate object that pulls my body downward to the point where my vision is darting at my feet. my eyes, the tools that caused my weak and fragile mind to shut out the meaning of life. i stopped living and just went on pushing the thick walls of atmosphere. doomed to live without an other, even my cruel fate was dammed to split up the one person who i actuallly was able to get close to. i have a heart but not a love. so i stay sleeping forever.
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 1 march 2012
Did she whisper in my ear
does she creep around the corner
Did she peer at me without me know
is it true, is it real, is she calling me now
Oh.....never mind. I'm at it again.
She left, she's gone, she can't be here.
(Hello) hello? Who calls me?
(hello) is it you, have you returned?
( Hello) you've come, you care, I'm So happy
(...) she isn't here is she.
I just can't rid her of my mind
I'm repeating, receding, returning to the past
I'm running, I'm rushing, I repent our time apart, everyday it weakens my heart.
( don't forget me ) I won't
( Don't Leave me ) never
( wait for me ) till time ceases
I promise, I promise, I promise.
I promise.....I promise.......I promised
No no no not again
It now beats a black beat. The fury courses through, it reeks a putrid disgust.
It drains all over the floor. It burns through the foundations of my beliefs. Damn the false allegations you've told me.
Your treacherous swine, you filth of the lesser. I plague your soul, I set a flame to you future, damn you.
How dare you defile the precious hopes I posses. You raped the thought of what I had towards you. Posed lies, slit the throat of possibilities.
You are dead to me. Dead to me. No form of toucher, no great Loss could ever amount to this. I live in the cold, the breath broken shards and beat a black beat. Love has ceased.
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 1 march 2012
I have self destructed everything I could possibly do.
But the one thing I regret the most is you.
There nothing that I could have done
to make me want to scream and run.
As bad as now, because my chance with you is gone
Set me a blaze. Toss me down
Watch as I shrivel into dust
Spread me in the air
Let me travel to where you are
Let me sparkle across the sky like a million stars.
Let me be where you are.
I love you
Kashikoi Kō rei-sha ( andrue finley ), 24 february 2012
My love for you is.........
My love for you is powerful
My love for you is painful [afrikaans]
(My liefde vir jou is pynlik)
My love for you is incomparable to any you have experience[Albanian]
( Dashuria ime për ty është e pakrahasueshme me ndonjë që ju keni përvojë)
My love for you is an intense flame [Arabic]
( Im sery k’yez petk’ e uzhegh bots’)
My love for you speaks volumes[Armenian]
( Sizin üçün sevgi həcmi edib )
My love for you moves mountains [azerbaijani]
( Nire for love mendiak mugitzen )
My love for you phases time[basque]
( Maja liuboŭ da ciabie čas fazy )
My love for you is flexible[Belarusian]
( Āpanāra jan'ya āmāra prēma namanīẏa )
My love for you heals wounds [bengali]
( Lyubovta mi kŭm teb lekuva rani )
My love for you has been sorrows [Bulgarian]
( El meu amor per tu ha estat tristeses )
My love for you has been joyful [catalan]
( Wǒ duì nǐ de ài yīzhí huānlè )
My love for you is an adventure [Chinese]
( Moja ljubav za tebe je avantura )
My love for you tears me up every time [ Croatian]
( Má láska k tobě slzy mě pokaždé )
My love for you gets me up everyday [ Czech ]
( Min kærlighed til dig får mig op hver dag )
My love for you keeps me up at night [ Danish ]
( Mijn liefde voor jou houdt me 's nachts wakker )
My love for you serenade my soul [dutch]
( Minu armastus sinu vastu serenaad mu hing )
My love for you keeps me fighting [Estonian]
( Aking pag-ibig para sa iyo ay nagpapanatili sa akin fighting)
My love for you makes me question myself [ Filipino ]
( Rakkauteni sinuun tekee minusta kysymys itseäni )
My love for you makes me doubt my reasons [ Finnish ]
( Mon amour pour toi me fait douter de mes raisons)
My love for you makes me feel secure [ French ]
( O meu amor por ti me fai sentir segura )
My love for you Is a dream come true [ Galician ]
( ch’emi siqvaruli t’k’vent’vis aris ots’neba )
My love for you is crazy [ Georgian ]
( Meine Liebe zu dir ist verrückt )
My love for you Is unique [ German ]
( I̱ agápi̱ mou gia séna eínai monadikí̱ )
My love for you kind [ Greek ]
( Tamē prakāranī mārā prēma )
My love for you is meant for only you [ Gujarati ]
( Se renmen an menm m 'pou ou vle di pou sèlman ou )
My love for you scares me [ creole ]
( Tumhārē li'ē mērā pyāra mujhē ḍarātā hai )
My love for you is the stars above [Hindi]
( Szerelmem az Ön számára a csillagok )
My love for you is a sea of emotions [ Hungarian ]
( Ást mín til þín er sjó á tilfinningum )
my love for you is the treasure I'll risk my life for [ Icelandic ]
( cinta saya untuk Anda adalah harta karun saya akan mempertaruhkan kehidupan saya untuk)
My love for you is the art that people look at in wonder [ irish ]
( Is é mo ghrá duit an ealaín go bhfuil cuma daoine i Wonder)
My love for you is a sea of meadows on a spring day [ Italian ]
( Il mi amore per voi è un mare di prati in un giorno di primavera)
My love for you is an experience like no other [ Japanese ]
( Anata no tame no watashi no ai wa hoka ni wanai keikendesu)
My love for you is every breath I take [ Kannada ]
( Nīvu nanna prīti nānu tegedukoṇḍu prati usiriddante )
My love for you is the sun rising in the morning [ Korean ] ( dangsin-e daehan nae salang-eun achim-e sangseung taeyang )
My love for you is the paradise I dream of [ Latin ] (Soror mea est pro vobis est somnium paradiso)
My love for you is bacon [ Latvian ] (Mana mīlestība pret tevi ir bekonu)
My love for you is a story for the ages [ Lithuanian ] (Mano meilė jums amžių istorija)
My love for you has changed me [ Macedonian ] ( MoJata ljubov za tebe me promeni )
My love for you is my reason to live [Malay] ( Cinta saya untuk anda sebab saya untuk hidup )
My love for you is ever growing [Maltese ] ( Imħabba tiegħi għalik hija dejjem jikber )
My love for you is makes me smile [Norwegian] ( Min kjærlighet for deg er gjør meg smile)
My love for you goes beyond infinity [ polish ] ( Moja miłość do Ciebie wykracza poza nieskończoność )
My love for you keeps me dancing [portuguese] ( Meu amor por você me mantém dançando )
My love for you motivates me [Romanian] ( Dragostea mea pentru tine mă motivează )
My love for you powers my creativity [ Russian ] ( Moya lyubovʹ k tebe polnomochiya moe tvorchestvo )
My love for you is picture perfect [Serbian] ( Moja ljubav za tebe je slika savršena )
My love for you is so simple [Slovak] ( Má láska k vám je to tak jednoduché)
My love for you can't be touched [Slovenian] ( Moja ljubezen do tebe se ne more dotakniti )
My love for you should be a movie [spanish] ( Mi amor por ti debe ser una película)
My love for you soars high [ Swahili] (Upendo wangu imeongezeka high)
My love for you applies hard work [Swedish] ( Min kärlek till dig gäller hårt arbete)
My love for you is always my primary [ tamil ] ( Nī eṉ kātal eppōtum eṉ mutaṉmai uḷḷatu )
My love for you is a song worth listening to [ Teluguo] ( Mī kōsaṁ nā prēma viṇṭū viluva oka pāṭa undi)
My love for you is me [ Khwām rạk k̄hxng c̄hạn s̄ảh̄rạb khuṇ khụ̄x c̄hạn ] ( Thai)
My love for you is America's top model [ Turkish ] ( Sizin için my love, Amerika'nın en üst modeli )
My love for you is that one joke to always make you smile [Ukrainian] (Moya lyubov do tebe v tomu, shcho odyn zhart zavzhdy zmusyty vas posmikhnutysya)
My love for you is a after party [Vietnamese] ( Tình yêu của tôi cho bạn là một bên sau khi)
My love for you beats my love of video games [ welsh ] ( Mae fy modd i chi guriad fy nghariad gemau fideo )
My love for you is like titanic [Yiddish] ( Myyn lybʻ p̄ʼar ʼyr ʼyz wwy tytʼanyq )
My love for you is everything
And I'll always love you forever
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