
AJ Ryan
PROFILE About me Poetry (23)

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 2 january 2012

A Bad Man Called Liquor

I awake slowly to see
A bad man called Liquor.
I look at him as he sits beside me,
And he makes me feel sicker.

I look at him and I feel
His sharp blade ends,
Stinging the nerves of my teeth
When I became his friend.

I look at him and I think
Of last night when he put me to sleep.
All I wanted was just one drink
But he made me fall, like stones, in a heap.

I look at him and I crack,
I stand to pick him up.
I say 'Dear Liquor, you're not coming back,
I've had just about enough.'

number of comments: 1 | rating: 6 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 29 january 2012

The Black Leather Couch

The cold black leather
Glues to me as I
Sink in comfortably
Without a fight in my tired body.

All that enters the room
Just can't stagger to their feet,
Surrender to the noble
Furniture royalty.

It blends into the room
Like a shy bat in the shadow.

Years have passed...years.
Cracked wrinkles are now covering
It's shining skin,
But like an untamed
Sixty-Nine Mustang

It still does the job,
Oh boy it does.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 28 january 2012

One Day California

The nature blossoms boastfully
Like a vivid, colourful flower.
The evergreen trees stand rigidly over me
Like they're green and brown towers.

The sizzling sand trickles through the soft toes
Of those who promenade on the beaches with ease.
You can escape the cold all loaths
And be painted tan in a pleasurable breeze.

You can buy a convertable and roll in it
Through avenues, past villas.
Life is free, you're in control of it,
No need to fight life like guerillas.

You can drive by majestic snow-topped mountains
And winding safe sunset roads,
Driving like you're aiming for the horizon, no day counting.
When to stop? Don't really know.

The city lights glisten like glitter,
The buildings themselves are alive and breathing.
Some throw this life away like litter,
I'd find it impossible leaving.

Yes I do worry and lose the smile
When I think of the San Andreas Fault,
And I adore Ireland, the Emerald Isle,
My love for here is strong as asphalt.

Still, I dream and dream more every damn dream
Is situated in just that one place.
In one second I can think of California's supremes,
And get that cute happy face.

I want to be there under the fiery sun
And under the sensational soothing moon.
There's Utopias all around the world, but this is my one.
California, I hope to see you soon.

One day California...
One day.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 25 january 2012

Bad Day

An out-of-tune harmony
Embarassing sound in its entrirety

A shabby, dented car
Coughing for fuel

A sturdy stage floor turned into a trap door
As it collapses under innocent feet

A cold stone monument that
Topples like mature timber

A prancing deer, sipping spring water
Shot, blown dead

A tall scaffold
Crumbling like biscuits in hand

A fishing boat
Eaten up by a hungry wave

This is what my day is like

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 21 january 2012


Clean shining blonde hair,
Eyes blue and bright like icebergs.
My future falling down the stairs,
His going high and skyward.

In the dictionary, defines
Confident and Charismatic.
The Saviour, the hero all the time.
Strolls in, makes the girls ecstatic.

Runs past me and the wind,
Fit, healthy and athletic.
Cute smile and cheeky grin,
In no way is he pathetic.

Dear money, dear cars
And a dearly fancy mansion.
Snooker table, basement bar
And wardrobe of Milan fashion.

Most futures around here are
The alleyway light that's dim.
All prays and wishes on a star
To be our nemesis, to be him.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 19 january 2012

Long Road of Life

Life is a long road.
At the start is a learning process,
Learning the road twists and turns
And has ups and downs.
Patches of the tarmac can be ruined, dirty and rough,
As well as it always smooth.
Beauty is always came across,
Whether it is passing by a pretty girl
Or nature as pretty as her.
At the end of the road,
Time can fly fast in your car
Or cruise slow,
But in the end
You will take a look back and say
'Wow, what a journey.'

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 18 january 2012

Fight in the Making

I clench my fists tight,
I feel fired up and able
To bash him with all my might
Like I bash my fists on this table.

His words hurt and pierced me
Like a knife that cuts one dead.
I breath heavy, slowly...and deep,
As I write a letter in my head;

'Dear God, please
Let me smack him in the jaw.
I'm waiting, I'm teased,
Forget the parents' house laws.'

As I pen this poem in rage,
I grind my teeth like hard rocks scraping.
I walk away from this page
Because there's a fight in the making.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 2 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 16 january 2012

On A Snowy Winter Day

The silence was so startling
As I walked on a snowy winter day.
The owl in his tree hooted partly,
But that was all nature had to say.

The thick foggy snow poured down and blinded my sight,
It painted every single outside solid white;
The endless grass and trees,
All the rugged cracked fences,
The empty roads and streets,
And them lonely park benches,
The frozen-over lakes,
The roofs of all houses,
Every jet black painted gate
And my brand new coat and trousers.

I imagine parents and kids playing in the snow,
Throwing snowballs making themselves some wings.
Although simple, it's like an entertainment show.
Imagine this is the fun frozen precipitation brings.

The blanket of snow is bitter,
But it wraps me up with happiness and warmth
Without a snowy winter,
I'm like paper, easily torn.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 15 january 2012

That Fire on a Winter Night

Oh that fire on a winter night...
The hands swish and sway
Up the chimney, but leave behind
The heat of it, caressing
My skin with its fingertips,
Smothering the bitter draught dead.

It's a swarm of warmth,
The light of my night,
Comfort in day of discomfort...
Oh that fire on a winter night.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 18 january 2012

Like Toy Soldiers

You have some sort of gun
In your hands all the time.
You're always together as one,
Usually in a straight line.

The colours that you wear
Symbolise the filth
That makes your chats heat up like flairs,
Showing no remorse or guilt.

You believe everyone else are bowling pins,
Think you can knock them down without vain.
But you're as thick as your skin,
Don't have a brain.

You play your stupid game,
Shoot at each other's side.
Why would you bother going through this pain?
An answer's never been supplied.

For you, the days will never get older.
Because you gangsters will fall quick,
Like toy soldiers.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 4 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 12 april 2012


I am the goalkeeper
Of Manchester United
Leaping like an agile leopard
For the ball powered at me.

I am a cage fighter,
A pitbull viciously
Attacking anyone who
Dares enter my ring.

I am that guy
People can see
Touching the dry sky
And his fluffy clouds.

I am never the same,
Never who I really am...

On my trampoline.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 1 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 29 march 2012

Last Goodbye

The luxury's shredded up by loan sharks.
Life's a flair that lost its spark.
I sometimes needed reminding who I am.
But you ignored the stormy gusty mists,
Never cursed, growled or clenched fists,
But took me gently by the hand.

Under rain and a street light, I strummed my guitar.
I even sold the bloody car.
In 2012 money rolls in and flies away.
But you gave me reason to continue to live,
Made me think I had more to give
And guided me through every diabolic day.

I was always stepped on like a pedal,
I never even saw a trophy or medal,
Never a Champion of the World.
To me you're the gold medal winner
When it comes to love and the evening dinners
And never letting go of our girl.

I could never pay the rent.
My future took dent after damn dent.
Life's a crashed car that can never be repaired.
Life has beaten me in the end.
I'll love you always, my darling, my friend.
This poem is my last goodbye to you. Take care.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 30 january 2012

No Love No Life

Like an owl, I see no light. I'm lost.
In my shadowed room I stay.
You removed the scintillating gloss
From every single beautiful day.

I was proud as a peacock,
I was happy and hefty.
Now my life is a dead broken clock
Because you left me.

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 14 january 2012


I stepped with care through a world of green
And drifting rain,
As it slithered slowly and with ease.

With its scaly skin
And its pointed devil tongue
Hissing and rattling

I had suspicions
I was on this sly serpents hitlist.
Imagine innocent me,
The prey of a shy dismaying snake.

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 28 january 2012

The Night Sky

I look out of my bedroom window
And gaze in awe at the thick black night sky.
The stars pierce the whole atmosphere
With their shimmering shine.
I see the moon, a ball of light
Outstanding like a sore thumb,
Proving his status as
The lamp of the night.

I then turn around
And see,
The damn homework on my desk
That I still haven't bloody finished!

number of comments: 0 | rating: 2 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 14 january 2012

Dedication to a Teacher of Mine

We all shudder inside
As we see death in her cold eyes.
With her sharp dagger tongue,
The buzzing flies stay young
When around this lizard in disguise.

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 15 january 2012


You all run, dashing like raging bulls
Dodging gatling bullets to leave a crackless skull.
You shoot every sitting duck until swimming in pool of red,
All with the power of a finger pull.

You wear off your legs it does appear,
Time for a new pair to help you persevere.
Like gladiators, you fight to the last hit dead.
Here stage crew, shine the spotlight over here.

Like a swarm of bees in the same uniforms,
You unite, never leave one forlorn.
For your beloved nation, blood is shed
And miles are walked in rough storms.

It's clear as day, your nation's in your heart and veins.
It's for honour, it's love, it's torture and pain.
You're heroes, admired, in our prayers before bed
And cherished like pure golden chains.

It is never always the happy bedtime story.
Tears will be forced out, the battlefield will get gory.
But throughout upcoming years, let this be read;
Soldiers, win or lose, you are men of glory.

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 23 january 2012


A person so lifeless and crude,
With your grey colour comes greyer moods.
Go on clouds drift away
Because we meet you everyday,
As you suffocate warmth and clear blue.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 3 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 21 january 2012

Dear God

Dear God,

Are you up there?
This is another human alive on land.
I hope You realise for You I care,
Your Bible's caressed in my hand.

I have been careless and rude in the past,
Made my mistakes and blunders,
But I pray to You always, I see You as
Similar to the shining light that I'm under.

True, I have a cosy bed
And the living room fire burns and sparks,
But this recession kills personal warmth dead
And keeps this family surviving in the dark.

We have no night-vision goggles or torches,
Can't afford them on our own.
It's unwelcoming as turned-off lights on porches,
Knowing we have to fight all unknown.

I look at my family and then myself
And think 'Is there a future? '
I want to be fearless and calm instead
And composed like sharpshooters.

I want a future in the dumps a doubt,
I just never want to worry.
Every time I dream about
That Paradise, my vision's blurry.

Lord, I see You as food and drink,
My Saviour, my Friend.
Dear God, I count on You, please bring
This depression to an end.

number of comments: 0 | rating: 4 | detail

AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 16 january 2012

We Could

I could have a house with you, my dear wife,
A sweet home for us and our kids,
And enjoy the simple headlight bright life
We always wanted to live,
Be it listening to the choir nestled in the trees
Or having a vivid view of the sparkling diamond ocean,
We could do it all hand in hand with ease
With all positive emotions.
Our days would always shine like its sun,
Never dark and underground.
We could look back at how fine our lives had run
When the big sunset comes around.

Could have had it
All, with you
If you were, with

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 16 january 2012

Writing A Poem

Click, click,
Says the pen in my hand,
Day is bland
As it runs away from every woman and man.

Say to myself,
'Words need to be more effective and strong,
It's all wrong.'
Day's free as springtime, but this is taking too long.

Step, step.
I'm no longer a tree rooted to the ground.
I'm pacing around
Thinking of what to write a poem about.

What about nature?
I could amplify the rustling green leaves
In the strong breeze
And the woodpecker knocking at the jagged brown trees.

Maybe love?
I could talk about my darling wife,
The sunlight
That gives me direction in life.

Oh death...
I could put myself in rain as happiness drowns,
The tender tears drip down,
With a quiet goodbye to my princess without the crown.

Could also do summer,
Make the reader sweat under large heat mass,
Yellow bees buzzing past
As I relax on the green freshly cut grass.

Oh also winter...
See the brown leaves jump for their lives,
Dead under blanket of white,
As the freezing breeze strangles any warmth alive.

What about a newborn?
Hear life's only satisfying cry,
Mother's relieving sigh
As both parents are in wonder high as the sky.

Maybe music...
Let the soft harmonic tunes comfort my ears,
Filtered of stress and fear
As the tired drowsy eyes appear.

My mind has just had a transformation.
After long duration,
The pipeline has burst with imagination.

After hours in my room and after T.V. shows were missed,
It's like bliss,
Being prepared in writing a poem...

Like this.

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 18 january 2012

Now A Reality

I see pitch black, and then blue,
The blue of a clear tropical sky,
Partnered with wispy clouds
And the sun smiling down, towering above me.

I shake off my tired head
And stagger out of my hammock,
To cool myself down in the sea,
Though near-blindness kicks in
From the shining, sparkling water.
This still does not stop me from having a relaxing swim
Before the tide forces me gracefully back to shore.

At sunset, I stroll along home
Walking along the steep cliff edge,
I see the horizon eating up the descending sun,
As the sun leaves a fiery, blurry yellow line
Reflecting on the rippling water.

I then arrive at my beautiful seaside villa.
Oh my God I had a dream of living in this palace,
And it is now a reality.

I open the door with a smile,
And I am welcomed by the sight
Of my lotto-winning ticket,
In a frame, on my wall.

Oh my God I had a dream of living this life
And it is now a reality.

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AJ Ryan

AJ Ryan, 5 may 2012


I'm fine, in the room...just fine.
But then black purples and greens flash.
If only I cluld stay conscious, stay fine,
But I become a wingless plane and crash.

I'm awake again, vertical staring faces
Block out the blinding lights.
That awkward moment of staring faces
And being asked "Are you alright?"

I leave the room mumbling curse after curse,
Helped by teachers smaller and stout.
I question this misfortune, this cruel curse,
And desiring that the day finishes out.

My face, coated in strong scarlet,
Is covered with a colour so sick and pale.
I'm ashamed, even my bones are scarlet
As my mind replays that epic fail.

Well that's another one tallied up,
Even in my youthful years.
The news is a virus, spreading down and up
Through walls, to satirical ears.

The bell rings, and I escape the prison,
Unnoticed and not chased after.
My mind's still in shock, caged like the prison,
And I can't wait for the laughter.

I'm like a shirt in a paintball fight,
Left with an unremovable stain.
It just has to happen to me, something I can't fight;
That awkward moment when I faint.

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