| Jock Engelman |
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Jock Engelman, 2 april 2012
Seeds Planted in our first interaction;
Seeds of new emotion and affection;
Were placed deep within my chest cavity;
A new source of poetic inspiration;
Hidden in my heart of dissociation;
Just like an unknown time-bomb of beauty;
It blossoms, my heart stolen in your possession;
For once it's not just manipulation;
Flowering into a bed of roses;
This was going to be a dedication;
Of my admiration and affection;
But it all went wrong before I could finish;
I thought you could repair the damaged section;
To re-animate my self appreciation;
The blossomed roses begin to wilter;
Petals black with discolouration;
But for one I perform a resurrection;
To remind myself why I cannot love;
Jock Engelman, 26 march 2012
Black, billowing out of the exhaust pipe;
To join the smog, and the smells so damn ripe;
Flowing free form, as I watch from my stop;
Shaking my dark facial features, Why oh Why;
Coughing in this polluted Sky, I Sigh;
Oh I wonder and I ponder today;
Hear, Hear the complaints on the radio;
Climate Change you know, Climate Changed, Yeah So?;
All we do is talk, There's no active change;
Whining and crying of politicians;
Puffs of dense dark smoke, just like magicians;
Sickened, am I the only one who cares?
Jock Engelman, 21 march 2012
With wings that seem to sparkle like the night sky;
Who's purpose seems to be float, glide and fly;
It tears my heart to know you are so rare;
Or that in adulthood you go unnoticed;
With technicolour wings of the dearest;
For you life is full of beauty and simplicity.
Jock Engelman, 20 march 2012
As you stare with your cold grey eyes you judge;
I know your instant opinon won't budge;
Your lined and sagged face hide what's within;
Make up covered nostrils all raised and flared;
My ears bleed from sounds of your false laugh shared;
Cringing as the high pitch pierces my ears;
Don't whine your the ones who raised all of us;
T'was jus a smack you say, what is the fuss;
Plain amazing how you can still think this;
While I can smell your expensive coffee;
You sip it with plain disregard for money;
A lack of empathy for all in poverty;
I know, go on, send me to the gallows;
Upper class? Can you really be this shallow;
Alone I see how you are so alouf;
Skin, Body and Hair art doesn't mean we Sin;
We bleed blood, we bleed emotions, we bleed kin;
And yet, here I sit, judging you myself;
Jock Engelman, 13 march 2012
Within the urge, continues to build on;
Separate from a place, I truely belong;
Away from the trees, streams and animals;
I wish to hide from, the husle and busle;
I wish to hide from, the turns and tusles;
Tired of running, in this rampart rat race;
The blaze of fire, over the velvet black;
Chirping sounds of song birds, reach my rucksack;
The scents of pollenation, treat my senses;
In my minds eye, back to the bush I go;
Where there's no power, from connections or dough;
It is programmed into my D.N.A;
Darn! Back to the smokey, noisy, city;
Just a single person, so itty-bitty;
Long to live in the wild, with the serenity;
Wish to sleep, with the beauty of nature;
With the stars, butterflys, and all creatures;
Where I belong, feeling wholy content;
Jock Engelman, 13 march 2012
I'm soaring, it's roaring, no longer boring;
I'm laughing, it's flying, no longer crying;
No longer captive, I'm smiling, it's freedom;
I'm crazy, it's hazy, no longer angry;
I'm blooming, it's fumming, no longer grooming;
No longer destined, I'm unread, it's unsaid.
(p.s. if anyone wants to know what a triumph saint can look like, it is here at this link: http://motorivista.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/triumph-saint-motorbikes-422x281.jpg )
Jock Engelman, 13 march 2012
Look! Look at all the men, once filled with hope;
Look! Look at all the men, now who cant cope;
Driven into hiding, by this shallow world;
So afraid, to express their true feelings;
Cause you rejected and left them dreaming;
To chase those cheats with every other tart;
But by the time of your epiphany;
About his continual decency;
It's you who have moved into the friendzone;
Jock Engelman, 26 february 2012
Well hello there summer’s breeze, I’ve missed you;
Oh there’s Mister Sun, so he’s your friend too;
Missed the way you pair tantalise my senses;
In your absence I’ve only seen Mister Grim;
Possessor of dead souls, yeah that’s him;
Last saw his friendly wave, and terror smile;
Well Mister Sun, please dry my silvery tears;
And ward away my deepest, darkest fears;
As I spread ashes of my once closest friend;
See Mister Breeze, taking him away slowly;
Spin as freeform, and ever so lightly;
Feeling I’ll bleed to death from the pain of this;
I know you didn’t want to become powder;
But I can’t scream “Sorry”, any louder;
Deep within, I feel my heart just cracking;
Soul dissolves, like your ashes in the sea;
Alone, as far as the eye can see;
Crashing of waves, impossible to hear;
Burning scent, of the gusting ocean air;
Watch you blow and float, all the way out there;
Mister Sun, scurries back behind the clouds;
And as Mister Breeze departs, so does all comfort;
Now everything, has reach finish and sort;
Left solitary, with my broken heart;
Thinking of the duality, of life and more;
From death grows life, and the other way for sure;
I ponder, should I jump and join him now;
So Bro, I just wanted you to know;
In heart you’ll reside, each year I’ll show;
How much I miss you, on your Burning Day;
Jock Engelman, 21 february 2012
Not a single flaw in your olive skin;
Actions suggest you want everything;
Locks flow freely, like golden waterfalls;
Others gawp and stare, tripping over their feet;
With glassy eyes, show they are keen to meet;
This creature, which holds such beauty;
That shimmering white smile wont fool me;
The flawed personality, that i see;
A deformed monster of utter nightmares;
Hidden behind advertisements and dolls;
Manipulating with ILY's and LOL's;
And Perspectives shallower than outer skin;
Jock Engelman, 20 february 2012
The screams crack, through the silence of the night;
As this cruel world, gives you this pain to fight;
I guard you in my arms, I coax the pain;
Shh Shh Shh, oh please don't cry dear brother;
I'm here for you, no matter, forever;
Soothingly whispered, in his hearing aids;
On life's journey, together we'll embark;
Please dont make me cry, with you in the dark;
despite the eighteen year, age separation;
Shh Shh Shh, oh i know you are teething;
why should this befall, such a small being;
Sad you cant hear, my soothing lullaby;
Clutching you tight, so close i share your pain;
HEY LIFE!, why should you be such a harsh game;
Praying for your pain to seep into my skin;
Our silvery tears, mixing like a potion;
To forge a bond to last eternity long;
So dear brother, welcome to this cruel world;
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