8 january 2012
I am Bill.I live with my brother, my dad, mom and my lil sis.There's always this thing that bothers my mind..it's because i believe that my mom and sis already died.It was almost a yearago yet not that old to be forgotten.our house was burnt for unknown reason.They we're found dead on the room i was staying.Burned, yet there's still mystery upon their death.
I can barely remember that i see mere smoke and huge fire.i was just 7 yet my mind works as if i was not.After the tragic happenings the ocean made noise and i saw a huge wave comming towards our direction.Crowds of neigbors, the police, the rescuers and even i, my lil bro and dad run away.
our house was swallowed by that huge wave.After that i don't know what else happened.I hear my dad yell and my lil bro crying.I see blurry lights and hear the sirens.I was asleep! am i? i see the lights striking in my eyelids yet i can not see any image.i hear the sound of waves smashing unto rocks then i'm
shocked to reality i'm just sitting on the deck before the emergency room in the city hospital.I was wonderin' what i'm doin' there but 'twas just a couple'o seconds when i saw my lil bro and dad walked out the emergency room, smiling and waved on me.My dad shouted com'mon bill let's go home.okey, well my dad's calling me.Gotta go!
i really don't know what happened but as we go back to where our house was build it was still there standing steady and strong.I looked around i saw our neighbor's house burnt.and i said' oh, bla bla i really don't know what's happening! ' and asked dad 'dad i thought it was our house burned? '
and as i always hear from him dad answered in a huge voice 'what? are you out of your mind? '
then i heared a soft voice saying 'John, let him rest.Maybe he's hallucinating.he's from kelly's house beside the shore.we all knew it's almost impossible for him to survive that huge fire.'
my pores closed, my spines shivered..and my heart pumped fast...
i shouted' who's that'? ... MOM?
and the voice answered 'yes dear.'
my dad then said' LEt's took him to the doctor, maybe the accident affected his mind too.'
'but DAD! ! , Mom and tricia died already! '
he answered: 'That's not funny bill! if yu're thinking this is the right time to crack pranks.well ITS NOT! ! ..Go to your room! ! '
'but DAD? '!
'NO buts, go to your room.NOW! '
okey, it seems like i really am hallucinating..maybe i came over kelly's house and caused fire and cause of the pressure and i was so scared that i would be charged for the accident i run out of my consciousness..yeah..maybe that's what happened..
'I really feel like i was dreaming, so i quinched my face and punched my head..yet i did not wake up..
so i told myself to relax 'oookeey... bill, , , re-lax! this is true..just believe...just believe! ' and i almost lost my consciousness again when i hear someone say just believe..
i turn at my back and lil sis was there at my back, , , i said' hey tricia, what are you doin' here..how'd you come in? ? ' she answered' i don't know, i just got here...but mom want you to believe...'
i answered ' what the...just go! crazy little brat! '
so she scampered out of my room...
Sigh! for all that happened this day..i want to forget it all and sleep.so i slept.
it wasn't that long till I
woked up with a voice
'Bill come down.it's dinner..i cooked your favorite dish..! '
oh its mom..
i answered
'Comming mom! ! '
and it really was true..everything is true..so i decided to forget it all..
everything turn back to normal until now.. yet i was still believing behind my thoughts that they were dead..
There will be a storm that'll enter the state tonight.The TV forecaster said it carries strong winds and heavy rains.The city government said that lights will be out at eight to prevent accidents caused by electrical damages.
Our city is not a capital.it's located at the far eastern part of the state, near the shores of open oceans.
It's 7: 03 in the evening and i guess the storm hit the state earlier than the forecast..
my dad went downtown to buy some food and my lil bro really cried so hard to go with him so he let him..
i hear the car breaks and the wheels screeching..so i looked upon the window...
why'd they brought almost all their stuffs? are they goin' out of town or running away from us?
i saw my lil bro crying at the backdoor of the car... so i shouted
'daaaaaaaaaad! where are you goin! , daaaaaaaaaad'
but it seems like he don't hear me..
maybe cause of the heavy rain..
but why are they leaving me?
suddenly the lights turned off...?
my heart is beating loudly...
and i am starting to faint...
then the light's back..
i saw my lil sis run unto the kitchen, , ,
i told her 'hey ttrish where's dad goin? , , , where's mom? '
but she did not answered...so i followed her until i..i...iii can't see her..where'd she go?
i hear a lil girl crying at the room so...i turned back and planned to peek at the room.. i saw my little sis crying at something i can not clearly see..
so i said ' trish? ', , then she stopped crying..
'what are you doing..? '
she stay silent..
and BOOM! i hear a thunder..
a lightning striked..
so i look around and found out that the antenna was strucked...
as i look back at my sis
she was gone?
then i hear footsteps at my back...
'MOM>? Trsih? ? '
then i saw my mom very far from me...at the other side of the house..it was dark.. the lights were blinking..
and a candle was lighted above the reff.
i'd gone closer and closer yet the closer i go..the more the image i'd seen fades...
'Mom? '
BOOM! ! ! ! another lightning with thunder strucked!
my mom was there again standing...
and then they've said with a very frightening voice..the one i've rarely heard at the CR or anywhere when i'm alone...
'you killed me! '
'you killed me! '
'you killed me! '
'you killed me! '
then the lights got totally busted...
i scampered away...
i'd run out the house...
the doors, the windows and everything is swinging in and out like there was a strong wind pushing them...
i rode my bicycle and cycled fast until i reached downtown...
i saw dad's car..
it was parked in front of a huge mansion..
i got in..
i'm just a little bit intrigue cause..this mansion is quite big yet no guards and no other people noticed my entrance? ..
i got through the gates..and then unto the doors..the water is dropping fast from me totally wet and cold.
i saw dad and lil bro eating..
my bro was very happy..he was laughing..
my dad was smiling while he was eating...
and said ' hey lil boy d'you like our new home..huh? .. I'm sory 'bout what happened to our old house earlier..i myself can't take to remember that tragedy...our house was burnt to dust..and nothing or no one among them survived..now little boy..it's just me and you... only us.
i came close, hoping he would notice me..
so i shouted 'dad i'm here! ! '
yet he did not noticed..
i tried several times yet it was not effective.
so i came even closer..pick up the fork and throw it away...kicked the vase and step on it..i punched the wall.. and i see my blood drifting from my hands..all i can feel is only at my right hand...the other one seems to lose it's sense..
I am starting to cry...'daaaaad, pls.'
he suddenly looked at my direction...he stood up /...
my tears were like sipped up again..and the smile in my face turned exaggerated..
but his face was not okey! he looked like he was electrified!
yet i noticed..he was not looking at me..!
his vision was just passing through..
then i saw my sis on the door she was wet with both rain water and blood..
my dad saw her..and cried..
his eyes were almost out..he's abviosly frightened..
and said
'trish! i'm sorry, i'm really sorry di not have enough time to save you..i'm sorry i let you down...' (continued weeping)
then sis cried and said..'you left me alone! you left us! you don't care for us! ! DIE! ! ! '...
dad whispered: 'NO, no, no! i care...i care...i..i.. just..i just dont know what to do...! ! '
my sis said 'DAD, here's bill.! he didn't really died cause of the fire! i killed him! '
I can't believe what i've just heared!
I'M DEAD! ! ? ? ?
'yes! yes! you are my dear! '
my mom's voice answered yet i see a burned corpse standing next to me., .
'She killed you...hahahahaha'
i answered: but..but.bbbut?
i'm with trish earlier...
' we died in the house..earlier'
i said 'huh? earlier? '
'bill? son? ...you're really there! the fire accident happened early just this dawn..' DAd said
(i saw my sis embraced by my dad..)
DAD explained me the whole thing... 'At the moment of dying cause of tragic happenings...everything flashes back and the moment will slow down you will feel like things were happening at a long period of time while it really was the other way around....... AAAAAAAAAARHG! ! ..Ruuunnn my boy..save yourself! '
oh no! what have you done trisha!
'wahahahah! ' the corpse laughed..
'don't worry...she'll just help me finish them! wahahahahah'
then again i looked back at my sister and i saw a demon child with red eyes and bloody mouth...
it bit dad and crunch his flesh into peices...
the demon child jumped over the table and intentionally broke the lamp and spill the gas..the table started the fire and burned the entire mansion...
and i.i.ii.. saw my dad ..he was already corpse...breathing on the hole on his neck.. with burned body..and blood bathed...
i tried to scamper back but i can not move....
they were all holding me back..saying 'you belong here! , you belong here with us...we're now complete...and atlast we'll be happy....wahahahahaha'....
but i did not go with them..
I am now living along the cyberworld to guide my brother's life...yet i lost him! i am now searching for him...are you my brother? i am still waiting for the ryt time to come..
i choosed to stay here with you! i'm very thankful someone was interested to read my life...but i promise...the last person to read this will see me in the first full moon of this month...
i will kill you!
please come with me....
be my brother...
5 march 2025
5 march 2025
5 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025