27 december 2011

About Nature - A Waterfall

Nature's wilderness has its characteristics which are its constituents.  Never before had I seen such a splendid sight of grace and beauty as a waterfall.  Life was being given to the green flowing lush vegetation on either side of a glittering strip of fluid motion moving down the land like a snake through grass.  How enchanting the sight was and oh how comforting.  So comforting because it was a relief to know that something cared for the young and insecure on which they were dependent.  The sounds that came from the scene reminded me of the nurturing and caressing tunes that a mother makes when feeding her young.  I must say that I was deeply overwhelmed by the associations which evolved in my mind witnessing this spectacle.  Nature has supported Man over the years, therefore Man should show gratitude by caring for the environment in which he lives - Nature.  Oh! if only people could understand and endeavour to achieve this ideal.

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