George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 november 2023

A Sonnet For You and Me

Awake! arise! you've been sleeping too long
and following the ways of all the throng.
Look around and see what you need to do
and begin to accomplish something new.
You may even have to finish those things
entrusted with you and for all life brings.
Don't brood too much now or linger over
what could have been but instead recover.
Press forward with a good diligent heart
leave sorrows behind, take an active part
in those things presently before you cast
lest it be said you weren't up to the task.
Be ever steady with your heart's resolve
and in life do things that help to evolve.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 november 2023

Simple Observation 159 - From a fertile soil and sun....

From a fertile soil and sun plus the rain of many showers
come the blossoms of spring and the fragrance of flowers.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 november 2023

Simple Observation 157 - Any time is....

Any time is a good time for God
even though it may all seem odd.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 november 2023

Quatrain 169 - We all have the power....

We all have the power of will to think and freely choose
that by which we can gain or else that by which we lose.
Yet loss and gain are just one pair of opposites in a world of duality
where the forces of ignorance and knowledge rule as an actuality.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 november 2023

Quatrain 167 - Look on the bright side....

Look on the bright side of whatever situation life has placed you
be cheerful and have courage in doing the things you should do.
To live in gloom isn't what life's really about or only meant to be
but a celebration and joyful endeavor in the spirit of discovery.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 november 2021

SImple Observation 154 - Everyone carries with them...

Everyone carries with them the burden of their karma
which is much like a field that is ploughed by a farmer.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 november 2021

Quatrain 165 - Success through a positive mental attitude...

Success through a positive mental attitude is what most people need today
and the ability to realize good ideas which are for the benefit of all in a way.
Very often the inner attitude of a person reflects on the things that are achieved
and motives behind their actions don't match up with what they have believed.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 november 2021

On The Corona Virus (7 Senryu)

Man's stupidity
has once again been displayed
to what end foretold?

To find a vaccine
is man's first priority
for the days ahead

The instigators
of this world epidemic
to justice be brought

Of this pandemic
called the corona virus
deployed was by whom?

warfare it seems to be like
no one will admit

We may never know
if it was a weapon used
in a secret way

May God help us all
is now an ardent prayer
repeated often

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 november 2021

Ignorance Personified

It's all our ignorance personified
we've called the devil and testified;
from the earliest days of existence
its been around with a persistence.

Not knowing is a thing we all dread
and strive to resolve this in our head.
So many people don't really succeed
because of the fact it's in their seed.

When in ignorance we're brought up
and groomed like a fatted calf to sup
that light of knowledge is almost out
and so in the dark we all grope about.

Only a few have learned to overcome
this dilemma that is so troublesome;
by going away leaving the rest behind
and use time to enlighten their mind.

Sometimes in the wilderness all alone
they struggle by themselves and groan
when fathoming the extent of the feat
but just so happen to make ends meet.

Divine providence looks after them all
as they learn to hear and heed Its Call
away from the mundane strife of youth
treading the higher path to the Truth.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 6 november 2021

If Ignorance Isn't A Virtue.....

Sometimes I think that if ignorance isn't a virtue
then why are there so many people indulging in it?
And this will most probably include myself at times
when I consider how much more there is to know.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2021

Simple Observation 153 - If we could only....

If we could only remember the past clearly and reflect on it a little more
we may learn certain things, to help us now, from what we did before.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2021

Quatrain 164 - The rivers of the world....

The rivers of the world all tend to flow toward the sea
and the love of the lover with the beloved longs to be.
In merging and uniting our sense of separateness disappears
and that feeling of oneness experienced removes all our fears.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2021

On Social Distancing and Self Isolation

These days there's so much emphasis
on social distancing and self isolation
it seems the authorities are taking a
hint from me with all of that regulation.
Though it's obvious to note we're told
to do it because of the corona virus;
well, it just so happens I've been doing
that for years, without all of the fuss.
But, whether we like to admit it or not
all people carry with them their own
type of contagious something or other
defining their life by which it's known.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2021

Better Off From The Start

We'd all be so much better off from the start
if we attained to a clean mind and pure heart
'cause they work together well but not so apart
and our lives would end up being a work of art
finished by an accomplished artist at their craft
who'd also be highly regarded prior to the draft
on a blank canvas of our life's unfolding drama
without anything to hinder the superb panorama.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 19 february 2021

Backyard Cemetery

In the confines of the house's backyard
there are no marked graves at all to see
but an attempt will be made by this bard
to relate according to personal memory
of some creatures buried therein to be.

Over the course of many years gone by
various creatures have been laid to rest
in the soil of the yard's ground to comply
with an improvised simple funeral blest
by a short little prayer to end their quest.

There were a couple of cats it is recalled
one of them was within the property born
though with the other memory has stalled
which is not surprising and hardly forlorn
to blame or point at with a finger of scorn.

Then there were also a few local birds
mainly sparrows that were regularly fed
which flew all around and dropped turds
being a little distressing to find any dead
some due to after eating crumbs of bread.

They were preyed upon by neighbors' cats
and left for dead when they were disturbed
in their instinctual appetite that included rats
when by humankind were scared and curbed
due to their wild nature's feast so perturbed.

Then on occasion also mice would run free
which were seen coming through the fence
and when at times chased scurried up a tree
where they would hurry to get away thence
a similar burial applied if found dead hence.

It'd be so incomplete here not to mention
all those spiders and insects that had died
in some way or other due to a pretension
that their annoying habitual nature implied
to be poisoned or squashed in their stride.

They have all been buried in the backyard
in various places there that are not marked
laid to rest in the ground either soft or hard
under where others had roamed and barked
in the distant past after they were all carked.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 30 november 2019

Simple Observation 151 - It is said that lightning .....

It is said that lightning doesn’t ever strike at the same place twice
and a person passes as a fool who makes the same mistake thrice.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 30 november 2019

On Meditation

Sit in silence and have a break
from everything when you're awake.
Take some time and be by yourself
then you might even improve health.
If this is done regularly
you'll enjoy life more happily.
Close your eyes to then look within
at the darkness that's consuming.
Just observe the thoughts which arise
don't get involved with all their lies.
Seek the light of your Spirit Soul
and it will lead you to the Goal.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 30 november 2019

Ode to Felicity

O Felicity, You have been good to me
how can I ever hope to repay Thee?
Just when I thought that all was lost
Your presence inside me did so accost.
You lifted me gently out of my darkest hours
brightened the day with the colors of flowers;
together with their fragrance while in bloom
was a remedy that dispelled most of the gloom.
And those tears that flowed from my eyes
were in gratitude cleansing like the skies;
after the rains fall and the clouds disperse
the sun shines through with a rainbow verse.
You are so gracious and very caring
in spite of our insolence in despairing;
that grip of sorrow is loosened in our heart
as Your bliss removes the pain bearing part.
Oh, how thankful we should all really be
when we recognize Your uplifting spree;
You are at hand to restore our natural joy
the darkness of ignorance tries to destroy.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 30 november 2019

Why The Caged Bird Really Sings

The caged bird sings because
it longs for freedom
to fly and be with its own kind
and to know what life is really about
and be able to share it with a soul mate.
That's why the caged bird sings -
a song of hope and for all we know
a mournful yet beautiful sad song
of longing for the life
it was created for and dreams of having
instead of being cooped up in a cage
playing a role that was
never intended by nature
for it to have and live
as a captive show-piece
for a higher evolved form......
The ultimate expression of cruelty
to deprive another creature
of its natural born freedom.....
That's why the caged bird really sings!

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

Simple Observation 146 - After a new thing is acquired........

After a new thing is acquired and repeatedly seen
it will almost seem then as if it has always been.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

Quatrain 151 - Do not tarry too long by the wayside.....

Do not tarry too long by the wayside on the road home that you have taken;
get up, move forward, look ahead to the horizon and with the sunrise waken.
If you've got yourself caught in a rut get out as soon as there is an opening,
because this world is a vast place with many paths and doorways beckoning.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

Never Lose The Laughter in Your Eyes

You should never let anyone take away the laughter in your eyes
when they look into them and see the inner blessing is still there;
as they've recognised it being lost in themselves and try to disguise.
For if it is still with you, then you are very blessed indeed
and the other person will only try to steal that very thing
which has been missing from their life out of jealous greed.
It could be anybody you may know or will sometimes meet
in your wanderings, no matter who they appear to be like,
because they have squandered theirs and are now out to cheat.
That person will try just about anything to steal your inner mirth
in a deceitful or unsuspecting way; so you'll have to take care,
as it's rightfully yours and perhaps have even regained since birth.
The laughter in one's eyes is the connection with the bliss and light of the soul
which is inherent in all human beings no matter how cold they seem to be
but can be lost when one acts against their own conscience and neglect its role.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

A Long Lost Love

I fell in love and lost my heart
and that was why it tore apart.
The love given wasn't returned
by the one for whom it had yearned.
It all seemed so sad at the time
I often thought it was a crime.
But then I could be so naive
early in life's path to believe.
Nature's hand had dealt me a blow
and recovery was very slow.
Everyone I asked was futile
in answering to make me smile.
I sought for love in wrong places
and all I got was strange faces;
looking back at me with contempt
'cause in their heart love was exempt.
Rejection is a dreadful thing
and everyone has felt its sting.
A love you may feel for someone
is best experienced as fun.
Never force love on another
even if they're a real brother
You'll just draw them further away
and who knows what else is at play.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 25 september 2019

A Bumble Bee Mystery

I once had seen a bumble bee
or so I thought it was to me.
In the backyard one sunny day
I saw it flying low and stay
hovering there near a flower
as I walked by like a tower.
It was big and did seem busy
looking at it made me dizzy.
Glowing in an unearthly light
and its colours were also bright.
It almost seemed now I recall
that scene was supernatural.
Because in the blink of an eye
it vanished without telling why.
I looked around hoping to see
where it had gone this bumble bee
But no matter how hard I tried
I never again caught or spied
another glimpse of that creature
with such a radiant feature.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 march 2018

Simple Observation 144 - It’s the little things in life.....

It’s the little things in life that count the most
and the big ones those of which we can boast.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 march 2018

Quatrain 148 - Silence or definite action is ....

Silence or definite action is the right answer when words are of no avail;
let the language of the heart speak with love when all else seems to fail.
If you have a point to make and it appears to fall only on deaf ears
try setting a good example first and allay all your immediate fears.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 march 2018

To A Wilting Rose

Hey you there, oh thou drooping rose
what are you trying to disclose?
It seems that time has passed quickly
and left you now looking sickly.
You once were so bright and fragrant
but now you are like a vagrant;
shedding down all those body parts
before the expected end starts.
Was it because of your placement
in front of a sheer glass casement
on that window sill sun-exposed
and in midday hours being closed?
My sympathy for you dear friend
it looks as if you're near the end.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 march 2018

Autumn Whispers

When you hear all those trees
how they sing in the breeze
with their branches and leaves
which are now falling down
to cover the bare ground
and pile up in a mound
from where all of them grow
they begin then to show
that season we well know.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 20 march 2018

The Secret Beyond Sleep

A God of peace and rest is within us all
that is why we have to heed sleep's call.
On a daily basis that is usually at night
we tend to fall asleep devoid of any light.
In that unconscious darkness of our soul
we find true rest and peace playing a role
in everyone's existence no matter who it is
a likeness of that sought as heavenly bliss.
It's an unconscious union with our Source
of which most people aren't aware of course.
Throughout our lives this discipline we keep
being an imperative need to get some sleep.
No creature can ever ignore it for too long
as its force is overwhelming and so strong.
It's a universal call for everything to return
back to where it came from that we discern.
It really couldn't be any other way unless
we get to experience a state beyond stress
that may come about when one is awake
in tune with a higher energy and it betake.
There are some higher dimensions of existence
that can be experienced without any resistance.
We just have to seek and find the secret place,
that is hidden inside us all, with Divine Grace.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 january 2018

A New Year's Message

I'd like to wish a Happy New Year to one and all
and hope that together we'll try and not to forestall
each others efforts to write directly from the heart
what life and nature itself is thereby eager to impart
about our journey with them to find out the reasons
as to why we're all here and to enjoy those seasons
and phases of our lives with all their highs and lows
without which we'd have nothing God only knows.
Always try and do the right thing.
so that at least it may good bring.
Have a happy, safe, healthy,
prosperous and creative
New Year in 2018
Many Blessings
to one and all.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 21 november 2017

Simple Observation 142 - After we scale the heights.....

After we scale the heights and reach the top
at some point there a while we have to stop.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 21 november 2017

Reserved For Love

I have no reservations at all in loving You
and saying this is my proof of it being true.
You're the only one who sees into my heart
no matter where I am though it seems apart.
I can't hide any of my feelings towards You
that rise up from within whatever I may do.
They're so strong at times I'm beside myself
and find that I am acting as such like an elf.
If they really do not draw You closer to me
then I'm bereft of Your love and needn't be.
Please don't hold back in giving any advice
as to how I will be able Your love to entice.
Pure love isn't a game that anyone can play
but is reserved for those who go all the way.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 21 november 2017

Loss And Love

I am at a loss when it comes to loving thee
and wonder how this could ever really be.
Love's a feeling that rises up from the heart
and is directed towards one who's apart;
when two people may both casually greet
or when they are by fate destined to meet.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 21 november 2017

Sunlight In The Park

There was sunlight pouring down
in the park and on the ground
where it could also be seen
the grass had a brighter sheen.
All the shadows that were cast
would for a while yet still last
and the beauty of that sight
was distinguished in the light.
Note: This was written to go with my graphic piece titled: Sunlight In The Park 1

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 28 april 2017

Simple Observation 140 - Out of all the things in our world.....

Out of all the things in our world we find
love is verily of the most sought after kind.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 28 april 2017

Simple Observation 139 - It’s hard to be positive when .....

It’s hard to be positive when so many things around seem to be going wrong
but not being negative demands a degree of optimism which has to be strong.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 28 april 2017

Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you what .....

Nobody can do for you what you really can or should do by yourself
so don't go running either here or there or turning to somebody else.
There are certainly some few things that are only for each individual to work out,
all we need is the inspiration to motivate our will into action which is hard without.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 28 april 2017

Quatrain 141 - When you do your best .....

When you do your best and it just isn't good enough,
then life for you dear friend must be somewhat tough.
Sometimes we need to put in an extra effort or do a bit more,
with our whole mind and heart involved we can open the door.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 28 april 2017

The Unseen Observer

You are in the world but aren't really seen
and exist there behind a hidden screen.
Whatever that is seen no matter where
can't look back knowing that You are there.
You stay hidden in Your secret place
and look out at everything in space
that is known to be forever changing
which is why it's very wide ranging.
You come and go when the time is right
and avoid being seen in one's sight;
not wishing to reveal to them who
are thereby in the body caged too.
You remain out of all the limelight
that is at times so dazzlingly bright
where other people will not see You
yet from within all You do look through.
You have assumed many an identity
which are all shadows of One Reality,
thus displaying in Your imagination
all the vast live universe and creation.
You have to return to your pristine state
when people go to sleep and aren't awake.
This follows that very well known course
of all things which go back to their source.
You keep a low profile in the background
so unwilling there to be known or found
by quietly minding Your own business
as the unseen observer Consciousness.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 12 january 2017

Simple Observation 137 - The ocean is so very deep.....

The ocean is so very deep that it must have a lot to hide
which has been sunk into its depths along with the tide.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 12 january 2017

Quatrain 157 - The inner beauty of man.....

The inner beauty of man is far superior to that of the outer,
we only need look deep enough within us to see it's greater.
It is basically through ignorance most haven't seen this fact,
but to actually witness this truth requires extraordinary tact.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 12 january 2017

The New Year's Resolution

Wouldn’t it be good
if everyone could
do what they all should?

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 12 january 2017


Water is the offspring of space and time
and when it flows seeks to trace the area
of its parents courtship which resulted in
their fiery union producing seeds of nature
for their nourishment and growth,
in the soil of this earth with its fertile clime.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 12 january 2017


When doubts of the mind
have all been left behind
and the light of your Soul
shows the way to life's goal
then real change for the better
happens according to the letter
of words that have inspired you
just as they're proved to be true;
acting on them as best as you can
transforming you into a new man.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 june 2016

Simple Observation 135 - To keep God in mind.....

To keep God in mind when less than a thought’s distance away
is difficult for one to do when they’re forgetful of Him each day.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 june 2016

Simple Observation 133 - The grace of God has to do with.....

The grace of God has to do with the descent of the Holy Spirit
and this in turn has some mystery or miracle associated with it.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 june 2016

Quatrain 149 - It's said that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' ....

It's said that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' so do not let yourself be deceived,
the beauty in you can be seen reflected outside and is to be realised or else perceived.
One's attitudes are a good indication of the kind of life one has been going through,
thus all can make a radical change for the better if they realise the genuine need to.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 11 june 2016

Talking About Reality

Under a blazing sun near the shade of a tree
we both stood there talking of reality.
It didn’t seem likely that we would ever stop
as the discussion held was over the top.
The topics we touched on were so often ignored
by all those who did not pretend to be bored.
First were the shackles of attachment and desire
that accounted always for much of hell’s fire.
Next were the feelings of jealousy, pride and lust
that caused all those afflicted to swell or bust.
The last three paved the way for both anger and greed
which were often blamed for many a low deed.
But the main culprit was a person’s ignorance
that keeps the light of knowledge at a distance.
We also mentioned those states of impurity
found in all those people who failed to see
the consequences of their thoughts, words and actions
which bring on so many dis-satisfactions.
Though it could be argued in favor of one’s birth
that each of us is subject to on this earth.
The result of which is what seeds we all have sown
in previous lives; Realized Ones make known.
This is referred to here as the wheel of karma
we’re all burdened with and reap like a farmer.
There were also those features of duality
that all things fall under in reality.
This is mostly known as the world of opposites
and our universe is made up of these bits.
Some examples we mentioned were so obvious
as one’s ignorance and knowledge were to us.
Which brought us to the company we all do keep
that many don’t ever recognize and sleep
with strange bedfellows we could really do without
meaning those things we accumulate about.
The things we need the most are not all that we get
and those who fall under this show some regret.
Then we broached the subject of one’s faith and belief
things that people go to such lengths for relief;
in their quest for happiness leave no stone unturned
usually depending on what they have learned.
Though it’s through experience people find the truth,
by self effort and grace, that’s hidden since youth.
Most of the people in the world only look outside
and miss the splendor that within them does hide.
When they get to pierce the darkness of closed eyes
and learn the technique that opens inner skies
they will see other worlds along with this one too
within a light that’s seen only by a few.
A person must be committed to the true path
shown by a Master who knows the aftermath.
Unless one happens to find it all by one's self
being rare indeed like jumping to top shelf.
There are so many paths and all do lead somewhere;
only those on the straight and narrow get there.
Then we began to talk about the Word of God
that sound of the Creator which may seem odd.
Although many people hold such radical views
about this and confuse it with what they choose.
The pulse of the universe is the sound of Om
the Word of the Creator it has sprung from.
That also includes some form of revelation
which can be vouchsafed to one for citation.
God is infinite and has limitless power,
which is rarely used or sent like a shower
down onto the earth at a particular time
when special people are born to us sublime.
We ended up by talking all about Pure Love;
a path that brings down the Divine from above.
As all those who practice it daily in their life
will know the Truth of It in the midst of strife.
It doesn’t matter what circumstances exist
at any such time; one just has to persist.
Glory be to God Who gives the highest wisdom
and by His Grace shows us the way to freedom.
God is so compassionate and all merciful
that with His Love everything is possible.
All glory and praise be to that Eternal Being
Who alone exists and hides from false seeing.
Note: This poem goes with the graphic art titled "Under a Blazing Sun.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Simple Observation 131 - Beware of the dust that.....

Beware of the dust that gathers with neglect
which can bring in its wake much disrespect.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Simple Observation 128 - To reverse the trend.....

To reverse the trend, where possible, of an adverse condition or situation
one must take certain specific opposite measures with due consideration.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Quatrain 147 - The homecoming of the soul....

The homecoming of the soul is a great affair of joy and sweetness
but is also characterised by a feeling of surrender and meekness.
After having gone astray through ignorance into the world of pain and sorrow
it returns back home like a prodigal son with joy and thought for the morrow.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Quatrain 145 - Do not ever pretend to be.....

Do not ever pretend to be something that you are really not,
a hypocrite is someone who their own self have not fully got.
Yet being our real self is a state most of us seem to have lost
as we have allowed a false self to take control at a great cost.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Tribute to a Poet Saint

Oh Swami Muktananda Paramahansa that bliss of liberation you attained
by Guru Nityananda's grace emancipation in this very life you had gained.
You were a representative of the lineage of poet-saints that had gone before
showing how easy it was, by chanting the name of God, to meditate for sure.
You stressed the importance of repeating the mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya'
and that if done with love would bear fruit regardless of who was the sayer.
There was so much energy about you that one could feel, like an ever present force,
the supreme blessing of Guru Nityananda was with you always being its very source.
You were a living embodiment of chitishakti or divine power-knowledge-bliss
and most of all those who came before you could also easily experience this.
It appeared at times you were unapproachable if one was by your presence overawed
and that you were on the constant lookout for any sincere aspirant who was not bored.
You also emphasized and revealed the true nature of the guru-disciple relationship
stating in plain modern words what was expected of one like in an apprenticeship.
Many secrets of the inner path you divulged and laid bare in all your writings and talks
saying the receiving of Guru's grace was what made a difference on the path one walks.
A book called 'The Play of Consciousness' explained some of the inner experiences you had
your spiritual autobiography for the world at large making many inspired and extremely glad.
To many it meant that someone was still around living these days who had been through it all
and was available to instruct and guide others on the path to the goal he'd been to well before.
You were a living True Saint, Sadguru or Perfect Master to many it seemed
and showed the way or path of the Siddhas being the one which you deemed.
Living at a place called Ganeshpuri in India nearly fifty miles from Bombay
many came from all parts of the world to see you and in your ashram stay.
In the abode you named 'Shree Gurudev Ashram' in that land of yoga where people came
many found what they were after becoming your devotees to whom you gave a new name.
There was a strict daily discipline of chanting certain scriptures, work, study and meditation
and also the occassional all night chanting of the name of God which was a holy dedication.
The atmosphere in that place was so pervaded by the energy radiating from your being
almost as if one were living in another world and could not help what they were seeing.
The whole place resembled that of a temple palace attracting people from far and wide
who came to experience what with your grace you said was to be found but only inside.
You opened up a whole new ancient path of spiritual experience leading gradually to the goal
that people from all walks of life could participate in and regain the lost treasures of their soul.
By one-pointed devotion, self-effort, obedience, meditation and the blessings of Guru's grace
anyone could practice Yoga easily without much struggle and attain that inner peaceful place.
There were many new centres that opened by enthusiastic devotees in far away lands;
with the money, sweat and labour of all those who selflessly gave by their willing hands.
And it didn't really matter at what distance or place this centre was situated from you,
although not physically present your spirit, being all pervasive, was subtly there for you.
You also visited many of the countries where your devotees lived both in the east and west
giving darshan to all those old and new followers of the Siddha path you said was the best.
Initiating many people by either a look, word, thought, touch or even by your physical presence;
and all who received of your grace getting a real buzz, were invited to tell others of its essence.
It was mostly at a certain two day program, held every one or two months, called an "Intensive"
anyone could partake of the Siddha Yoga Initiation offered, at a price, which wasn't expensive.
This was also designed to enhance and recharge those who were already practising meditation
involving chanting, meditation and talk sessions including a lunchtime meal and brief relaxation.
One had to participate fully, from about nine to five, over the two days, usually on a weekend
to get the full benefit of what the program had to offer and experience Guru's grace descend.
This was really the main date on the calendar for all those into meditation that were not to miss
if they had nothing better to do and wanted to get a lift in their 'sadhana' and acquire some bliss.
It remotely seemed to be a bit of a fund raising venture with all the money seen changing hands
but to those who couldn't afford it, must of been painful missing out, one somehow understands.
There was also the question, which crossed one's mind, as to what was being bought and sold?
- a meditative experience the result of Nityanandaji's grace through Swami Muktananda's hold!
Although no one was ever heard to complain about not getting their share of what was being given
and with the attitude of 'the more you put into something the more you'll get back' one was driven.
It also depended a lot on how much in tune you were and what prior preparation had been made;
how sincere you were in your effort also what devotion and faith at the feet of the Guru one laid.
There were no restrictions, it appeared, to either old or young, male or female to begin meditation,
all could profit and benefit in one way or another in the process and practice of Self contemplation.
One had to have an open mind and heart to receive and partake surely of the Grace that was there;
that power of the True Living Master, which was so all pervading, being available for any to share.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 august 2015

Simple Observation 125 - There are none who are farther....

There are none who are farther or closer to God in proximity
except for those perhaps who are realising their own divinity.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 august 2015

Simple Observation 123 - Nothing in this world....

Nothing in this world was really made to last
not even our bodies in which we’ve been cast.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 august 2015

Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you....

Nobody can do for you what you really can or should do by yourself
so don't go running either here or there or turning to somebody else.
There are certainly some few things that are only for each individual to work out,
all we need is the inspiration to motivate our will into action which is hard without.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 august 2015

Quatrain 141 - When you do your best....

When you do your best and it just isn't good enough,
then life for you dear friend must be somewhat tough.
Sometimes we need to put in an extra effort or do a bit more,
with our whole mind and heart involved we can open the door.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 august 2015

The Universal Divine Plan

Throughout all of those vast regions and far reaches of space
God can only be realised or known here on this earthly place.
There are about eighteen thousand worlds that sustain life as we know it
but it's only on this world in a human body will knowledge of God show It.
This information was imparted by the one and only Avatar of the age
who did also happen to be the greatest Divine Personality and Sage.

His name was Meher Baba and the words He has given are true
though He might be unknown unless His love has awakened you.
It was for this reason that He was known also as the Awakener
and those touched by His love regard Him as their Messenger.
He also revealed many other things including the main one that He was God
who incarnates out of love, always in a male form, against many a great odd.

The Avatar always comes when the world is undergoing a spiritual rebirth
and mankind is on the brink of destruction on his home planet called Earth.
It is God's duty to His creation and creatures to maintain and set things right
which otherwise would get too much out of hand according to His foresight.
He also gathers those around Him who recognize and accept Him while He yet lives
helping them all achieve life's Divine goal with the instructions and wisdom He gives.

These followers or disciples thus become the harbingers of world transformation
spreading His message of love and truth far and wide being the New Dispensation.
It is the Divine life lived by the Avatar in the world that inspires them so much
witnessing the things He does and says for the good of all with His loving touch.
Though Meher Baba has dropped the body His spirit lives on for those His words hearken
guiding all people who stumble across His Name which, in their heart, love does awaken.

It is also the first time in human history that a true image of His form was given
being a gift to posterity with a full account of His life, which by love was driven.
He also remained silent for the greater part of His life's stay here
because His words were taken too lightly in times past, far or near.
To those who inquired about Him He would let His silence speak for itself
which is the reason why the language of the heart is love, we do feel ourself.

However in His compassion He communicated firstly by the use of an alphabet board
and then later on through unique hand gestures that those close to Him could record.
He indicated that there are five Perfect Masters on this earth all the time
who looked after the affairs of the universe and this world in ways sublime.
They were after all God's representatives here on earth while He was physically absent
and it would be them who would bring Him down in the flesh for us all as a Divine Assent.
Never before has it been stated in such broad and clear terms
of the role they all play in God's Divine Plan which He affirms.
Though they are all one in consciousness they live and go about doing their own thing
which is none other than enlightenment and spiritual realisation to mankind they bring.
To find and meet such a one let alone to stay in his or her presence is a rare blessing indeed;
if one is fortunate enough to recognize one of them, can win their grace and on the goal proceed.

It's also due to the fact that we have been living in an Avataric Age
that there are also some imposters going around the worldly stage,
proclaiming to those who're misled that they can show them the way
which is back to God being what life is for and as the scriptures say.
If their thoughts, words and actions don't confirm what they preach
we should then keep away from them and thus be out of harms reach.

There are also some adepts who through various practices have gained a little power
who go about displaying their wares which onto the unsuspecting public they shower;
in the form of miraculous stunts or manifestations of objects which most people crave,
usually found to be under closer examination the workings and or illusions of a knave.
One has thus to be careful of these and other obstacles that await and lie ahead on the path
back towards the Goal of human life which is identity with God being the Divine aftermath.

It is by self-purification, selfless service, prayer, kindness, truthfulness, including meditation
that anyone can prepare themself with self-control over their lower nature to achieve salvation.
And this makes it easier to start walking the path at the beginning stages of our endeavour
which also cultivates true virtue and clears the way for our freedom one can feel is forever.
We are all knowingly or unknowingly treading the way back to our true home in some way or another
and must not remain dejected if in life we appear at times to be crestfallen by which fate does smother.

The Grace of God and the Perfect Masters is always available as They have the All-Seeing Eye
which means They can understand, see and know everything; nothing really passes Them by.
They're also the guardians of all humanity and our benefactors along that way back home
therefore it's up to us to please God and or one of Them by dedication on the path we roam.
As long as we try not to harm any of our fellow creatures by either thought, word or deed
we can be assured of Their help being forthcoming if in God we have faith or genuine need.
This is my second poem referring to a person known as Meher Baba (the name actually means compassionate father) and is based around the philosophy presented in two books that bear His name:
1. Discourses
2. God Speaks
there are however many other books written about Meher Baba that are too numerous to mention here save one which is the main biography of His entire life called "Lord Meher" written by one of His followers and disciples named Bhau Kalchuri. Although Meher Baba claimed to be the Avatar of this age He had the compassion and foresight to state and give the information of the five Perfect Masters that exist in the world for future generations as He Himself was the Foremost Perfect Master or Avatar of the age brought down and declared by Them at the time according to information given in the books mentioned above.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 31 march 2015

Simple Observation 121 - To look about and find fault with....

To look about and find fault with the world blaming God is so easy
but to look within ourselves and eliminate the real cause is queasy.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 31 march 2015

Simple Observation 119 - Where true love abounds...

Where true love abounds there the heart is awake
and one can really experience love for love’s sake.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 31 march 2015

Quatrain 138 - Great surely is the gift....

Great surely is the gift that bestows knowledge to you
and greater still if it guides one on the path that's true.
That person who has knowledge is the one of real worth
and worthier still if it is wisdom beyond this human birth.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 31 march 2015

Quatrain 137 - The best things in life...

The best things in life are said to be free
and that money doesn't grow on any tree.
But then what has this got to do with either you or me?
when this life includes all things making up our reality.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 31 march 2015

Collecting Pebbles

It was from the sands of a windswept beach
I picked up pebbles that were easy to reach.
They had attracted my attention while walking by
their coloured well formed shape caught the eye.

There were so many to choose from I had to decide
in selecting those which my fancy would coincide.
It’s truly amazing what some people see in stone
a subject which a lot of our imagination is prone.

It was almost as if I’d found treasure on the seashore
and couldn’t help myself as I looked around for more.
The simple joy of collecting something that attracts the mind
is an age old activity which all people do have of some kind.

There were the questions of how many would I take
and what, if anything with them, one could make?
They were so abundant and all varied mostly in size
that it wasn’t hard to imagine an object or visualize.

It was also only the first location at which I found
that I thought surely there must be others around.
So with a sense of adventure I looked forward to explore
another beach while making my way home along the shore.

There were several other stops made further on the way
collecting various coloured pebbles amidst the sea spray.
Many times would I get my sandals wet along that coast
going amongst rocks and sand to the waters edge at most.

It was with a sense of gain and loss then after I’d taken enough
deciding right there and then to stop collecting which was tough.
The next step would be to think about and see what I would do
with all those beautiful pebbles gathered while passing through.

Maybe I could approach someone with the right flair and skill
who could make something with them and imagination fulfill.
That natural forming eroding action of water, ice, wind and sand
rarely requires the finishing touches of some other skillful hand.

Perhaps in fashioning some jewellery using metal to bind
a few pebbles together that are different or a similar kind.
Or maybe I could just keep some myself and give the rest away
a gesture of friendship toward which our memories would play.

Yes, it was from the sands of many a windswept lonely beach
I came across and collected pebbles that were within reach.
Isn’t it truly amazing what some people see in stone?
a subject in which much of our imagination is prone.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Simple Observation 118 - Everything that usually happens in life...

Everything that usually happens in life serves some higher purpose
even if whatever’s been going on or involved seems to be in surplus.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Simple Observation 115 - If somebody pretends to be...

If somebody pretends to be something that they’re not
they won’t make the most of what they’ve already got.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Quatrain 135 - If your heart and mind are in ruins...

If your heart and mind are in ruins and you don't know in which way to turn
it could be for a while then in this position that you're really meant to burn.
The fires of love are all consuming and those whom it touches are purified;
only with pure loving feelings and actions the object of our love is satisfied.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

Quatrain 132 - Try putting yourself in the shoes..

Try putting yourself in the shoes of somebody else or to see with another's sight,
you may learn a great deal about this world and yourself which is probably right.
If we gain the ability to see ourselves through the eyes and mind of another person
we'll get to know what is expected of us and not cause certain situations to worsen.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 15 april 2014

The Highest Of The High

Part 1
A pilgrimage to Thy feet someday I hope to make
where I no longer will be, except as dust, for my sake
to please You and seek Your pleasure to date
when knowing You are really my best mate.
If You appear to be hard on me I will know
there's something more You wish me to forego.
You have a habit of working in unfathomable ways
mind boggling to those who attempt such displays
as knowing Your will when Your whim's holding sway
revealing their ignorance and causing some dismay.
You have and use the capacity of a universal mind
staggering to the imagination leaving it far behind,
being the subtlest of the subtle and pervading all planes
throughout the three worlds You're the One who entertains.
Whether in apparent joy or sorrow remaining always the same
established in reality and far beyond the opposites' game.
You're the perfect mirror reflecting what and where we are;
as being unrealistic and caught in illusion, not going very far.
When we recognise our situation and let You take us by the hand,
with all faith and humility, we can reach that place where You stand.
Outwardly You appear to have a most unassuming stature
yet inwardly possessing spiritual wealth of an infinite nature.
You radiate divine love to all who come before You;
in Thy presence it's like drowning and melting into
a supremely blissful existence beyond any worldly experience.
An intense yet somewhat cooling fire of love, in all conscience
like an inner awakening and emerging into a fathomless being,
all around as inseparable parts of an infinite ocean and seeing
that there is nothing else to behold in formless eternity
which is really our true nature and immaculate reality.
You have indicated that You're the One many seek but so few find
and that You are the Ancient One; being The Only One of a kind.
This time around though You have come not to teach but to awaken
and by remaining silent, through Your silence, the world will be shaken.
Perhaps like an oncoming storm where lightning is seen before thunder
Your glory will manifest regardless of what is going on down under.
Eventually ushering in the New Humanity of which You have spoken
and uttering One Word, everywhere resounding, Your silence is broken.
Revealing Your greatest manifestation as You long ago stated
thence Your Final Declaration will thus never be outdated.
Part 2
You exist eternally having no beginning or end
and in reality You're the most sought after friend.
In those who are pure at heart and mind You are so easily found,
and if anyone learns to speak Your language You always come around.
In times of need, especially when the world is in much turmoil,
You make Your appearance on earth undergoing incredible toil.
To one and all You give each a gentle push forward
doing Your ages old duty bringing all closer toward
that state of existence which is indescribable for any to express
making available Your glorious nature by compassion nevertheless.
You are the Avatar - God incarnate in human form,
the oldest and wisest being exceeding all rivals born.
In each new age that You are brought down
by those Five who have been chosen to crown
You as The Highest of the High and hand over the reins
of the entire creation for You to steer away from the pains
and hidden fears of seemingly premature self-destruction,
by Thine infinite divine attributes You overcome all obstruction.
You haven't come here to establish a new society, organization or religion
but to revitalise and bring together all that have come before like beads on a
Undergoing infinite suffering while in the body for humanity's sake You are
only asking for love in return from those who know You as MEHER BABA.
A great deal of Thy work was done with those Wayfarer souls,
Thine intimate lovers, scattered all around, playing their unique roles,
but appearing somewhat dazed and destitute like other madmen around,
You recognised they were intoxicated from Divine Love true and profound.
Nourishing and satisfying their inner yearnings You helped them all get along
and when realising Whom they were with, knew it was to You they did belong.
Also You washed, clothed and fed many of the other unfortunate ones
sharing with each an intimate moment of love for which You had come.
It was because of Thy greatness and glory that You achieved all this and more
showing all mankind, by love and compassion, the road that leads to Your door.
Note:  This is a poem about a person known as Meher Baba whom many people believe to be the Avatar of the Age - God in human form - Who comes down to earth once every several hundred or a thousand plus years to guide humanity through a difficult period in its evolution and at the beginning of a New Age.
From my unpublished book titled "The Seeds Of Life" compiled in 1996.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 9 july 2013

Love In Separation 1-5

Today my heart is beating a sorrowful tune
and I don’t really know if it will end soon.
Since your departure all seems to be amiss
a pale reflection of that once heavenly bliss.
I have been left stranded on an alien shore
to fend for myself groping near your door.
The aftertaste of delight which our union once exuded
lingers on now in memory and feels like I was deluded.
Something doesn’t seem to be quite the same
even though I remember and repeat your name.
Your presence was what made the difference then
such a tangible feeling: will you not come again?
  I can only endeavour to lure you back once more
  so please don’t any of my genuine efforts ignore.
I look for you everywhere that I happen to go
but where you’re to be found I’d like to know.
Some say you’re in the heart and to look within
while others assert that you’re in the next of kin.
Life is really a situation of relationships with you
and knowledge of the ways of love gets us through.
If we come across difficulties and obstacles by love they’re resolved
which engenders compassion and understanding as it gets involved.
There are many people in the world who look in all the wrong places
searching for the same thing here in the available surrounding spaces.
Hoping that what they’ll find is what their heart most desires
and to fulfil this craving their mind with their heart conspires.
  Our inner being or soul though is the silent witness observing it all
  and expresses itself as our higher conscience when we heed its call.
To suffer in the agony of a lover’s separation we learn
that being away from the Beloved makes the heart burn.
It is even worse when the Beloved has gone away not saying why
and the lover has been left alone in the throes of love high and dry.
The heart cannot bear the pain of love in separation
and the mind seeks to achieve a suitable reconciliation.
When the power of love rules the heart mind hastens to obey
and doesn’t need any other reason to cause unwanted delay.
If all the lover’s efforts to a reunion only end in despair
then it may be better to let the matter rest awhile there.
True love cannot be really denied except at a great personal cost
and in desperation we seldom realise the value of what’s been lost.
  There is a saying that: ‘love will always find a way’
  and that a heart full of love over the mind holds sway.
As I was never given a reason why you suddenly left
I can only assume that there isn’t one and love is bereft.
The heart has its own reasons which the mind can’t fathom
so the mind depends on the heart for matters in its bosom.
Where the Beloved goes there the lovers also have to follow
because love is the magnet that draws them all nigh to go.
When the fragrance of love is in the air and lovers imbibe its scent
the intoxicating effect is a strong potion which on the heart is bent.
Man’s feeble mind relies more on the heart when the matter of love is concerned
but if the mind dominates and rationalises through the intellect love is adjourned.
If the mind of the lover is centred in the heart where the play of love is unfolding
it will experience anguish and misery when the Beloved anything is withholding.
  All true lovers will always seek the company and well-being of their beloved
  and are never satisfied with remaining at a distance if love is being uncovered.
Whose fault is it may I enquire if anyone falls irresistably in love
and the processes of love in separation overwhelm as from above?
What can one really do but follow wherever their heart leads
and undergo the agony in seeing that love is not displeased.
In seeking the pleasure of the Beloved one’s life becomes fulfilled
which otherwise would remain barren like a desolate land untilled.
When the Beloved sows the seeds of love in the fertile soil of one’s heart
all that was in there when that time comes must be sublimated or depart.
The arrows of love seek to pierce their target which is the heart of the lover
and the Beloved is the one drawing the bow with intent to kill we discover.
To die for love is much better than to live without we’ve heard often before
and those who lose their life in the cause of the Beloved will live forevermore.
  When the heart is purified and pure love is awakened by the Beloved’s grace
  any who are the recipients thereof realise that love in separation has its place.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 9 july 2013

Quatrain 129 - "They say there's a reason...

They say there's a reason for everything which man's mind must know
however it is by intuition that beyond the mind man really strives to go.
The transcendence of the mind can be effected through discipline and grace;
without the help of one established beyond it is difficult to reach that place.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 9 july 2013

Quatrain 126 - When thine eyes become single...

When thine eyes become single thy whole body is full of light
thus has the apostle written of the words of Jesus being right.
This opened eye of the awakened soul can see things far and wide
and by which one can also see that light of God being there inside.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 9 july 2013

Simple Observation 112 - Time spent wisely.....

Time spent wisely confers many a benefit
but time spent idly destroys man’s spirit.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 9 july 2013

Simple Observation 111 - The light of intelligence.....

The light of intelligence shines most brightly in the creature that is man
yet he’s the only one of all who abuses this privelege as much as he can.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 june 2013

No Ambition

If you don’t seem to have much worldly ambition
and yet your life to date has been one of transition
as you move along without any clear steadfast decision
it’s like drifting about with no interest in any position.
There are many people who’re in the same boat
it’s a wonder how on earth they’re able to float
as the currents of life steer them here and there
making them go through things difficult to bear.
To live each day as it comes along without any plans for the future
isn’t so bad if you can get by and not be caught being a moocher.
Life doesn’t have any favourites and can be one compromise after another
as it really depends so much on what we think and do towards each other.
It’s very hard to always keep on the right track and so easy to go astray
as we’re lured in many different directions during the course of the day.
Though the tendency of all life is to go forward and make some progression
we should maintain a balance with nature being mindful of any regression.
Without a healthy desire to occupy our time here life can be a real drag
and any effort put forward in that direction we turn into habit and brag.
If we’ve built relationships with certain people they often do turn sour
in this age the emphasis is on enjoyment experienced within the hour.
As we look back then over our life all those years
and there doesn’t appear to be very many cheers
that we can associate with any good worldly success
it’s because without any ambition there’s no progress.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 june 2013

Quatrain 125 - The eyes are said to be.....

The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and show one's inner health
being like twin pools of life radiating energy from a source of untold wealth.
However this has all to do with the condition of the individual's inner state,
where the light of consciousness is meant to shine through an opened gate.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 june 2013

Quatrain 121 - As long as the spirit of life is....

As long as the spirit of life is in the body and also the light of spirit is in the mind,
no one should lose hope as they embody the power within to enlighten their kind.
If we only knew how to permanently remove that darkness from within our head,
all the qualities of wisdom, truth, love and compassion will be found there instead.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 june 2013

Simple Observation 110 - To explore new territory.....

To explore new territory one must move across or tread onto unfamiliar ground
and in all the area covered something new or different there is likely to be found.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 june 2013

Simple Observation 108 - There's good and bad....

There’s good and bad wherever we may happen to go
and is a fact of life here in this world all should know.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 17 april 2013

Quatrain 119 - Ah! there's a vast world....

Ah! there's a vast world of experience in which to learn what we need
and so everything that we come across may supply an answer indeed.
Intelligence is the basis of this world and underlies all things everywhere;
recognition of this essential fact is a necessity for survival to all out there. 

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 17 april 2013

Quatrain 116 - There's good and bad wherever....

There's good and bad wherever you may happen to go
as this world is a play of opposites we should all know.
To be caught up between the two is what we're here to overcome
and after we've gone beyond them both our main job here is done.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 17 april 2013

Simple Observation 105 - Whatever there is above can be seen.......

Whatever there is above can be seen reflected in that which is below
and all that really happens is a confirmation true wisdom does show.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 17 april 2013

Simple Observation 103 - There are so many things....

There are so many things we all have to learn and keep in mind
without which our life would then become an unbearable kind.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 17 april 2013

Universal Maintenance

This universe is God’s creation what more is there to say
and so everything that happens in it is a part of His play.
It’s only when something starts to go wrong on a major scale
God personally has to come down to make sure it doesn’t fail.
The world is not perfect though perfection is hidden there
and so every once in a while it requires God’s loving care.
This is also the general work of all spiritual masters and saints
who go about doing their sacred duty without any complaints.
To the people at large this may not be obvious though some would suspect
about the universal maintenance of creation by God and those of His Elect.
Even the forces of nature respond in accord with what has been laid down:
that original master plan which God adjusts every time He has to visit town.
These visits some say are very infrequent and thus too far in between
and so the world situation as it is now is the result which can be seen.
But it’s one of the paradoxes of life that destruction often preceeds reconstruction
and unbeknown to most God did come and leave again inspite of any obstruction.
But God’s not to blame for this as His Spirit is forever here omnipresent
it’s because of man’s forgetfulness of Him that precipitates His descent.
By living an unnatural existence in the world man causes so much harm
to his own kind and the harmony of nature which only raises the alarm.
If, as it is said that, the Earth is the centre of our known universe
then whatever bad happens here must have repercussions adverse.
Like the hub of a giant wheel which gradually begins to break down
the rough vibrations that follow on through are to be felt all around.
And so man seeks to escape from this world he is destroying
well before its own time is up - how the situation is deploring.
In selfish pursuits and mostly to satisfy all of his ignorant desires
man is turning this world into an ash heap after smoke and fires.
The signs are here for us all to see there shouldn’t be any mistake
that the universal maintenance of creation Some One has to make.
Especially on this world here, given that it’s the very centre of it all,
being the only place that we know of where man acts so very small.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 april 2013

Quatrain 114 - Without God as the center......

Without God as the centre of our lives we cannot possibly exist
it's a fact and truth of life from which we all should never desist.
Although the majority of people don't accept or realise this situation
because they've created and live in a false world of their imagination.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 april 2013

Quatrain 111 - "To be or not to be?"...

"To be or not to be?" is not really the vital question in a person's life to ask
"Who am I?" is instead the one whose answer to find is our life's main task.
When the truth of the answer to that question is realised or becomes known
the transition from common manhood to Godhood in Reality one has grown.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 april 2013

Simple Observation 101 - All life is an experience...

All life is an experience with questions and answers demanding to be heard
and all that people are really after is to seek, hear and follow the right word.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 april 2013

Simple Observation 99 - When opportunity knocks...

When opportunity knocks and one takes advantage of whatever’s being offered there
it’s good to know before anything’s accepted all is satisfactory without a hidden snare.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 1 april 2013


Aborigines and kangaroos
boomerangs and didjeridoos.
Leafy gum tree branch and koala bear
black stump in the middle of nowhere.
Jolly swagman camped by a billabong
in 'Waltzing Matilda' a favourite song.
The wild brumbies roaming free in the outback
a scruffy hobo living alone in a country shack.
Aboriginal myths called their dreamtime
the native Australians regard as sublime.
Ring-tailed possum and wombat
aussie bloke wearing akubra hat.
Alice Springs and Ayers Rock
outback stations and livestock.
Ned Kelly bushranger and his law brushes
the Eureka stockade during the gold rushes.
Laughing kookaburra and old man emu
platypus swimming in underwater view.
Banjo Patterson’s poem ‘The Man from Snowy River’
who went riding down mountain side without a quiver.
Surfers paradise and the Great Barrier reef
sixties rock ‘n roll legend: Johnny O’Keefe.
Anzac marches and the land of the Southern cross
old Cobb and Co stagecoach used to travel across.
Glorious summer sunshine and winter rains
severe country drought and the desert plains.
Eucalyptus scent and Tea-tree oil
good health remedies from the soil.
Fresh water yabbies and the witchety grub
all make good tucker in the bush or scrub.
Crocodiles in the Kakadu national park
Burrumundi and the great white shark.
Sydney harbour bridge and the Opera House
Daintree rain forest and the kangaroo mouse.
Sheep wool farming and old shearing sheds
Melbourne Cup horse race for thoroughbreds.
Riverboat cruising up and down the Murray
passing border country towns not in a hurry.
Cradle mountain and the Tasmanian Devil
saying ‘fair dinkum’ means it’s on the level.
AFL rules football and big crowds at the MCG
playing one day cricket there is exciting to see.
The Fitzroy Gardens and Captain Cook’s cottage
are there for all to see as symbols of our heritage.
The Twelve Apostles standing along a rugged stretch of coast
a Ninety-Mile beach is something about which we can also boast.
The Glass House mountains are a sight to see and even to climb
by those who consider themselves fit enough and in their prime.
The great Australian Bight and the road on the Nullarbor plain
is a great feat to drive across and be able to come back again.
The local native wild dog known by name as the dingo
has nothing to do with a game people play called bingo.
There’s also a game called two-up that some people play
by which they gamble most of their weeks wages away.
Luna Park in St.Kilda and the annual Royal Melbourne Show
are places where you can take the kids to have fun people know.
There’s the local pub where you can go and have a drink with your mates
and is what many do all day long having a few too many in all the States.
This great southern land of Australia has so much to see and to offer
it would be a bloody shame if one didn’t give a damn or was a scoffer.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 18 march 2013

Simple Observation 97 - There are so many people...

There are so many people in this world who daily can’t get enough to eat
yet there are also many others having too much and still are not complete.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 18 march 2013

Simple Observation 94 - All throughout the course...

All throughout the course of mankind’s history
there has been and always will be some mystery.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 18 march 2013

Quatrain 109 - Life was really meant to be easy...

Life was really meant to be easy but we have complicated it so much
those things we say and do in ignorance all have their effect as such.
When our life revolves around truth, love and purity in thought, word and deeds
then everything comes to us most naturally in good time covering all our needs.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 18 march 2013

Quatrain 107 - The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...

The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ a long time ago was humbly born in a stable
though by His grace many have found peace and joy who were otherwise unable.
That glory of God manifested in human form was at the time very much awaited;
the work He came to do was to bring man back to God being too long separated.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 18 march 2013

The Most Sought After Thing

What is that one thing which we all crave or want the most of in life?
is it wealth, health, fame, knowledge, love, a perfect husband or wife?
Or is it in fact a combination of all these things and yet even so much more?
something, perhaps that is everlasting, once gained can never be lost at all?
If such a thing did exist then could it be acquired or had?
and if so how could one have it and do good instead of bad?
Where would such a thing be found or come from or who be the giver thereof?
Could it be made available to all at any time when there was a genuine need of?
Is it a state of divinity the source of infinite power, knowledge and bliss
that each and every one can attain being their birthright but only dismiss?
It just so happens that all the true religions of the world seem to point in that direction
calling it specifically by a different name while having the same underlying conception.
An ultimate realised state of immortality without any restriction of time or space
transcending body, mind and individuality; every subtle and phenomenal place.
Not subject to any change or decay, though embracing all within itself seeing
and as one without any second, immaculate and complete, an unlimited being.
A supreme unique state of freedom and really the most sought after thing,
a plane of being of pure wisdom which in its wake all the above does bring.
That one victory of all victories which wins yourself and your true Selfhood
the real purpose and meaning of all life culminating in Universal Godhood.
There have been many in the past and even in the present who have gained this state
although it's virtually impossible to attain on one's own without being their good mate.
So dedicate yourself for the goal with love to gain their divine favour or benevolent grace
by a pure mind and heart seek their company letting one of them guide you to That Place.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 26 february 2013

Quatrain 106 - The Divine Essence bestows...

The Divine Essence bestows knowledge on all mankind
and so without this grace humanity would remain blind.
The darkest area of our mind is the place in which it comes to shine
dispelling ignorance in its wake from which we all suffer and whine.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 26 february 2013

Quatrain 104 - Familiarity does often...

Familiarity does often breed contempt
though with certain things it is exempt.
To have faith, trust and love in someone you do know
is what the art of true friendship is expected to show.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 26 february 2013

Simple Observation 92 - In the infinitude of God's...

In the infinitude of God’s consciousness there exist countless possibilities
but all that does really happen must be in accordance with Divine realities.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 26 february 2013

Simple Observation 89 - Something which is quite easily gained...

Something which is quite easily gained can just as easily be lost
but that which is painstakingly acquired is done so at great cost.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 26 february 2013

We All Have To Move On

It’s from an obscure background we mostly try to emerge
into that mainstream of life is the direction of our urge.
As we gain a little knowledge and skill in what we do best
we grow in confidence and learn to stand apart from the rest.
All life is such an uphill struggle against many an odd
and even after we make a mark our body claims the sod.
Yet life holds many mysteries in which itself is bound
being the main one all the rest revolve themselves around.
Whenever there’s a problem or one arises we need to surmount
the solution is that answer of which we all have to take account.
If we go about only creating more problems than we can solve
we get bogged down and from where we are it’s hard to evolve.
The struggle of life goes onward though and forward is its march
taking everything with it that we know to build a monumental arch.
And this is usually seen as a signpost if at the past we happen to look
recorded for posterity as a picture of a structure in our history book.
The future becomes the past and so the past can reveal the future
the present is the thread that binds them together as in a suture.
And time and space are the stage set of all three in the drama of existence
wherein everything that happens is for a purpose in spite of any resistance.
To live well and long is not really the true objective of life
neither is it to live in luxury nor to boast of a beautiful wife.
As death and the grave await everyone whether they’re great or small
we should try to go beyond them and the body which heeds their call.
When we experience death in our dreams we don’t really die
but only awaken from the nightmare we’ve had with a sigh.
The same thing happens in real life more or less when our time comes to leave
our soul rises freed from the body and its surroundings so we need not grieve.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 january 2013

Simple Observation 87 - The old usually has to...

The old usually has to give way to the new
and then sooner or later its time comes too.

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 24 january 2013

Simple Observation 85 - All language is a...

All language is a communication of number, symbol and word
integrated in understanding to be expressed, spoken and heard.

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10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: A Sonnet For You and Me, Simple Observation 159 - From a fertile soil and sun...., Simple Observation 157 - Any time is...., Quatrain 169 - We all have the power...., Quatrain 167 - Look on the bright side...., SImple Observation 154 - Everyone carries with them..., Quatrain 165 - Success through a positive mental attitude..., On The Corona Virus (7 Senryu), Ignorance Personified, If Ignorance Isn't A Virtue....., Simple Observation 153 - If we could only...., Quatrain 164 - The rivers of the world...., On Social Distancing and Self Isolation, Better Off From The Start, Backyard Cemetery, Simple Observation 151 - It is said that lightning ....., On Meditation, Ode to Felicity, Why The Caged Bird Really Sings, Simple Observation 146 - After a new thing is acquired........, Quatrain 151 - Do not tarry too long by the wayside....., Never Lose The Laughter in Your Eyes, A Long Lost Love, A Bumble Bee Mystery, Simple Observation 144 - It’s the little things in life....., Quatrain 148 - Silence or definite action is ...., To A Wilting Rose, Autumn Whispers, The Secret Beyond Sleep, A New Year's Message, Simple Observation 142 - After we scale the heights....., Reserved For Love, Loss And Love, Sunlight In The Park, Simple Observation 140 - Out of all the things in our world....., Simple Observation 139 - It’s hard to be positive when ....., Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you what ....., Quatrain 141 - When you do your best ....., The Unseen Observer, Simple Observation 137 - The ocean is so very deep....., Quatrain 157 - The inner beauty of man....., The New Year's Resolution, Water, Transformation, Simple Observation 135 - To keep God in mind....., Simple Observation 133 - The grace of God has to do with....., Quatrain 149 - It's said that 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' ...., Talking About Reality, Simple Observation 131 - Beware of the dust that....., Simple Observation 128 - To reverse the trend....., Quatrain 147 - The homecoming of the soul...., Quatrain 145 - Do not ever pretend to be....., Tribute to a Poet Saint, Simple Observation 125 - There are none who are farther...., Simple Observation 123 - Nothing in this world...., Quatrain 144 - Nobody can do for you...., Quatrain 141 - When you do your best...., The Universal Divine Plan, Simple Observation 121 - To look about and find fault with...., Simple Observation 119 - Where true love abounds..., Quatrain 138 - Great surely is the gift...., Quatrain 137 - The best things in life..., Collecting Pebbles, Simple Observation 118 - Everything that usually happens in life..., Simple Observation 115 - If somebody pretends to be..., Quatrain 135 - If your heart and mind are in ruins..., Quatrain 132 - Try putting yourself in the shoes.., The Highest Of The High, Love In Separation 1-5, Quatrain 129 - "They say there's a reason..., Quatrain 126 - When thine eyes become single..., Simple Observation 112 - Time spent wisely....., Simple Observation 111 - The light of intelligence....., No Ambition, Quatrain 125 - The eyes are said to be....., Quatrain 121 - As long as the spirit of life is...., Simple Observation 110 - To explore new territory....., Simple Observation 108 - There's good and bad...., Quatrain 119 - Ah! there's a vast world...., Quatrain 116 - There's good and bad wherever...., Simple Observation 105 - Whatever there is above can be seen......., Simple Observation 103 - There are so many things...., Universal Maintenance, Quatrain 114 - Without God as the center......, Quatrain 111 - "To be or not to be?"..., Simple Observation 101 - All life is an experience..., Simple Observation 99 - When opportunity knocks..., Australiana, Simple Observation 97 - There are so many people..., Simple Observation 94 - All throughout the course..., Quatrain 109 - Life was really meant to be easy..., Quatrain 107 - The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ..., The Most Sought After Thing, Quatrain 106 - The Divine Essence bestows..., Quatrain 104 - Familiarity does often..., Simple Observation 92 - In the infinitude of God's..., Simple Observation 89 - Something which is quite easily gained..., We All Have To Move On, Simple Observation 87 - The old usually has to..., Simple Observation 85 - All language is a..., Quatrain 101 - When ignorance still reigns..., Quatrain 99 - In this world...., The Time Will Come, Simple Observation 83 - People who have learnt to...., Simple Observation 82 - A fisherman casts his net out in..., Quatrain 97 - The ocean waves..., Quatrain 95 - All that we do have...., Simple Observation 81 - In perspective ...., Simple Observation 80 - Remove the cause of....., Quatrain 93 - With all of the technology...., Quatrain 91 - The tongue has no bones yet..., Simple Observation 78 - Someone who comes close to our heart...., Simple Observation 76 - Some things which have...., Quatrain 89 - We are all caught up in a..., Quatrain 87 - For whatsoever reason we do...., A Creature Of Habit, Simple Observation 74 - Forever is really just..., Simple Observation 73 - Our life in the body has to..., Quatrain 85 - There are records that we keep..., Quatrain 83 - Look steadily within at..., Collecting Pebbles, Simple Observation 71 - So much of our life is wasted ....., Simple Observation 69 - If obstacles always persist ....., Quatrain 81 - What is it that's the most ...., Quatrain 79 - Isn't it better really ...., A God Of Pain, Simple Observation 66 - Whatever good there may be hidden...., Simple Observation 64 - The fruits of our life..., Quatrain 76 - When the light of Love and..., Quatrain 73 - Do not ever lose hope..., The Seed And The Tree, Simple Observation 63 - The gifts and treasures of the Spirit..., Simple Observation 61 - Only someone who knows can impart..., Quatrain 72 - Where do you look, dear friend ..., Quatrain 71 - If and whenever in life...., Only Through The Heart And Eyes Of True Love, Simple Observation 59 - From one place to another......., Simple Observation 57 - Someone who thinks a lot may..., Quatrain 67 - Aim to achieve a worthy goal........, Quatrain 65 - God is within me and...., Universal Freedom Is....., Simple Observation 55 - There are more things in heaven and earth..., Simple Observation 53 - On the road to achievement..., Quatrain 62 - The book of the heart and soul...., Quatrain 60 - The Cause of God is...., Ode To Inspiration, Simple Observation 51 - In the workings of nature..., Simple Observation 49 - Where there's a difference of opinion..., Quatrain 56 - The light of true knowledge..., Quatrain 55 - Come, tell me...,

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