21 january 2012
Something More Than This
With man's endeavours however great or small
there's an underlying meaning behind them all.
What appears sometimes to be useless not making much sense
is very often the start of one's labour and cost of some expense.
Everything has some value depending on what it's used for
and regardless of what it is, there's potential in it to be sure.
Man's mind is a great instrument which no one can deny
a vast storehouse of many ideas into which he does pry.
Some people seem to have the knack of accomplishing their ends
which is usually after the exerting of much effort one comprehends.
Analysing the steps to be taken in the direction they need to go
taking one step at a time brings the goal closer to them you know.
Overcoming their own inertia is one of the main obstacles faced along the way
and by visualising in their mind's eye a picture of the goal is all they have to pay.
Learning by experience is the most rewarding and the best course to take
with the skilful loving help of a true teacher much progress one can make.
Possessing the ears by which to listen and the eyes by which to see
and holding onto that ideal set before them realise what they can be.
There is something else more than this which is there all the time
it's only after we clear our minds of that which is gathered grime
we'll see that which is really there as the integral part of our being,
everything else is a hindrance until we realise the truth in daily living.
And then everything is made plain enough for each one's eyes to behold
becoming as if new again regardless of what it does appear as or how old.
It is somewhat like another rebirth within the same body and mind
that have both been revitalised and given a new lease of life in kind.
The secret of life is the truth, hidden within our being of our existence
and is the reality behind all this we have created for our subsistence.
So everything has come forth from us, out of our being we've brought all this
yet the greatest treasure still lies deep within, the source and essence of bliss.
17 march 2025
17 march 2025
17 march 2025
15 march 2025
15 march 2025
15 march 2025
14 march 2025
14 march 2025
14 march 2025
14 march 2025
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