Girija KSK, 25 january 2016
Pain is like a vulture,
which preys on you
with its claws dug deep,
and beaks delve sharp!
Like enraged sea,
It sweeps forward,
engulfing you
with no hope of rescue!
Pinned in pain,
You are always alone…..
No arm can caress,
No words bring solace,
No kisses felt!
Pain is the only reality,
When it corrodes,
Snarls and spreads waves of tremor
all through your Self!
Girija KSK, 25 january 2016
She craves to ask,
though untimely and totally irrelevant;
a question –
which only he can answer!
After all these years,
can he identify the name of passion,
which overpowered him,
When he intervened her lonely dreams
and reigned them for a while?
Thinking back, the word love is just misleading,
Though he was an exponent of love then
Love, he proclaimed, was the thirst of the soul
and the hunger of the heart!
Without which he would perish forever!
She was swept in the tide,
Only to see his love winging away
into the safe orbit of his family
and to the seclusion of conventions.
If without a word of adieu,
he could leave her desolate and aghast
in the midway;
why did he attempt to fish her mind
and dropped it in hot sand,
nonchalant whether it plunged to death or life? - See more at:
Girija KSK, 25 january 2016
The secret of love is love itself…….
as it exudes a fragrance,
however hidden it may be……..!
It gives out as a flicker of light behind the eyes;
a smile suppressed behind the lips;
a caress on your throbbing wound;
a caring word, soothing your woes,
a loving grasp of your finger tight…….
And you cannot miss it, if it is there!
I have a strange encounter with love;
its memory still mesmerizes me,
though long years have passed……
After a critical operation
and five days in ventilator,
the moment when my husband recognized me
with swollen eyes, bandaged head
and unsteady words….
I then knew what love is…….
It’s a spring in the heart,
which sometimes wells up in the eyes….
and a feeling beyond words………….!
Girija KSK, 25 january 2016
He just walked away
at the dead of the night-
leaving a family to grope in the gloom!
It was least convincing to me
Being a girl of seventeen!
I felt a sense of betrayal and the resultant bitterness
As if he had plotted for a secret journey
leaving me behind, as usual!
I couldn’t cry, father’s pet though I was;
Can anyone leave the dear ones
with no parting words…?
But I remember, how shattered my elder brother was,
as he kept wiping frantically my unshed tears,
With tears overflowing his eyes!
We sat near his body, more dead
than the benumbed one…….
But yet the crow’s first caw and the new day break,
ushered us to a world
where our father was no more!
Later, alone in his room
I felt, how real helpless he would be
when death captured him unaware.
I cried for my poor father,
with whom I have never shared a secret or a sorrow…!
Yet there are memories
Culled a long way,
that make him dear…….
How proud he was over the marks
his children scored in the exams…
How strict he was that
we shouldn’t waste time over trivialities……
So, for a long period when the gate creaked,
I swiftly hid my colour pencils
and switched off my radio, fearing his frown.
But now I know,
You sure loved us, dear father,
yet left us with a word of love untold
and with a caress never made;
I feel I miss that more, dear father,
than your lack of presence!
Girija KSK, 25 january 2016
This is for those,
who cherish a spark of sorrow
concealed in their hearts,
(oft forgotten, as the dire truth of death…)
which just blazes unaware,
and subsides without any downpour of tears,
or whisk of sighs.
This is for those,
who at times, feel the pangs of loneliness
-amidst even the supposed closest minds-,
sadly realizing that each soul has its orbit
and into which no human intruder is allowed……!
This is for those,
who yet abhor the void between minds
and suffocate in dark deprivation alone ……………!
In deep empathy, let me tell you, my dears,
not to bind hard, with strings of love
to keep the ones who are close to your heart,
as it would be stretched too far,
making your heartstrings bleed!
Better delve deep into yourself,
as solace is the music only of the Soul,
which echoes all through the span of Universe,
encompassing all the ages bygone,
and you can own it only from you…!
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