Rilay Dann, 20 december 2012
Tick, tick goes the clock
Counting the minutes I think of you
Tick, tock goes the clock
Watching life pass by
I wish you were here
Cause I need you now
But I know you're there
Cause that's where life brought you today
Tick, tick goes the clock
Counting the day I think of you
Tick, tock goes the clock
Waiting for the day to be done
The clock is taunting
When you miss someone
Time is cruel
When you are waiting for them to come back
Oh, how I miss you
Oh, how I need you
Oh, how I love you
Tick, tock goes the clock
Counting the minutes I think of you
Rilay Dann, 30 november 2012
So close
So damn far
When will we realize
Let's be bigger then that
And remember
Try to smile it away
Somethings are just impossible to disguise
Hang on
Let go
Because what's the point
When the best is yet to come
Rilay Dann, 30 november 2012
Here I am
There you are
So far apart
So broken at heart
What can we do?
What is there to say?
When we let it all go
But we don't regret
Maybe we'll just forget
I want to
But maybe I shouldn't
Because one day
When we come face to face again
I don't want to be confused
About the feeling within
But as the days go by
I begin to lose my memory inside
Driving me mad to keep them alive
Driving me mad knowing that I might die
Before I see your face once more
Rilay Dann, 24 november 2012
Just another day
Just another way
To discover pain
All the piercing sounds that fill my ears
All the innocent hurt that fills the air
Crashing down on us
Like a wave breaking the shore
Here comes, oh so much more
The sounds, the pain, the waves
The never-ending circle
That only stops
Once it has broken you down
Inside and out
Our weary ways
Tend to our lonely days
Rilay Dann, 24 november 2012
Maybe not now
And maybe not later
It's okay
I will prove it to you someday
I will do my best
And I won't give it a rest
Until you know
Because you need to
Yes, you need to know
So go on and live your day
But just remember
I'll prove it to you some way
Rilay Dann, 24 november 2012
Look up, look down
Where does it all go.?
Look right, look left
What have we've done.?
This is it
We are never the same
and never will exist again
But why.?
But how.?
Who says this is fair.?
We did not
But oh, well
It is gone
And we have lost it forever
Rilay Dann, 19 august 2012
Here I am
There you are
Where ever that may be
I can see how far in your eyes
I can tell the line for your heart
Will you go the distance?
Or let them push your line?
Because you are so far
But we are so close
Do you know that we're here?
Do you know that you're there?
I wish I could find you
Or that you could save me
Because the distance between us
Begins to kill time
And once you kill time
Can you ever get it back?
So back, come back
Let's be bigger then that
And remember where we are
Rilay Dann, 2 july 2012
Live the days
Count the stars
Witness the sunset
Treasure the rainbow
Set fire to the rain
Watch it burn
We ache and we break
But we choose to embrace the storm
Overhead, crashing down
So many waves hitting the shore
Secure your angel hive
Retie your wings
Touch that magic sky
Let a tear run from your eye
As you see the last crumbling mountain cry
Grab a trees hand
And embrace the storm
Because even the sun refuses to shine
But that does not mean
It does not exist
Rilay Dann, 9 march 2012
It's always the same
Us being attention deficit
Open up both of your ears
You can listen as well as you can hear
There's no day like today
To change your ways
Because if tomorrow calls
It may be too late
It's always the same
Us being unsighted
Open up both of your eyes
You can see as well as you can look
There's no day like today
To change your ways
Because if tomorrow calls
It may be too late
Because there's no day like today
To help another in need.
Rilay Dann, 4 march 2012
I dream of the sun
Because I know it always comes back around
I wonder about the flowers
Do they discriminate like we do.?
I hope for rain
That it will always help the flowers grow
I love the moon
It always finds its way through the clouds
I dream of the heart
Because I know it always makes it through
I wonder about the world
Do we always have to discriminate another.?
I hope for love
That it will always help our hearts grow
I love faith
It conquers fear
Where would we be in this world
Without all the stuff we're made of.?
Our dreams, wonders, hopes and love
Floating through the air tonight as well as today
Words that are written small
But always, always appear bigger in action
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Eva T.