Esther Thornburg, 21 august 2014
Springtime and harvest will always be.
It may bring bounty for you and me.
The gardener's hands meet the demands.
They prepare the bounty of the land.
If you wish to travel abundance way.
Learn to garden and to stay.
The oldest profession is still here today.
Plants and herbs do find their way.
Plants prepare the nutrients from the soil.
The same soil formed you to toil.
Care for the labors of the day.
Prepare a bounty, let it stay.
There is joy in garden ways.
Learn the wonders it displays.
They are in gardens big and small.
Place a pot on the window sill.
Esther Thornburg, 19 august 2014
In the channels of the mind
There may be untapped abilities to find.
Why leave a stone unturned?
Review the materials learned.
What did it really say?
Did it explain the way?
Did it anticipaste tomorrow's day?
Did it send a problem away?
Give the day another thought.
Make it a portion of your lot.
It may need help right on the spot.
Share with others what you have got.
Save the enjoys along the way.
Seal a few in memorys stay.
Let them add to life's display.
Seek the ways of fair play.
Esther Thornburg, 12 march 2013
When the old house is quiet, no sound heard,
The octogenarian fingers cross the keyboard.
Echo softly the sound of memories
There are many long-ago stories.
Open the old hymn book.
Within the back cover, take a look.
Grandma wrote the words of a song,
They often sang when days were long.
The words are held in memories stay.
Its message still holds true today.
Hymn books collected still guide our stay.
Its message still holds true today.
"How Good Is The God We Adore"
Previously written before the days of yours.
Many years later, a precious find, just look,
Music to the words Grandma wrote in the book.
From "the stone of help",
The story in I Samuel 7:12;
"The Lord has helped us".
Esther Thornburg, 5 february 2013
Slowly comprehend the ways
Nature in its wisdom displays.
Nature honors the stillness of night.
It restores movement at the break of light.
There is purpose and place for all things made.
A masterful procedure of action is displayed.
For miles and miles the rivers run by.
For year after year they have not run dry.
Some rivers show their stuff.
They reclaim their deed from bluff to bluff.
All things remain within a boundary found.
All in their duties and purpose abound.
Life moves on from the ages old.
Who knows all the mysteries it holds?
When conditions are just right
The flowers bloom elegant and bright.
They provide the world with seed.
There are many living things to feed.
Esther Thornburg, 30 january 2013
Before the key of time turns the lock
Value the days we have got.
Treasures of enjoyment mean a lot.
A gracious compliment not forgot
Can change a difficult days thought.
What stories do the ancient games hold?
In wisdom, what have they told?
When the chess game is over
The pawn and King go in the same box.
Let the key of time turn the lock.
Many calendars have come and gone
Grandpa is doing things as time goes on.
He and the tractor spent days of youth,
It is being polished up, reveal its worth.
Together they tilled good old earth.
Grandma still pieces a quilt.
Pieces saved from garments built.
Remember the places, what they wore.
Cut away spots, faded and tore,
They revealed stories of days of yours.
The youth today are searching the way
They preppare and face tomorrow's day.
Enjoy and learn the how-to ways.
Find the way basic knowledge plays.
Build the precious memories to come and stay.
Esther Thornburg, 10 january 2013
Seeking beyond the difficulties
Thinking of great qualities
Give to another a compliment
Seeds of inspiration to plant
What could be wisdoms consultation
Consider this life's complications
One thing at a time
Arrange the duties in line
Where to begin, what to do
Rethink, review, renew
Inspiration may lead on
Before the opportunity is gone.
Authors notes: More poetry on:
Esther Thornburg, 10 january 2013
Words tried and true
From beyond the blue.
Live on through ages of time,
Words hold meaning in every line.
For things I should know
While living here below;
Where can I go to find
Needed peace and wisdom to grow?
There is power in the plea of a prayer,
When heard by your Saviour over there.
There is life beyond the plue,
To Him, be honest, faithful and true.
Esther Thornburg, 10 november 2012
Each day holds a story all its own.
Before the day is over and forever gone,
A line in the journal will let memory live on.
Was the goal not reached, or a learnng game?
Tomorrow, may not be the same.
Refresh, renew, another time a challenge may tame.
Uncharted waters may lie ahead.
Are there instructions to be read?
The stars guide the compas from overhead.
We may not write the script.
Life may be quite a trip.
May the harbor safely anchor the ship?
Esther Thornburg, 3 november 2012
The history man cannot rewrite
Is displayed bright on the darkest night.
The story is beyond the human hand
It is viewed by all, in every land.
Found in the stars bright light,
A story viewed every clear night.
Recording the battle of powers that be
It is placed there for all to see.
Esther Thornburg, 19 october 2012
There is a quiet and peace within
When the sacred grace and love unfold,
When the story of the One from glory
Is told like in days of old.
Tell of the promise the story brings.
To the truth we are to cling.
Tell of lasting faith, secure and safe
Endless and always in the heavenly place
Complete in Him, in His love and grace.
There is a stillness in the dawning,
When light brings forth the morning
And shines upon our life here.
His life and love to display
In every challenge of the day.
There is a stillness of a peace within
His will and power moves this life on.
His words can guide this life along
With strength to win ere time is gone,
The believer is then to appear with Him.
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