Yek-yek Wyeth, 6 february 2012
This poem is dedicated to Korean students studying English online.
When I call, you say 'Hello'
When I ask, 'How are you?
You answer me, 'I'm fine. Thank you.'
That's what I always do especially for you.
Being far to teach you online
I'm so happy when you tell me you're fine
To learn about English
Is always what I really wish...for you.
English is fun and easy to learn
Even if it is hard for you to mean
Sooner or later you'll enjoy to speak
The language as you know it very quick.
I'm glad to be your teacher
Though we are far from each other
I'm happy that you're my student
To teach you is my best compliment!
Good luck and good job
These things I always tell you
Everytime I say goodbye for my call
I know you learned something at all!
Yek-yek Wyeth, 6 february 2012
I am alone
I have no brother nor sister
Yet, I'm happy...
I am alone
I have many friends
Yet, I'm lonely...
I am alone
I am always going alone
I am always going alone in the dark...
I am alone
I want to see the beauty of the world
I want to hear the sound of the sword
But I can't...because I'm alone
I am alone
I like to be with you
I want to join the group
I want to help them
I like to teach them
Why am I always alone?
Why am I isolated?
Why am I secluded?
Please answer me
Please help me
Please take care of me
I am alone....being alone...
I want to be happy
I don't want to be lonely
I want to know you
Even if I am alone...
Yek-yek Wyeth, 6 february 2012
Everyone really makes a mistake
And sorry always comes very late
It can be a single one or a lot
Each one knows the reason or not!
Why do we make mistakes?
Why do we take consequences?
Why do we ask an apology?
Why do we need to say sorry?
Everyone commits an error
And apology makes you more
Peaceful and calm over-all
As you begin the day at all.
It's a mistake and yes it is
We need to ask an apology, please
No matter how big and small
It's really a mistake at all.
I have a mistake,
You have a mistake,
They have a mistake,
We have a mistake?
Who is to blame for a single mistake?
I, myself?
You, yourself?
He, himself?
She, herself?
It, itself?
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Eva T.