Sujay Patekar, 6 june 2015
Peeking through the dusty sand,
like a mountain firm I stand.
Scorching heat turns into drops of dew,
but still I stand to catch a glimpse of You...
Slowly the dark clouds above me gather,
but I stay calm and I don't bother.
With a roar the skies then rain,
yet I stand cause its 'You' I have to gain...
Nomatter how hard the cold wind blows,
and nomatter how chilled my breath gets as it snows.
With my heels dug in the ground,
I shall wait for 'You' around...
For 'You' are nothing but my Second-half,
and 'You' are the reason why I joyfully laugh.
You are my relief and You are my comfort,
You are like an Oasis in the ruthless barren Desert...
When from far I take your glance,
in a jiffy I'm thrown in Trance.
And when You gradually towards me advance,
I don't want misfortune to take its chance.
So I run to hold You tight,
and no force can stop me with all its might...
I'm overwhelmed as you are nomore distant,
You look into my eyes and its the most beautiful instant.
Uncomfortable silence between us grows,
without saying a word I just hold You close.
A sigh of relief I give to finally have 'You' near by,
while I wonder- now I should live or peacefully die...
-Sujay Patekar
(C) Copyrights Reserved.
Sujay Patekar, 6 june 2015
My life is nothing but a jumble of words,
Like a hunter boggled while aiming at a flock of birds.
A wrong letter can change the complete sense,
A right one can take me across the fence.
A harsh word can make one insult-felt,
A sugar-mellowed tongue can make one's heart melt.
A high tone can fetch me with eyebrows raised,
A sober pitch can end the talk embraced.
At the end of the day, I wanna part with a smile,
So I choose my words that will win hearts as I pass while.
Its not just words that are fake and hollow,
But are the emotions on lips coming from a heart that's not shallow.
-Sujay Patekar
(C) Copyrights Reserved.
Sujay Patekar, 6 june 2015
Yes, I am a Warrior,
A Warrior of courage and hope.
Despair and fear are my adversaries,
And with destiny I have to cope.
I fight a battle as ruthless as them,
Who bravely make the enemies in their own blood sink.
Except, I don't wait for any orders to fire,
With gun as my pen & bullet as my ink.
I fight a war which began to never end,
In a place where you can run but never hide.
Only words to attack & words to defend,
The culprit who is our own dark side.
I write the cries, I write the laments,
I write the untold brutal tales.
When I rip off the veil of filthy lies,
Only the naked truth is what prevails.
Every malevolence is followed by guilt,
For strangling a million dreams.
I write those bruises given to the naive,
I bring to surface those buried screams.
I write of those who were shot to death,
Whose voices could never be heard.
That Father who was burnt before his son,
For the truth that he had uttered.
Every man is like another's reflection in water,
Just a few spoil it by the ripples.
Giving pain to the weak can give one a gait of a lion,
But deep-down inside he shamefully cripples.
For the muffled many in the here and the now,
I am a roar as I keep writing.
With gun as my pen & bullet as my ink,
I am a Warrior as I keep fighting...
-Sujay Patekar
(C) Copyrights Reserved
Sujay Patekar, 1 april 2012
Spending a life as a Quadriplegic,
is something that even Death calls tragic.
His whole World is confined to a wheel-chair,
it smothers despite breathing open air.
He desperately wants to pick his bowl,
feed himself and in garden take a stroll.
He misses the warmth felt in an embrace,
and needs a hand to even tie shoe-lace.
To kill off his boredom he has to be,
in a room with his lifeless friend- T.V.
The pain roused by his numbness is massive,
but he has learned the art of being passive.
When all take things for granted in Life's race,
he chuckles, while a tear rolls down his face..
-Sujay Patekar.
Sujay Patekar, 1 february 2012
I'm not sure of what I'm thinking is true,
And I don't know the way out.
Friends seem to be enemies,
... And all I'm left with is a mysterious doubt!
I tried to clear, but it got more blurr and distant,
I tried to yell & I tried to shout.
But no one turned back at that instant,
And all I was left with was a mysterious doubt!
Things were just getting worse than ever,
I had to go through this rout!
I had lost the battle, I said in disbelief,
And all I'm left with is a mysterious doubt!
Forget all this twaddle, to myself I said,
There are many others to think about.
Why my desires for some stupids be dead,
And my life be spoilt because of a MYSTERIOUS DOUBT!
~Sujay Patekar.
Sujay Patekar, 26 january 2012
If Heaven And Hell decide,
to take things in their own stride,
no man would be a Sinner or a Saint;
but the Rules of Eternity are way too quaint...
For all, if Cupid decides to just once strike,
and spare the people from Love's Hitch-Hike, '
no hearts will ever be broken or shattered;
but the Rules of Love are far more tattered...
If every Tiger decides to feed,
on no flesh but only on grass and weed,
no deer would ever hate food-chain;
but the Rules of Nature are bound with pain...
If God decides to bless each Man,
with no Grieves in his entire Life-span,
no Man would ever bow down and pray;
and so the Rules of Life are full of dismay...
~Sujay Patekar
Sujay Patekar, 24 january 2012
It's hard to tell how many regrets my heart keeps,
After the scars of my heart I see.
Eyes fall short of tears to cry,
While my guitar gently weeps...
When my present turns back and into the past it peeps,
Delightful memories flood in with a sweet pain.
All the anguish comes out through the strings,
While my guitar gently weeps...
As the nostalgia
on my broken heart creeps,
I curse myself for my blunders.
Nobody can ever hear my heart sob,
While my guitar gently weeps...
It is so unfair that the whole world peacefully sleeps,
And has faithful people to care.
But I have nobody to console me,
While my guitar gently weeps...
-Sujay Patekar
Sujay Patekar, 21 january 2012
Its been ages since I genuinely smiled,
as only miseries on me have piled.
I regret all that I had once chosen,
... For which, today I am so broken....
Wrong decisions,wrong relations & wrong company to keep;
with all these blunders I remorsefully weep.
Every bit of my hope is badly shaken,
For which, today I am so broken....
In the lure of thirst, I was brutally drowned,
With the title of "Stupid Jerk", I was royally crowned.
Ruthlessly, by fate every toll has been taken,
For which, today I am so broken....
In the guise of a butterfly, a scorpion stung me.
Getting better everytime, my dear ones pierced me.
With every wound & bruise, from my dream I was awaken,
For which, today I am so broken....
~Sujay Patekar.
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