Vaibhav Rawat, 6 march 2012
The Saddest Heart
Open is my heart now, Open it was when I saw you.
Open were my eyes then,
got closed when they saw you.
I smiled, my heart smiled, HE laughed at
She is not yours, she never will be, HE said.
My heart, became the
saddest heart.
I again smiled, my heart cried, brain... he had no idea.
I came close to
you, my heart stopped weeping.
My eyes, they wanted you, refused any
You came closer, my heart smileg again.
HE said once again, no
point, there is no gain.
My heart, the saddest heart, did not cared.
My brain lived in shadow of a
We, we survived the heat of moment.
We became each other's
HE... well HE was gone, as my heart thought.
But then came the
moments, when we fought
The saddest heart, it behaved slowly,
My life, it became too lowly.
was gone, our passion, it got lost.
I tried, a bit too hard, to save us from
the frost.
Too late, I thing I got,
My heart, the saddest heart, did not
cried this time,
What's the problem, the brain thought, atleast for this
Vaibhav Rawat, 30 october 2011
Now that you are gone,
I have learnt to live alone,
For now, you have come back,
but I have put those memories onto some rack,
Now that you are gone,
I have learnt to live alone...
Now I dont need you anymore,
Coz those wounds still sore,
I know its too hard,
but its already on the card.
Better we leave it from here,
there is nothing left, but dispair.
Baby Now that you are gone,
I have learnt to live alone...
Vaibhav Rawat, 15 october 2011
I know you have been through lots of fears,
but plz dont cry.... i will kiss away your tears
It may be hard for you to forget those pains,
but just look around, this world is full of gains.
You know that, you have the most beautfull smile I had ever seen,
but sadness inside your heart is making it all sheen,
I feel your pain with every word you say,
but my dear am here for you to make them dismay...
i know that you have lost but who has not...
So why dont you take this from me as a thought...
This pain and agony of yours will not last forever..
Coz whenever you will close your eyes I will be there...
Vaibhav Rawat, 15 october 2011
Neither I miss your careless voice,
Nor I miss your texts asking me 'U awake?'.
I don't miss you asking me 'Wat doin?',
I don't miss telling you 'Missing u'.
I even don't miss calling you 'Gud nyt Swt heart',
Well, I even don't miss hearing 'Soja chupchaap'.
I don't miss asking you 'Oye, wat u doin?',
I don't miss you telling me 'I am busy'.
Huh... So you see I finally don't miss you anymore.
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