
Minister Peacefulpoet

Minister Peacefulpoet, 26 december 2017


You hate at one million miles per hourPointing your sticky little fingers at othersAccusing them of things you could never beWhen will you see that they are you and you are they

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George Krokos

George Krokos, 29 february 2016

Cosmic Consciousness

(A Concise Modern Perspective and Study)
The whole of the visible universe appears to be just like the tip of an iceberg floating in the ocean of Infinite Consciousness; the body of God, expressing itself as space, time and matter, which converge and are fully integrated in the universal mind of (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 26 october 2015

A Sunday Night Note: A Warning Against Worldliness and Exhortation for Godliness

(original script written in 10/25/2015)

If your heart finds the earthly things more desirable than God, God can give it over to them  and let you perish with them. But if being enlighened by the truth, you find God exceedingly desirable and you find pleasure in fellowshiping with Him, He shall dwell (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 24 october 2015

The Folly of Seeking Satisfaction in Sin

(original draft written in 10/14/15)

"O God, You are my God;
     early will I seek You;
 my soul thirsts for You,
     my flesh faints for You,
 in a dry and thirsty land
     with no water.
 I have seen You in the sanctuary,
     to see Your power and Your glory. (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 18 october 2015

Why Would a Loving God Condemn People to Hell?

The perfectly loving God doesn't just love mercy - He also loves justice and righteousness (Jeremiah 9:24). God already made a way for sinners to be forgiven and be redeemed from the curse of sin through the atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross - and this is how the perfect mercy, perfect justice, (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 5 october 2015

A Friday Night Prayer

God, Who are You in this life of mine?
You are the very Source of it. You are the Creator of all things, and none of all that began to exist existed apart from Your wonderful and unimaginable power of creation. From the farthest stars in the heavens to the abysmal depths of the (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 28 september 2015

How Do I Know That I Am Saved

A brother in a Christian forum asked this topical question, "If you die right at this very moment, do you have assurance of going to heaven?"

By the following points, I have the assurance that I am saved:

In light of the Scriptures, I know that I am saved because I see in my life how (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 21 september 2015

Four Things About Jesus A Story of Miracles Reminded Me Of

I was reviewing my Sunday school lesson for September 20, 2015 and the passage that I was meditating on was Mark 5:21-43. To be honest, I was tempted to settle with simply teaching my young pupils that Jesus is the Miracle Maker. But as I was meditating on the passage, I was reminded of these four wonderful (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 7 september 2015

God's Saving Grace for the Infants

DISCLAIMER: This only applies to the case of those who died in infancy. In no way does this imply universalist soteriology. Remember that God in His sovereignty has an appointed time for the salvation of every individual believer (Acts 13:48) - and that includes the infants. 

How does God redeem (... więcej)

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Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai

Yehoshua ben Peleh Shim'onai, 25 august 2015

If You Hear His Voice, Do Not Harden Your Heart!

"Moreover, the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, so that he did not listen to them, just as the Lord had spoken to Moses."
- Exodus 9:12, MEV

Why did God hardened Pharaoh's heart? Because he committed the only unforgivable sin - to resist and blaspheme (i.e. to be defiantly irreverent (... więcej)

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