DianaLovesCupcakes, 29 may 2012
A soft clouds, pass me by so slowly.
Blue, grey or fully dark,
The sky still stays the same.
Late at night, I love to secretly watch,
How the rain touches my street,
How the snow covers my road,
How the wind dances with the trees and flowers.
My street, so silent and peaceful.
Every day, like a new breath,
It's overtaking me more and more.
I like to quietly walk over the meadows,
And walk through the sunshine filled woods.
I like to listen in the winds silent whispers,
To watch, how the fog hugs every tree and
Covers all the rivers and lakes.
Late at night, when the moon and the stars
Quietly hug the sky, it's impossible
To just easily take away the look.
Sometimes, I just want to lay down
And wait, when some of the stars will give up
And fall down, so I could make a wish.
The sound of cricket violins,
Seems like the stars are dancing
Along the sound that covers the ground.
But me? I'm quietly staring at the dark sky,
Counting the stars and waiting,
When the sun shines will wake me up again.
Written By Diana Kauke (a.k.a. Emily)
DianaLovesCupcakes, 23 may 2012
Loved you then and love you now.
It's a little thing that makes life great.
Thank you for the flowers,
Sky blue anemones...
And thank you for the pictures -
Horribly wierd and funny ones.
A cold cup of coffee,
You loved Sophie...
I hope those roses from you
Were actually meant for her,
`Cause my cup of coffee is empty.
Warm sunny day,
A park and a way...
Buttons with coat...
We're just walking and talking,
`Cause my anemones sleeps with the pictures,
And your Sophie ran away with Robbie.
Written by Diana Kauke
DianaLovesCupcakes, 23 may 2012
Do you know why winter
Can't be called as perfect?
Only because it's cold.
Do you know that feeling, that overtakes you,
When you're watching children playing in snow?
The shine in their eyes
And the smile on their lips.
That's how I feel when I see you.
Do you know that feeling, when
The very first snow falls?
That enthusiasm, happiness and joy!
That's how I feel, when you kiss me.
Do you know that feeling, when
A tear rolls down your face
And you try to wipe it away, so it won't freeze?
That's how I feel, when I hold your hand.
Do you know that feeling, when
You walk over a frozen puddle,
To see - will the ice hold the pressure?
That's hold I feel, then I hurt you.
Do you know that feeling, when you
Are walking down the street,
It's a very late night, dark,
And everywhere around you there's a pure white snow?
Only the lanterns are giving light.
You stop and look in the sky.
A small snowflake lands
And melts on the top of your nose.
Close your eyes, and then open them,
Millions of small, beautiful snowflakes
Has surrounded you.
In the light of lanterns they shine
In every single colour of rainbow.
So many feelings overtake you,
Peace, joy and happiness,
`Cause such a beauty can be seen
Only one in a lifetime, it seems like a dream.
That's how I feel, when you're next to me,
Smiling, being just happy and loving me.
Do you know why winter
Can't be called as perfect?
Only because it's cold...
Written by Diana Kauke
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