Sarah Bell, 8 july 2013
Deep down in the fiery pits of hell
war has started if you couldn’t tell.
The burning souls are screaming,
the demons eyes are gleaming,
they kneel down before the devils throne.
He’s the one of power, giving the commands,
for each he has the devious of plans.
The red hot flames are prancing,
as the devil starts dancing,
he’s scorching each man’s bones.
Seeing darkness when you look in his eyes,
collecting cruel spirits each time one dies.
High above the dark angels now flying,
all the damned begin crying,
in one piercing echoing moan.
S.A.B. 2002
Sarah Bell, 13 october 2012
You live in your head
this world all your own.
Where you create
beauty out of misery.
I too have a world
all my own.
Where I create nothing
for fear of imperfection.
You dream beyond
the norm of dreams.
Of fortune and fame
things your soul craves.
I dream simple
family, children, love.
For I have spent to long
living in my head.
S.A.B. Written 2011
Sarah Bell, 25 june 2012
To my love, who inspires my dreams,
and my children with faces that gleam.
You share with God, dwellings of my soul
for without you, life wouldn’t be whole.
To my brothers, the crazy three,
babies to me you’ll always be.
No matter how far we shall part,
know always you reside in my heart.
To grandparents, raising me as their own,
made sure I felt like I was home.
All the others that gave a helping hand,
thanks for the foundation to stand.
To my parents, now far apart,
remember, passion gave my journey a start.
Hold on to it, let yourself love,
a little wisdom sent from above.
To all the others, to many to name,
who’ve gone, changed, or remained.
No surprise here, you should know,
you too have helped me love and grow.
To myself, the lucky one,
cherish your loved ones before their gone.
Hold them close, never let them go,
life’s over before you know.
S.A.B. 2010
Sarah Bell, 14 june 2012
A Grandmother's love is easy to find,
a kind of gift never left behind.
The cause of the joy we all share,
is her kindness, love, and care.
She is always doing her part,
no one has a bigger heart.
She truly is a gift to us all,
there to catch us when we fall.
No matter how bad things got,
she was there and that meant a lot.
So now I'd like to take the time to say,
Thank You, Grandma, In Every Way.
Written S.A.B. 1996
Sarah Bell, 4 may 2012
Bible lying open
rosary in my hand
reading the passages
trying hard to understand.
God loved the world so much
that he gave his only begotten son
if I believe hard enough
my end won’t really come.
I will go to heaven
live in paradise
happiness will be everlasting
that will be my prize.
For being a good little girl
saying my prayers before I sleep
knowing he will forgive me
that my soul he will keep.
Written S.A.B. 2002
Sarah Bell, 22 april 2012
A dandelion
is a weed
looking harmless
even beautiful.
Still a weed
overtaking the grass
choking out
all other life.
Memories of You
are Dandelions
spreading rapidly
overpowering my mind.
Taking root in all
facets of my brain
weeding my garden always
with every breath I take
you still live in me.
When I see dandelions
I think of you and
how deeply rooted
you are in me.
Written 2011 S.A.B.
Sarah Bell, 22 april 2012
I only know of lullabies
addressed to my soul
drip beautifully down
from your perfect lips
washing away my fears.
If you only knew all the
things you said to me
were poisoning my mind
sure not of the truth anymore
to many feelings colliding
swirling around my head.
I know you've stolen
many pieces of me away
selfishly for you
meanwhile i have not
the pleasure of being one.
Trust that i, foolishly
handed over to some degree
forever is gone now
til God himself erases
away all the emptiness
that the loss of you
has caused in me.
If you only knew
how i felt my love
thought you were a gift
sent from God himself
fate intervening from above.
Written 03/11 S.A.B.
Sarah Bell, 22 april 2012
Feeling like glass
you see all of me
for what I am
scratched and flawed
damaged like you.
Broken by life
hearing you speak
pain in your heart
echoes like poetry
to my unwavering ears.
Over whelming is the sound
your voice makes ripping
verses from my heart
knowing not you're stealing
fragments of my soul.
Written 07/11 S.A.B.
Sarah Bell, 22 april 2012
When I wake to greet a day
the morning sun creeping in
pours light upon my tired face.
First in line thoughts of you
before I’ve touched a toe
to the floor beyond my bed.
Loneliness envelopes me
every fiber of my being
is crippled by my memories.
Rapidly getting suppressed
feelings being swallowed back
I rise to take my steps.
Simple things that meant nothing
a challenge they’ve become.
Coffee is ironically
poetically bitter sweet.
I sit now alone sipping
as sport clips flash across
a muted television screen.
Deep in thought on how
forgetting you maybe a choice
I haven’t the luxury to make.
Written 2011 S.A.B.
Sarah Bell, 20 april 2012
Streaming tears
down my face
ever flowing,
Not from sadness
nor grief.
A frenzy you created
within my body,
Immense emotions flying
over whelming me.
with nowhere to go
but to trickle down
my cherry red cheeks.
Written 2011 S.A.B.
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