Axa Schaller, 23 june 2012
Even virgin tranny…
With out money is promiscuous, prostitute, degenerate.
Because every man can tell you in one part of their life…
If I would be woman…
I would be fk. Every one…
Because, is easy and nice…
And they respect.
All the trannys, all the gays, promiscuous…
Y si todas te dugeran que si, tu tambien…
Or else why Works two and half man.
Where the real woman must to open doors feelings.
I fall down in the same bag…
Going to Cordoba.
Taking cocaine in toilet disco…
Woman envies, tranny better than me…
Telling to the POLICE.
And I criminal to take cocaine.
Better 13th years old,
Facking facking, child child,
killing free in the streets.
Where full formed conscience for psychologists 8 years old.
Strange laws!!!.
First want to ripper me the POLICE.
Then… Mix me with those people because…
I so expensive to be loneliness in the darkness.
With out any human contact…
To meditate about your own acts…
To find you own…
To find God…
To feel the need of the other…
Is so expensive…
Than only the clerics with their votes of silence and alones can do it…
So expensive…
Than the Christian society
With their forgiveness, and pardon
Pry and hope…
You will suffer inside the jail!!...
And with ripped, violence, kill, murders, criminal alliances, drugs, info…
They will be re enable at the society…
Discovery channel
Animal factories!
The up grade…
The doctorate to be re enable at the society.
And in every jail movie
The hole, the insulation…
Is unimaginable to use.
If you are innocent…
So sorry
Because, by law…
Is to your self PROTECTION!!!...
And for every rulers
Judge, lowers, Juries, Police…
All of they are rippers…
Violate the right..
Violate the laws…
And they have right…
Those right?.
The up grade, the doctorate to be re enable…
And in society where the money is hope,
Rest, confot, future, heal, education, sex,
A steal is not reaping…
And I not talking to take a CANDY!!!.
I go not out.
And I need a macho man.
city: Villa Carlos Paz
poem_title: My unhappiness
country: Argentina
state: Cordoba
Axa Schaller, 10 june 2012
Reguemos avioncitos con osmosis inversa
40 toneladas de agua dulce por día en los buques guerreros_
y se acaba el agua_
Y embotellemos agua y nos hagamos ricos_
We can kill, a piggy for a compatible heart.
Or a human innocent.
100 thousand dollar.For a compatible heart.
What is the biotechnology_
I don’t know but is illegal.
Not in off money, Not in off money.
Opposite side, Opposite side.
Lets Legalizations the drugs_
To stop war, sailing guns, killing innocents.
A lot of money, A lot of money.
My side, My side. Impossible!_
Fax Washington Hillary
promes real democracy
and safely you will be president
dont do it, just promes.
That means, reelection.
And Hillary,the defense of the democracy on the planet, thought_
What stupid Platoon_
Goodness mayoralty people wants.
What I fucking care those people.
If is just the manipulation of the TV.
Like free speaking_
Between the politicians only..
Whole Nation not facking care.
Does not mother ho will be there.
Will steal as.
Confusing with democracy_
Doesn’t exist_
And Pass 2 thousandths years_
2 thousands year!. ..
(Put ideas on internet.
In the small division of the nation.
Call a jury, professional, scientist to vote the Decision in the senate.
Not more partial business
Personal interesting.
I must to remember you,
the senators was created because whole nation can not enter in a phisical place to vote?.
Goubernament caws!.
Not in off money, Not in off money
Oposite side, oposite side!.).
Axa Schaller, 10 june 2012
I seen Top Gun where I was child
Aircraft fallowed by enemy aircraft.
Why don’t drop the missile in back ward?.
Few impulse, in fraction of seconds,
will be under and behind the enemy_
In any direction be close.
Turn ON, search and destroy.
Or over fly the free feld down.
Pum!, Pum!, Pum!, Pum!.
20 years after,
never seenEven in movies.
Maybe they so advance in laser technology,
Than is stupid idea.
But, my fury make me to write to NASA,
Last evolution, last technology_
FROM BIG CRUNCH,Pass, x nano second,
and THEN
Create the space and time.
Back to school, i dont know if to stud grammatik or logic.
How can pass time before than be created?.
Even is theory must to be rational.
No Fking email back.
Axa Schaller, 10 june 2012
The mutation of element,
transform the water in gold using only the mind,
Was done my friend,
And is a terrible pain in my virtual ovaries.
The placebo,
the white pill do nothing and cure by somatization,
the negros transformed in cocaine.
Because the week mind can pay 100 box the gram of novalgina.
They sniff any sheet and is ok.
100 box the gram of novalgina
Cal, tiza, jabon en polvo, silocaine.
100 Box the gram of cocaine terapeutique for every where.
Holand, Kiosker, give me a shoot,
Will be cheap_
In this Miami groin up 80tins, bienes raices.
But a killer, killing a killer is not Police.
So_ Sustain the corruption y matemos mulitas.
Because never understand the draw law?,
Or because the fight in discos,Crash accidents, domestically violence,
By alcohol, not by peace and love.
I will not change my DVD for two grams,
We have not the same state mind,
And sail Liiitiuuuuum!!!!!!!.
Axa Schaller, 10 june 2012
In this, 5 years old_Mouse, Giga Hrz. Giga memory.To chat, sex, games_Not to learn, no to build.Because, the government is afraid_Little knowledge, that can drive at 5 years old_Where the grand PA, can not use the cell phone_Force to use the actual technology.To solve commons problem_And they will can not steal so easy.So_5 years old_Giga hrz. Giga memory to chat sex games_Where NASA 20 Kb calculator_Went to the moon!!!!.Sorry, 20 Bytes, not Kbytes.At this way certainly the dreams of Davinci will be truth_Whole planet, Glub!, Glub!, Glub!22 years fighting Al Gore with the ignorance and corruption_50 years starting NOW!!!.Or Davinci_Or Nostradamus_Or Mayas_Or Bible!!!Why?...Because Exxon, Shell, Toyota, Ford_Have not money to make a new Industy!!!.Ja, Ja, Ja!!!...And the CO2 is coming from the Plants, not From the cars!!!.60 energy produce U.S. by carbon combustion,Only one factory clean the air_Chine 60...India 70...He!. Al Gore!. The car is not more problem!!!.And what a FK are the solar panels?!!!.And they show at the world, can buy 5 car, 10 plasma_But not one solar panel_Or the Rulers are too busy to steal in 4 years?.
Axa Schaller, 22 may 2012
5 years old. Mouse, Giga Hrz, Giga Memory
To chat, sex, games…
Not to learn, not to build.
Because the Government is afraid
With little knowledge they can drive at 5 years old
Where the grand pa can not use the cell phone
Force to use the actual technology to solve commons problems
And they will can not steal so easy.
So… 5 years old. Mouse, Giga Hrz, Giga Memory
To chat, sex, games…
Where NASA 20 kb calculator went to the MOON.
On this way, certainly the dreams of Davinci will be truth
Whole planet, GLUB, GLUB, GLUB, GLUB.
22 years fighting AL GORE with the ignorance or corruption.
50 years starting now.
Or Davinci, or Nostradamus, Or Mayas, Or Bible.
Why?. Because…
Exxon, Shell, Toyota, Ford…
Have not money to make a new industry.
Ja ja ja…
Axa Schaller, 22 may 2012
Galaxies away…
At speed of light.
Must to be instant…
The gravity of (lord) love.
Or else no one fuking galaxies can be formed.
My movement is feeled by the universe.
Maybe the telepathy instant also.
In the plate of soup…
Is colder outside first.
First civilization more provability in the corner.
Where are so few physical laws…
And few elements…
Hundred elements.
In the infinite for you…
Where the scientist said the evolution is mechanical…
And we are the only humans.
Teen fingers by bible.
In The creation of the universe.
In the big bang, is the breath of god…
I don’t think so…
Even the moon have spirit.
Said saint Tomas of Aquino.
Risking his life…
Have spirit the cells.
When start? Little’s machines…
If you cat the grass…
Steel alive.
Is reproduction….
Or the expression of the starts?...
Many , Many, systems life….
No so many many planets…
The numbers, can close.
But, is if infinite…
Choose a number…
Give me the number.
You will selecting number for ever.
And can not pick up one.
But is if finite…
What before, what below?.
Why I exist?...
And other one not…
Finite and limited the universe,
Finite and limited the souls also.
The philosophy, never ever can prove.
The existence, because there is.
Atom not in discussion.
Root logic, platoon.
Science demonstration.
Energy not in discussion.
Mother is there.
He!. Teacher…
When you will have title.
You will can said what ever fuck you want to said.
Now, you must to said, what I telling.
Tree month, was my final day there.
But, unconsciously…
Why I exist.
Other one not.
Axa Schaller, 22 may 2012
Is empty here…
Is full there…
The mother is so nothing that is empty.
But in the space, quantum theory…
Creating and destroy particles in every where.
The space is not empty.
Is empty here…
Is full there…
Look the ETER in inferometer.
Scientist believe in ETER like a Druids.
Not find the curve of the light.
The space and time is the new curve.
And I will back to the point…
And I will back to the point…
And I will be alone with one point,
Axa Schaller, 9 april 2012
Pb, pb pb leading Al Gore…
Pb, pb, pb leading Al gore…
Cancer, tons at day by car…
By 50 year promethium?.
Force exonn shell Toyota ford to use the cell hydrogen.
Pero el plomo no produce Cáncer.
And i smoke cancer by law TABACO!!!.
Fumate un porro y que te haga un blow job una secretaria
Yo soy muy estupida.
I smoke the 50 of the pollution of the World.
5 marlbobors is not considerate smoker for doctors.
Mutants declarate at the humanity NASA by radioactivity on air.
TV produce cancer.
Microwave produce cancer.
Cell phone produce cancer.
And I can not smoke.
Even into the cinema where a simple stractor of air is in off.
Another big human question is…
Why there is not whisky in the cinema?...
I can not be with a whisky with out cigarettes.!!!
Axa Schaller, 9 april 2012
The lower
In this country they not steal,
Because if you steal cut the hands…
Laws, well,rules?.
Not, ja jaja, and every one want to be there.
An politician stealing .5 billion persons.
Certainly will be in jail a lot time less than me,
Laws, well, rules?.
Not, ja ja ja.
And a police stealing, ripping, killing,
Is the same an a normal citizen.
Not responsibilities.
Where the tecnisismo is stronger,
Than the human conscience,
Perceptible like moral.
To sustain a higher law.
So close to be divine,
Than the reach,
Are buying there!!!.
Cafca don’t suicideeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!.
Have a future vision Cafca.
All the constitutions.
And the tecnisismo why?.
Because is better one million criminal outside,
Than one innocent inside.
One day win to this side,
Next day opposite side,
Depending the money.
Platon said the laws are benefit of the reach.
Perdition of the pours.
False my friend.
The reach can buy the laws.
The pours have nothing to loose.
The middle class must to pay.
The taxes the reach not pay.
The taxes the poor not pay.
The law protect the inferior.
The upper can buy.
We can not.
The low class have nothing to loose...
And in Argentina the gouvernament,
Was attempting to destroy the middle class,
So many times…
But they fail lit.
Ours middle class is strong…
Be friend of Chavez and everything will be fine.
I don’t think so…
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