Alisha, 21 march 2012
You're not sorry for the tears in my eyes
nor the reason i ask myself why
you shrug off the breaks in my heart
even though they weren't there from the start
you're not sorry for leaving me alone
not even for casting me out in the cold
i rely on other people to talk to
i'm not sure what else to do
you're not sorry for making me feel bad
or for the ugly things you say when you get mad
it hurts to hear those lies
i mostly just want to say bye
you're not sorry for the scars i make
not even for the chances i take
i try my best to never hurt u
even if what you say isn't true
you talk about me not loving you
when i most honestly do
almost everyday you hurt me
and as much as you say it, you're not sorry
Alisha, 21 march 2012
My chest pains with the thought of our memories
every thought of our love hits me with a breeze
dry tears refuse to appear from sadness
as they get buried deep into the cold darkness
pushing you out is the way i shall now live
you have seemed to move on while i refuse to win
you also seem to be happy so i will let you go
my heart shall never move on and that you'll never know
Alisha, 21 march 2012
Even with someone else
feelings for you still drift
my lips will never tell
how much my heart has ripped
i shall always miss your touch
even more those lips
it's you eyes i miss so much
you in general i'll forever miss
Alisha, 21 march 2012
Lost in the dust blown by the wind
confused by the trust that grew cold and thin
locked behind gates of forbidden love
watching the feathers turn black of a dove
just froze in time, stiff and still
the heart stands bitterly at the top of a hill
everything turns dark as the color drains out
red falls from the mouths of the ones who shout
there's crime and murder that never ends
the ground under their feet begin to bend
they're all separated from the other with a shove
all thanks to the gates of forbidden love
Alisha, 21 march 2012
I attempted to move on,
but failed miserably to do so,
everything felt more then wrong,
why were the tears coming so slow,
he wasn't like you,
i wanted what i had lost,
at least i knew that love was true,
but it seemed like that love just got shot,
seems as if you moved on quickly,
you're with her now instead of me,
i will not complain since you seem happy,
but i will never seem to let myself be,
you are forever in my heart,
that will never be forgotten,
why does it have to be so hard,
my heart is nothing but rotten,
my chest starts to pain with memories,
i have no way out of this darkness it seems,
im done with saying please,
always remember you'll forever be with me...
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