Jim Sularz, 2 june 2012
© 2012 (Jim Sularz)
When blossoms drop and withered fall,
one final drink from solace rain.
A chilling night, dark shadows steal,
lost seed that’s washed away.
Last tears subside, bright stars peek out,
a guiding light beyond timeless shores.
Tethered souls sail through faith-filled seas,
await Tide’s harbor doors.
Young restless larks preen at water’s edge,
launch wide-eyed and catapult free.
Neither stop to sow nor worry themselves,
instead, they just – believe.
Jim Sularz, 8 march 2012
I will walk through fields of chrysanthemums,
with giant dragonflies in gloried hues.
In a curved space-time continuum,
I’ll stand in wonder, they’ll peer and zoom.
I will reap, from deep treasures ploughed,
when love’s full measure is weighed in me.
Where far flung coalescing spirit clouds,
conceive their stardust progeny.
With bright candle lights, melt my waxen wings,
rekindle my spirit shadow to set me free.
Then, within my soul, I’ll rejoice and let the Heavens sing,
that it be Earth, I’ve come back to see!
Jim Sularz, 8 march 2012
A stitch, a knot, a sudden tear,
some missing counts along the folds.
Her cloth was sewn in Life’s fine linen,
and bordered, in marygolds.
Still monogrammed, but mostly worn,
in bold initials, RHS.
With mauve tear-dropped appliqués,
in the center, two silhouettes.
For naked she came and naked she left,
her embroidered life was sewn untold.
In pink chenille and diamond eyelets,
with resplendent marygolds!
Jim Sularz, 3 march 2012
Deep in a Black Forest,
lost along a mystic stream.
Where the winds still whisper,
a thousand untold dreams.
Enchanted shadows,
kicking frosted leaves.
Sleep at night’s darkness,
wake upon a moonlit breeze.
Castled ruins in disbelief,
sap blistered lips unseen.
Singing Austrian pines in chorus,
beneath an idyllic scene.
Dancing high betwixt the hills,
hide an’ seek, and make-believe.
Pine cones popping tear-dropped treasures,
wave a kiss goodbye, "Auf Wiedersehen!"
Jim Sularz, 2 march 2012
I am neither man nor woman -
or naked flesh and blood.
I journey at the speed of compassionate thought -
without limitation or boundary.
I draw near only in peace and I will reshape the world -
like no great army ever could.
I am Christmas, 1914.
I am gentle and childlike -
a joyful melody in the hearts of young and old.
I am spirit without malice or hate -
a mother’s undying love, a father’s embrace.
I reign above the loftiest mountaintops -
dwell in the silent depths of blue oceans and seas.
I am light eclipsing all other lights -
to heal and comfort those in need.
I am all-knowing and eternal -
the universe, my heavenly abode.
And upon my divine mantelpiece,
I affix - all things beautiful.
Jim Sularz, 2 march 2012
Walked a crooked road, steep and winding,
over shrouded hills by the bay.
Shattered buildings rose from ashes,
street cars clang their bells this day.
Towered bridges span an island,
steel ships beneath their reach.
Time stuck fast to tell a tale,
when Earth rippled through a Golden Gate.
Broken lives in long remembrance,
the kites are flying high.
It’s been decades since that monster hit,
and The City, still whirls away . . .
Jim Sularz, 1 march 2012
There is a way to save our Earth,
from rain-swept plains to desert’s thirst,
and moonlit lakes to rivers fast and wide.
From canyons carved with Nature’s hands,
to soft and fickle hills of sand,
and shore to shore to mountains stretched out high.
From sea to sea to oceans deep,
Her icy Worlds now start to weep,
and disappear before our careless eyes.
And from dark starry nights to bright sunny days,
green northern lights will dance away,
with flying clouds and rainbows painting skies.
There is a way to save our Earth,
it’s you and I, and Nation’s worth.
Carry On!
Jim Sularz, 29 february 2012
Sun’s first rise over life-less skies, the earth cools, and the waters pool
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And the planet’s broken plates quake and move.
Lightning strikes, the waters stir, and the bonds of life begin to churn
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And the waters swirl in a living urn.
Strange aquatic things, they all evolve, some spiny finned, start to crawl
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And they slowly stretch erect and tall.
Eons past where the cunning reign, a savage place, with small sized brains
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And the dead surrender their twisted remains.
An asteroid streaks from the sky, blocks out the Sun, cause most to die
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And all in a blink of time’s eye.
Footprints in stone, some on mountainsides, make it clear that rocks don’t lie
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And the fossils always tell the time.
Eons past and eons more, the fittest evolves, and man is born
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And the early brain, once fast asleep, begins to
dream and mourn.
The first million years, man lives in fear, learns to hunt, invents the spear
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And migrates to claim the vast frontiers.
Tools from stone and controlled fire, creates language, that shake man’s empire
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And splash cave paintings with human inspire.
Life-times of hunter-gathering, and story-telling in the dark
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And a world spins with a million hearts.
The Earth starts to warm, the oceans rise, and the waters shape the lands
- the Sun Burns East to West.
And when an Ice Age ends, then comes, the Age of Man.
Jim Sularz, 29 february 2012
Faith pierces the gray morning clouds,
and a new age has dawned.
A Faith that outstretched wings of peace will soar,
through stormy skies now calmed.
With Faith we’ll wake to see that promised day,
when swords are hammered into plows.
Faith that moves hills and mountains about,
a Faith that believes and will never doubt.
Hope with hearts bared and prayers extolled,
that only good will come to pass.
When disease, hunger, the orphaned and cold,
are no longer memories of our past.
Hope that shapes a world of dreams,
and one that keeps us safe.
Hope with a soft and warm caress,
a Hope that will fill our emptiness.
Love, an unbreakable golden thread,
that weaves through hearts and souls.
When Love resonates with truth from above,
the heavens open, a universe unfolds.
Love heals all who stand in it’s light,
and guides those lost in the dark.
Love without blame and endless in scope,
a Love that forgives all, through Faith and Hope.
Jim Sularz, 29 february 2012
What final verse, which season’s breeze,
will billow death and come for me?
Will I slip away cold ashen lips,
or slowly fade with each shallowed breath?
Will my faith endure when the clock is struck,
in the Book of Life is my soul in-trust?
Will I ever wake from night’s burrowed sleep,
and soar with angels through Heaven’s gate?
Born of love – Die in pain,
what mournful words will attempt to say?
When granite’s cut-in stony deep,
who’ll stand and wait, to remember me?
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