
Ryan Matthew Arcilla
PROFILE About me Friends (2) Poetry (5)

Ryan Matthew Arcilla

Ryan Matthew Arcilla

Well... I'm quite emotional, and quite poetic... Too emotional, in fact, that I need a mental medic... It seems that I'm always heartbroken... I want to be happy, just for one time... But...it'll never happen, unless I hear her voice chime... Oh, how it hurts, oh, how I'm croakin'... I Often Write Poetry I write poetry when I'm depressed...in other words, always. If you know me on CatsPawIsland, you'll know that I'm a poetic bastard. There, I'm Crimsonpaw. My backup is Burnstreak, and that is the account all my poems are located on, My Other Hobbies I'm a handball fanatic...as well as a music addict (Mhm...yes, I also go on chatlands sites. If you wish to know more 'bout me, go to CatsPawIsland.com (CPI) and search for Hyurikai or Thanatos.)

number of arts: 5

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