Darkness Incomparable

Darkness Incomparable

As he came to the final doors, he felt the blackness enter the room. He could feel it closing on him as he came to the final door. It wouldn't open. "Come on, open!" With his full weight, he slammed his body through the door, emerging into a bigger room with a large window. Sprinting to cross the room, he dove into the window with a crash of glass breaking, and he fell into darkness. James Deschamp has lived in the shadow of the old psychiatric hospital all his life. Never has he dared enter it…until now. Strange things have been happening in the town of Merchant. While most of the townspeople remain oblivious, voices, bizarre sounds, and odd green lights disturb James and his friends. When a group of teenagers from the high school disappears, the mystery deepens. He knows a dark evil lurks, waiting for the moment it will engulf him, the girl he loves, the town…and possibly the entire earth. Can James find the answers he seeks? Or will he be swallowed up in Darkness Incomparable?


publisher: Tate

year: 2012

where can you buy?: In stores this fall!

internet store: darknessincomparable.com

number of comments: 0 | rating: 3 |

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