mvvenkataraman, 20 january 2017
Art of writing poetry
Is like growing a tree
We must well-nourish it
To make it stay fit
Through a wide reading
Which, poem is needing
We must gain knowledge
To build a poetic bridge
We must study great books
And shape wisely our outlooks
And read all noble quotes
To travel in poetry's routes
We must always ponder over
And feel diffident never
By pursuing with enthusiasm
We must follow optimism
When daily we make a try
Our thoughts will never dry
We soon write poems easily
Our fame then grows greatly.
mvvenkataraman, 17 may 2016
You try, you must try
That is the only way
To reach so high
And gloriously stay
When you die
All must for you pray
And together sadly cry
Respects, all will pay
If love is in your eye
If mercy, you display
You create a lovely tie
Everyday is your day
If you say never a lie
Driva anger ever away
Say to anger so good-bye
If for it you turn a prey
Can't save you even Sky
To keep away from dismay
You ask the question- Why?
Your doubts, you convey
Never fear or feel shy
Love all without delay
Love to none, you deny
A kind word you ever say
To help all you always try
For month you say 'may'
Doubt none by being a spy
Tell not at any time, 'I may'
Your firm mind, you imply
Go only on the right way
Affection, you kindly supply
For you is devoted this lay
View it not with a sigh.
mvvenkataraman, 22 july 2015
Pray and try to hope
Then you can cope
Believe that you can
Be a courageous man
Try and do the best
Please be ever honest
Love and never expect
The loved to be perfect
Act today to do a thing
While doing, gladly sing
Always exercise sagacity
That will create a beauty
If possible do the job
But, never foolishly sob
You must try to win
Crying is a real sin
Attempt with confidence
Employ divine prudence
Never feel you can't
Let no loss try to daunt
You can surely achieve
A fine plan, you can weave
Life-path will be smooth
If your hope is mammoth
Don't grudge and be sad
Always budge and be glad
If peace of mind, you need
Always do a noble deed
If equanimity you love
Pray to the Lord above
If you are to all a friend
His hand, God will lend
Good-luck for you dear
Live this life with cheer
Make this Earth a Heaven
While living, have true fun
If mercy is your motto
And you have no ego
Mirth is to you assured
Life can be endured.
mvvenkataraman, 1 april 2015
Complete equanimity is needed
Wrong words mustn't be uttered
Let wise people's advice be heeded
Any situation can be thus bettered
To God, Justice can be pleaded
By God, evils will be surely fettered
Courage must be exercised
Rage must be fully exorcised
Even a sage may be criticized
If calmness is strictly maintained
Problems get by themselves solved
If bold attitude is attained
A difficulty is half-solved
If honestly one has strained
To help, God would have resolved.
mvvenkataraman, 3 october 2014
Precious peace, I badly need
As that only gives me solace
Now, a sad life, I just lead
No joy comes to embrace
I hoped, but lost totally
I tried and was defeated
Fate failed me brutally
My mirth got deleted
Failure and loss often arrive
And present me with tears
From God, peace, I derive
But, stay with me fears
Lost is guts increasing doubts
Dead is mirth that is buried
Worry accumulates debts
Soul is crucified, not freed
My life just goes on and on
Dawn arrives just regularly
My peace and faith are gone
I pray to get bliss surely.
mvvenkataraman, 27 july 2014
Work must be deeply loved
To do which, feel ever proud
For the money that you earn
Your body calories must burn
If work is highly tedious
It makes you studious
Work if you truly like
Your peace will hike
Do work more and more
Never call it damn bore
When you properly involve
All problems, it will solve
Work is a healthy outlet
From which, joy you get
If doing work you relish
It will destroy anguish
Work is a curing medicine
It brings robust health in
O- Work- You give relief
Solving monetary grief.
mvvenkataraman, 20 march 2014
Writing is indeed a great art
To write, must help our heart
Sufficient is not mere brain
For good ideas, one must train
Very easy to fill all the pages
That skill, anyone manages
One's ideas must be of real use
For this, one must finely muse
Pen is there, paper is there
Poets are there to share
If our contribution is bad
Joy is not by God had
We must uplift this World
Make humans highly bold
We must force all to think
We mustn't aimlessly ink
When our name is read
Must be glad every head
Into our write, all must peep
Our words, they must keep
Many may call one a bore
If one timid man can score
After reading one's write
That alone is true delight
Thousand poets will overlook
My poem calling me a crook
If one reader gets courage
That is the best advantage
I may die unknown to all
If remembers me my pal
Recollecting our friendship
That is eqaul to worship
We must do a good deed
By helping those who need
If that becomes our goal
Then God loves our soul
Happy life, if we love to lead
Use kindness is what I plead
Kindness alone is holiness
It only can give happiness.
mvvenkataraman, 30 december 2013
Always hope that you can do
Never hesitate, but make a try
Real power is had by you
You can achieve, don't cry
When is positive your view
One by one, all hurdles die
Fear is a serious ailment
Dear, it stops development
Tear comes via that experiment
Fear must be totally removed
Mind must be with guts filled
By cheer, our joy gets improved
Pessimism is by faith killed
Lives of great souls have proved
That one must be strong-willed.
mvvenkataraman, 1 december 2013
Better to do away with excitement
Even though that is supremely tough
As often we land into a deep trouble
By offering highly tough promises
By keeping our cool, we surprise all
As they are bewildered by our act
We never suffer as we don’t blunder
Mainly because we control our mind
In a happy mood, if we make a gift
We may have to regret surely later
If that may affect our prosperity
Is not that an act of ignorance?
Practice to control mind and tongue
As both may slip inadvertently always
Once we establish our supremacy
Our life is traveling on a safe route
In a nutshell, let out not emotions
Calmly muse before taking a step
Find out practically its benefits
Go ahead with a control in speed.
mvvenkataraman, 18 october 2013
Love all and better to do it now
It has the power to keep us fit
Kind heart strengthens mind
To show affection, try to know
Irritation gives disconsolation
Anger causes terrific danger
Hatred makes a horrible bed
Divinity never likes cruelty
If your heart is badly rough
Ever if you hate, love never
Punishing if you are wishing
Sadness you get with madness
Send message to be a friend
Express love to ever impress
Shout not losing your clout
These are the ways to please
Practice to produce holy peace
Mingle with all, be not single
Ignorant mind only is violent
Mercy is the very best policy.
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