Tanya Canning, 31 january 2012
There is this herb that tastes so nice
It’s not that kind it’s not a spice
In a roll it has to go
Then sit back and smoke it slow
It takes awhile to get a hit
But there is no stopping once its lit
It’s not that easy to explain the taste
Once you start they’ll be no waste
Right to the tip you’ll smoke it down
That’s what makes your fingers brown
Horrible stains all over your fingers
Even the smell on your clothes it lingers
But what the hell who gives a toss
Its up to you, you are the boss
So roll a spliff and just sit back
It does no harm its not like crack
Just an herb that we call weed
Like any plant it’s grown from seed
From smoking this plant you’ll come to no harm
It gives you a feeling a feeling of calm
So what is the problem with making it legal?
It is no different from smoking embassy regal
So the family of royals they just have to go
To make the way for legal blow
Tanya Canning, 31 january 2012
It’s from the womb that we arrive
The start of life it’s a fight to survive
For the first few years there’s nothing we know
Life doesn’t start until adults we grow
So when you were born try to think of that day
You just wont remember there is no way
Know matter how hard you try to recall
There just is no memory there’s nothing at all
So those very first years are just a blank space
With not even a thought nor even a trace
Then children of our own into this world we will bring
So fragile and delicate poor little thing
Not one single word they can’t even talk
Two tiny legs that cant even walk
The same for us our lives must have been
Through our kids those missing years we have seen
Tanya Canning, 31 january 2012
I’m an alcoholic and I don’t care
Life without drink just wouldn’t be fair
First thing in the morning and barley awake
Straight for the bottle a drink I just take
The days seem to fly it’s all in fuzz
I just can’t help it I just need the buzz
People keep tell me that drink sometimes kills
So while I’m alive I’ll enjoy all the frills
So I’ll just carry on till the day that I die
Then if I am drunk I’ll go while I’m high
When I am sober life just seems strange
It’s just too late for me to change
I’ll drink what I want and that’s how it will stay
So don’t try to change it wont happen no way
Whatever happens my own life I will lead
I know while I’m drunk from reality I’m freed
Tanya Canning, 25 january 2012
With no eyes you could not see
I wonder how your life would be
Just thing of all the things you’d miss
You would not see me blow a kiss
I just can’t imagine how I would feel
Within darkness I could not heal
Would you know if I was there?
You couldn’t look you couldn’t stare
How black your life must really seem
When you cant see but only dream
Not knowing if its night or day
In the dark is where you stay
With your hands you feel around
And your ears hear every sound
It’s hard to think how life would be
But I thank god that I can see
Tanya Canning, 25 january 2012
I would not believe it; it could not be true
When I first heard what had happened to you
I’ll see you soon just wait and see
They were that words you said to me
Why did you go why did you die
All alone you left me to cry
I still think of you and I still grieve
If only I knew why you had to leave
You were my friend and you were the best
But you were too young to be laid to rest
I know in my life their wont be another
You were my best friend you were my brother
Tanya Canning, 25 january 2012
I know I did wrong I committed a crime
That’s why I’m here just doing my time
Alone in a room behind a locked door
With stains on the wall and dirt on the floor
Four bars on the window there’s not much to see
For breaking the law looked what happened to me
I miss all my friends and my family as well
For doing wrong I am locked in a cell
One little room with a pan and a sink
You couldn’t imagine ho what a stink
I can’t wait for the day that comes to an end
Why no visits V.O’s I did send
For what I had done I had a lesson to learn
Just sitting and waiting to hear the key turn
I’m telling you this so listen to me
For breaking the law behind bars you will be
Tanya Canning, 10 january 2012
Some people fight some people kill
We know it wont stop it never will
How different it would be without all of this
Life would be great it would just be bliss
The young and the innocent aren’t safe on the streets
There’s always someone who’ll entice them with sweets
Then there are others who do it for greed
A few years in prison and then they are freed
The penalty of death should be brought back in force
For those who hurt others I’ll show no remorse
With people like this we should change the law
Instead of a few years behind a locked door
They know damn well they’ll soon be set free
To hurt someone else it could be you or me
Back behind bars they know the will go
For what they have done no regret do they show
Now you have heard I hope you agree
Those who hurt others without life they should be
Tanya Canning, 10 january 2012
I wish I were a fly so small
Then I’d live upon a wall
All my friends just think I’m mad
But being a fly cant be all that bad
I’ll tell you soon my reason why
Then I know you’d be a fly
There’s much worse thing s in life to be
Why on try a dirty flea
On cats and dogs all day just think
The life of a flea must really stink
But that’s not just my reason why
I’d still choose to be a fly
I sometimes wish I could be small
Then I would stay on the bathroom wall
So here’s my reason it’s not that silly
If I were a fly I’d see more Willy
Tanya Canning, 10 january 2012
What would it be like if I were a tree
Just how different my life would be
Standing still for years on end
Perhaps it would drive me round the bend
Back and forth I’d sway in the breeze
Then in the winter my branches would freeze
In the autumn I would be naked and bare
But I’m just a tree so who’s going to care
I’ll attract all the birds when it turns to spring
They will sit on my branches and then start to sing
Building their houses they fly too and fro
Too bring up their young I watch how they grow
When it gets cold they’ll all fly away
The sign that its winter with a sky that is grey
Alone again not one single bird
The sound of the singing not to be heard
All the little animals have all hidden away
I’m stuck in the ground that’s where I will stay
I see the odd person who’s out for a jog
Then there are others out walking their dog
Then they will stop to let the dog pee
But why do they have to do it on me
Kids swing from my branches till they fall apart
If only they realised I do have a heart
Then there are others who give us the chop
Just to make furniture to sell in their shop
I wish I could talk then I could explain
That I do have feelings and I do feel the pain
So next time your out you’re bound to see me
Maybe you’ll realise I’m not just a tree...
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