oluwatosin olabode, 29 april 2014
I worry alot about you
As though a part of me could be hurt
If I haven't affirmed that you're fine.
I care alot about you
If it's all I have to do
I will be content in knowing you are ok .
You mean more than the world to me
And so with every breath I take
I really am Concerned about you.
oluwatosin olabode, 6 april 2014
I made a friend
Awesome and amazing.
Her listening ears
Give ma soul peace of mind.
Allows me pour ma troubles
Not so she can judge or blame me;
But for a problem shared z already half solved,
She listens to see how she can help me
A friend like this
Is only found when describing Jesus,
And yea!!!
I see me "some Jesus in her"
This is just to say thank you dear,
I cherish this friendship more than gold
Because in all gladness,
I made a good friend.
oluwatosin olabode, 21 march 2014
I'll worship You
Forever and ever,
Might not be to Your standard
But it would be to the best I can.
I really do love You
Though it's in a crapy way
And most times I feel unworthy of You.
I'll try to remain In Your image
Loving You nothing less than I can.
I'm always grateful
For being You
And making me, me...
Just to let You know
You can have Your way with me
Even when seemingly I cannot handle me
I've searched and found you to be true.
And eternally Lord,
In spirit and in truth
I pray to abide in You
Even as I dwell in Your presence daily
oluwatosin olabode, 19 march 2014
And so he waited
Into the night
Clinging to desires,
Hoping she would call his name
Its past bed time
But he's more awake
Than a cock crowing in
The awakening of the day
This love
Like never before
Burns with passion
With an affection unending
If only ma special would come
Its certainly then worth the wait,
If only ma special would come
In peace would I find ma calm
I miss you much
For every second without you
I wanna be with you even more
For evey second that can be made possible
I wish you were here.
Iloveyou ma one and only-
oluwatosin olabode, 15 december 2013
Dear silence,
Please keep quiet;
Without a word,
I hear you too loud... too clear…
You are a comforter when I'm depressed,
A shelter whenever I'm lost,
A home for my self-pity,
My breath in low self esteem-
Yet I'm still here
Dying on the inside
For some reasons to be made known,
annulling the thought of suicide; again.
I tell self,
Deceiving myself with this lie,
"No one will understand you,
but if you must, tell it to yourself
no one else will understand you."
And so, for too long
I wallowed in loneliness,
Though I was surrounded by people
I was very much always alone.
I was eclectic with my decisions,
I felt I couldn't have been wrong;
I was in so much pain, it made
Childbirth’s pain, look as painless as
bathing a childand so I thought,
"This has to be my best option
Being silent meant I was on the right track."
I couldn't tell anyone,
Not my lover
Not even the Lover of my soul,
I became isolated,
An embodiment of sadness…
I learnt how to fake a smile,
I learnt how to be defensive,
I learnt how to read people;
thus picking meaning from almost anything-
It wasn't always like this though,
I once tried to talk,
But I was induced with more problems,
Rather than a simple hand of solution
I wanted a friend,
But I got someone that grew distant.
I wanted a brother,
But I got someone that didn't bother.
I wanted a listener,
But I got someone that was just hearing.
I wanted you
But all I got was someone that didn't care enough.
With this much pain,
I found me a sedative,
I found succor in SILENCE
Keeping the pain to myself;
seemed to be the best option,
at least no one will induced more hurt…
I hear you too loud... too clear…
For too long-
But, things are different now,
They are getting better,
I see a light in my tunnel,
Someone reminded me of JESUS,
The one who allows me cast my care upon him,
The one who isn't judgmental
as he is careful in caring for me,
The one who gives rest to the heavy laden,
The one who gives peace to the soul,
The one with understanding,
The one who LISTENS,
The only one who heals no matter how deep...
My trust-
Its been abused once to many
Honestly, it has made me pessimistic,
Nonetheless... I felt I should give him a try,
And so I opened up to him
I told him about the weight I had been lifting
My tears fell right on his shoulder...
It became crystal clear,
He is the light in my tunnel.
Do not misread the next couple of lines;
I'm still in the walking process making progress-
I feel lifted
I am calmer
I feel joy
I know I have someone that will listen;
a friend always closer than a brother
I'm lighter
I know I have someone that understands
"You need to speak up
Silence spreads within you like cancer,
And kills faster than a bullet to the heart-
It's when people HEAR you,
that you become more depressed.
Find someone that will LISTEN:
Family, counselor, mentor,
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, neighbor,
Whoever... but don't be desperate as to anyone,
Make sure it's someone that will listen,
Someone with the active heart of God-
Don't keep silent
You need to speak up"
Silence; be quiet!!!
I want to speak-
Christ in me is as well as in others
I've found someone I can talk to
In whom I find God's PEACE
(D title ascribed to d heart that listens)
I pray you find yours too…
oluwatosin olabode, 8 november 2013
It would be unfair of me
To ask to be loved by you,
When no one asked me to love you
Yet my whole heart have I given to you...
Love comes naturally
In her time, she flows freely
Establishing high priority
To what's important to the other...
Love entails patience
She's renewed every morning.
Love's understanding
She makes conscious effort at ensuring things work daily.
Love is seen by actions
You don't just say it and expect the other to feel it.
Love doesn't boasts
You both can't love each other equally.
Love isn't full of "shit"
You make the effort to love the best nonetheless.
Love is absolutely sacrifical
There is nothing like "self" but "selflessness" in her
Love doesn't brag
She shuns self-defence so qucikly;
For the uncomfortable truth of knowing the other better.
Love is God in Himself
She's unconditional
She comes out though it won't be returned,
And nonetheless, if it is ignored.
Love is what remains when at war with the other
Not just the happy beginnings of first time mood swings.
Is my soul worth it
I shouldn't be told before my heart sees it
I ain't asking for anything though
But love is what it is....
oluwatosin olabode, 2 november 2013
The feelings I have for you,
They are real
They are never made up
They're a part of who I am...
I love you
It's not just a line
I love your flaws;
They tell the story of your strength to come...
My feelings-
... They flow from my heart
In the stream of my emotions
Deep down in my soul
The truth; my love, my affection for you
I love you
Your internal being
Who you are
Who you are becoming
Who He made you be
The warmth of your embrace
The joy in your presence
The beauty of your company
The peace in our silence;
Are all symptoms irresistible...
I love you
I love the fear of God you've got
If you will, i'll like to grow with you,
Cuz the feelings I have-
They are real...
Dedicate to Twiny...
oluwatosin olabode, 24 october 2013
I need someone to talk to
But I have nothing to say
Hear me in my silence
As my heart pants in tears
I'm broken
I need strength, to say the least
Who's here to help me
I could really use a hand
Can't you sense my frustration?
I can really put d blame on everyone else
But no... I just need a hand to hold me
A shoulder to rest on
And a friend, closer than a brother...
I need someone to talk to
Someone without selfish ambition
Whose interest won't fade quickly
at the dullness of my worries...
A person setting aside ego
Just so he can hear me speak...
Can I please talk TO you?
oluwatosin olabode, 5 october 2013
She's beautiful-
A damsel to behold;
With her serene personality
And easy going character,
She's a queen to be told
Her warmth caresses me
Funny; so fun to be with
Smart, intellectual, clever...
Awesomely unique at all she does:
Fashionista, academia,
One with the gift of singing,
Whose drawings reflect 'unedged' talent
With her presence, I'm never fuzzy
Her writings are God's own breath.
Though I'm a thousand miles away
I feel her smiles as though without a distance
She make me smile
I pray her smiles grow in His grace
Happy Birthday Love.
Happy birthday Twiny.
Happy birthday Keenea.
oluwatosin olabode, 4 october 2013
What will be done
has been done,
Entering into an existence
that has existed,
Giving and doing things
already always done,
Concerning this; it can't be mistaken,
but if and only if, it's followed His way.
Nothing more... nothing less
serious, couldn't give anything else.
While people be getting confirmations
this one- Yes already confirmed.
It's a life free from doubt,
not conflicted, seems to understand life's nature.
I tell you...
No longer I,
but Christ, that lives in me.
His blood's insured,
He is the perfect one; so are my becoming...
Once, all things becoming new,
as I surrender; old things passing away.
My blood's insured too
as he immediately now lives in me.
The insured blood entails
dwelling in the secret place of the Most High,
Where He is a sheild for us;
simply put, our protection is assured.
This isn't to say, it will happen,
but that, it has happened already.
To be insured, is to be certain,
to know without an iota of doubt
that He, in whom you have your being
has covered all you could ever think of-
Without the shedding of blood,
there cannot be forgiveness of sins.
His blood was given...
Off course, it satisties!!!
Only the insured blood
Keeps you whole enough.
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