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15 march 2012

To Cease the Hurt

Apathetic to this unbearable suffering, those callous antagonizers,
Constantly achieving their unsightly wants through this affliction.
Abject adjustments have amplified as ambitions shift to minors;
With no mind to this pitless void, they continue with this infliction.

Typical me, not able to express this dismay and resentment,
As these self-absorbed intimidators aggravate in contentment.
It is unbelievable how emotional torment can be so traumatizing,
And hurtfully damaging to one's state of mind and being.

I cannot bring myself to like many my age,
For they usually act in this individualistic way.
Why can I not allow my silence to disengage,
And for once see to it that it shall all go away?

Somehow, I shall cease my usual, irritating reticence
And resume living through some of life's redolence.

I just have to, so please leave me alone.

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