
PROFILE About me Poetry (3)


dylan, 28 december 2011

Some emotions in life

Open your eyes up to your life
Do you want kids and a wife
These are all the possibilities
These are all the secrets hidden behind great big trees
Oh and let your feelings be seen by all
Promise yourself you will never fall
Don’t let people choose who you are
Make your own fame be your own star
Get out do the things you’ve always wanted to
Buy something that screams out to you
And don’t ever hesitate
Follow your heart make your own fate
Cause we are who we chose to be
What you get is what you see
Things don’t always go according to plan
That’s life mate try to understand
The sun might be high it might be stinking hot
But mate make the best of what ya got
Ask that girl you like so much out
Live life with no regret or doubt
Party hard well into the night
Back any of your mates in a fight
Don’t ever be ruled by fear
Look out for those you hold tight and dear
Grab a ladies hand tell em a couples two
Whisper in their ear baby me and you
Treat the ladies right and fair
If she needs you, you be there
Life has never been an easy thing
But it’s relaxing when you hear the birds sing
And sometimes life will give you a test
Work hard have fun and you will be the best
And when u love someone and they don’t know
Sometimes it’s best that you don’t show
But its just so dam hard to keep away
So hard not to think about them on a rainy day
Everyone has a different take on life
Some enjoy happiness some enjoy strife

It’s not up to anyone to tell you what to think
If you like someone create that special link
People go in and out of our lives
It’s not our choice who lives and who dies
But don’t ever be ruled by fear
Look out for those you hold tight and dear
Everyone has a special trick or trait
No one should ever be tied down by fate
Chose the path you wanna walk
Its not a race there’s time to talk
Don’t forget about anyone on the way
Remember who sticks with you day by day
Friends are always there for friends
They don?t come and leave like fashion trends
And when you find that good girl stay strong
and pray to god the
relationships good and long 

written by Dylan 

number of comments: 0 | rating: 17 | detail


dylan, 28 december 2011

Lifes Path

The places I’ve seen through out all my years
They Inspire my dream and conquer my fears
For if I had not been to them all
My take on life would be different for sure
they’ve given me memories good and bad
they’ve mad me happy and they’ve made me sad
these places have given me skills I use to this day
they’ve taught me how to rebel and how to obey
I ask how can places teach me so much
By activating my senses my smell and my touch
Each new location has always had something new
Something wonderful something amazing to do
New people to meet and new bonds to make
New emotions deep down just waiting to awake
From when we were all little and small
To when we finally grew up to be big and tall
We’ve travelled the land far and wide
And Along our journey we have laughed and we have cried
We’ve survived everything from fights to death threats
And we’ve made friends that’s something no one ever forgets
And although our paths are far from and end
We’ll refuse to break and we’ll refuse to bend
We’ll refuse to stop and just drop dead
Because deep down we know there’s a marvelous path ahead
written by Dylan 

number of comments: 0 | rating: 14 | detail


dylan, 28 december 2011

good mate

first time we met didnt go so well
but we met again now i have a story to tell
we started talking and eventually got along
but friction came as we were both stubborn and strong
i read you like a book whenever i could
and sometimes it annoyed you like i new it would
the arguments we had we're always heated
but we worked them out they were never uncompleted
but they werent just angry or mad times at all
we had some great memories together thats for sure
the times we stayed up talking all night
without and angry moment or a single fight
thats why i couldnt walk away from you
because for the good times i'd see anything through
i told you more then i told most
and you always listend intentelly, a brilliant host
sure i was a bit of an idiot half the time
but being over protective was my only true crime
i dont know how you put up with me
everyone told you not to, like i was some kind of killer bee
but for some reason you always forgave and forgot
thats why you were my one and only blind spot
when it came to you nothing could have been bad
cause you were the most trust worthy person id ever had
thats why when i left it all went to you
because you deserved it and my apology was long over due
i rarely ever said sorry to anyone
but i always said it to you quick so it was done
cause it just wasnt fun when you were upset
when your words were angry but you eyes were wet
still im glad you stuck by me all these years
thanks your a good mate :) cheers!

written by dylan

number of comments: 0 | rating: 12 | detail

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