Carey York, 29 january 2012
There's a stranger in my house,
Trying to be as quiet as a mouse,
But I see the shadow on the wall,
And this stranger is very tall,
Is this a woman or a man,
What do I do , I can't even stand,
I am scared of what they might do,
So I hide waiting for you,
But you never came around,
And I will soon be found,
Tears running down my face,
Trying to leave not one little trace,
As I try to move slowly twards the door,
My foot fell through the floor,
Struggling to get it out,
The stranger found me without a doubt,
The stranger that was so tall,
Was my husband after all!!!!!! =)
By.. Carey York
Carey York, 15 january 2012
I promise to love you,
For better, for worse,
In sickness, and in health,
For richer, for poorer,
To death do us part.
Where did the love go, after all these years,
Why does there have to be so many tears,
In sickness and in health you said you do,
But now look how untrue,
Why say these very meaningful words,
If you can't stand by them,
To death do us part,
But yet, you can't even feel then in your heart,
What about the kids that are in this too,
No one thought to ask them about what they are going thru,
Broken hearts are falling all around,
Along with a hurtful silence that is found,
Oh yes, there are many grandkids as well,
But grandpa can't see from the spell,
The spell of another,
His new lover,
Oh yes grandma there are many grandkids as well,
But you are under a different spell,
Many kinds of sickness have control over you,
And really bad depression too.
But thats ok, as long as you both are happy and loving life,
Mom you don't need your husband, and dad you don't need your wife,
Your kids are grown now,
We will try to do better some how,
I love you both with all my heart,
But you both tore our family apart,
Now I am left with no parent in my life,
But I make a good mother and one hell of a wife,
I miss you mom and dad,
At one point you were all I had,
I am no longer mad,
Just very sad,
Not one but two fathers are now gone,
Leaving my mother alone,
No matter how weak she will alway act strong,
So I put her in Gods hands where she belongs.
He will love her for better, or worse,
In sickness, and in health,
For richer, for poorer,
In life, and everlasting life,
Our Lord and Savior never leaves us,
Nor forsakes us,
He will carry us when we are no longer able to walk,
He knows what we think and feel even when we can't talk,
He is the HUSBAND and WE the WIFE.
Carey York, 15 january 2012
Life is hard most of the time, but we keep going hoping for the best,
We do things the way we want to do them, and forget about the rest,
The thing about that is, we are wrong,
Then we end up weak, when we think we are strong.
Because we are scared, we hate the ones we love the most,
And the ones we could care less about, are the ones we toast,
Or maybe we have hurt or got hurt, now we are alone,
Deep in our pain and heartache, we forget to even pick up the phone.
I tell you one thing, you can rest a sure,
You can have a happy life, for there is a cure,
I know first hand, put your faith and trust into the one above,
He is all you will ever need, for He is Love.
He can fulfill your every need, and so much more,
In reality, Christ is the one you will adore,
Don't give up, give yourself to our Lord and Savior,
You will be amazed, with you whole new behavior.
So keep your head up, up to the clouds,
Speak your voice, speak it humble and loud,
Stop doing your will, Start doing Gods will,
I promise, a whole new life is what you'll feel.
Carey York
Carey York, 15 january 2012
Bright beautiful lights,
Runiting with family and friends,
As we look at all of the wonderful sights,
And the place all the pain and sorrow ends,
Singing, laughing, and loving so free,
Because I have the Lord and Savior next to me,
In this place your never hot nor cold,
And you can walk on the streets of gold,
The Angels welcoming us as we pass them by,
There has never been anything more beautiful seen through these eyes,
This place is called Heaven!!!
Carey York, 27 december 2011
No more sickness,
No more pain,
No more wickedness,
Only love to gain,
Everlasting life,
Singing joyful songs,
Forever with Christ,
Where we belong,
No more tears,
No more sorrow,
No more fears,
No more tomorrow,
Only happieness we will know,
And stronger we will grow,
Faith and courage forever we will show,
Forever will be like one day that just flows,
I want to enjoy all that you have waiting for me,
So Father I am crying out to you,
Asking you to forgive me,
For all the pain I have caused you.
Carey York, 27 december 2011
In the midst of the night,
I wake up in a fright,
Because of all the sweat,
My pillow has gotten wet,
I take one look beside me,
My husband is who i see,
And I lay back down,
He with my arm around,
I am safe when I am with my love,
And knowing the good Lord is watching me from above.
Carey York, 27 december 2011
With all my heart and all my soul,
I will love you
With all of my mind and all of my body
I will love you
With all the trials and tribulations in our lives
Still I will love you
I will love you beyond the day I die
You are the knot that keeps us tied
I would be lost without you in my life
So I am very thankful to be your wife
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