
randolph valeza
PROFILE About me Friends (6) Poetry (4)

5 october 2012

For my dearest

To my dearest love; my one and only
I made you a poem and its for you only
I made it with my soul and my heart
Hoping for you to like

You are the one, the reason why my heart beats
You are the one that makes my heart leap
Leaping to the heaven above
Feeling like floating unto the cloud

You are the greatest gift that god gave me
Your beautiful smile that always melt me
You're angelic face that shines my soul
And to be with you forever that is my goal

When im dying, you became my life
When im in darkness you became my light
When my heart is cold you kept it warmth
And when I'm down you lift me up

You're my rainbow that colors my life
You're my stars that shines my night
You're my oxygen that i always need
And when your gone I'm not complete

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