10 july 2013
The Soldier [22]
The Russian throws the electrical cord to one of the corners of the room and draws Maria on her hair to the middle of the room.
“It is clear that you are an enemy agent. The time for games has passed. Unless you start talking and confess to everything, things are going to get rather nasty for you,” the Russian says and there is nothing good in the way that he looks at her.
”Search her body,” Petrofski commands harshly. “Colonel is it really necessary,” Carlos wants to know somewhat worried. “No, my friend. Will we let the bitch undress?”
”For who are you working, the American CIA,” Carlos wants to know once again kind of friendly. Maria decides that she will not snap and fall down before their feet and stares in front of her as if she does not understand. “You will have to help us, or it is going to get extremely unpleasant,” Carlos begs.
A man in civilian clothes enters the office and whispers something in Carlos’s ear, where after Carlos whisper something to the Russian and then walks out of the office.
”Undress woman! Undress immediately,” the Russian commands and when she hesitates he walks to her threatening. It is clear to her that she does not have a choice and she notices the eyes of the four men that are focussed on her.
”Will we start with the top? First the T-shirt and then the rest! Come on woman, there are no time to waste!” She cautions herself to stay calm and it’s with shaking hands, that she pulls her T-shirt off.
”Everything! Come on, you are wasting time,” the Russian growls and when she turns her back on the group of men to remove her brassiere, she is turned around roughly and she feels the colour going to her neck and face.
”Remove your damn arms! Now look at us!” Long moments pass while she is trying to clear her mind, to think about something else. “Get dressed,” the Russian commands and throws her brassiere and T-shirt against her. She thankfully dresses again.
”Undress! I am waiting,” Petrofski shouts again and Maria again reaches for the T-shirt. “No! Now your pants and panties. Come on, undress! Marie unzips the jean and steps out of it and she feels the eyes of the four men burning on her.
”Everything!” The Russian barks and when she freezes and glares at him, he grabs onto her panties and tear them from her and kicks her legs apart, causing her to stand with her legs spread open before them. Suddenly Maria feels terribly humiliated, while the four men stare and stare at her.
It is however when Petrof Petrofski spits on her, that she feels more humiliated and so dirty as if she will never be clean again. While she is still standing with open legs the Russian turns his back on her while he is in a discussion with the black men, as if she not there in the room.
”Get dressed,” one of the black men orders and her hands are shaking uncontrollable while she pulls the jean over her legs. A while later a guard is called to escort her to a prison cell.
It’s already midnight when Maria hears a key gnashing in the lock of the cell door and a women guard pulls the stinking blanket from her and she is pulled to her feet by force. “Wake up,” is screamed at her and she notices two soldiers that are accompanying the woman.
A balaclava cap is pulled over her head so that she cannot see and her arms are pulled by force behind her back, before she feels cuffs eating into her wrists.
“Come,” the woman guard commands and leads her out of the cell. After they had walked some distance they stop. Maria’s whole body tightens when she hears how a weapon is cocked and the safety catch of it is being released.
God, they are going to kill me right here she thinks and the fear makes her somewhat nauseas. She however feels how something cold is pressed against her back under the T-shirt and how her pants are loosened and unzipped and something is placed just above the cleft of her buttocks.
They force her to lie down on her back on a kind of table or something and it feels to Maria if red hot needles are scorching her entire back. The pain makes her curl around and still she cannot find out what they are doing to her.
A scream sounds up in Maria’s ears and she realises that she is hearing her own screaming and she hears the Russian laughing. “Come on bitch! Talk! Or do you want some more shock therapy, to help you remember?”
The machine must have a rheostat she realises when the stream is increased and her whole body starts jerking of involuntary muscle spasms and she feels how the electrodes are burning her, at the places that they come in contact with her body.
With every scream that she gives to lighten the pain the shocks become more intense and at a time so much electricity flows through her, that she gets the taste of electricity in her mouth.
Just when she thinks that she cannot handle it any more, the machine is switched off and she is relieved when the balaclava cap is pulled from her head and she can again breathe freely.
”You may look somewhat innocent, as if butter cannot melt in your mouth women, but we are not stupid. Are you now going to talk, or do you want some more of the same treatment?” Petrofski wants to know.
”Please Maria, work with us,” Carlos begs. When they pull her jean off, she wets herself out of fear. “Shoot me. Kill me,” she begs in tears.
”It will be much too good for you,” one of the black men remarks and Maria feels how one of the electrodes is place just below her belly button.
She notices that she is once more in the office where they had forced her to undress and suddenly streams flow through her body that makes her jump around from pain.
”Are you a grasshopper that you are jumping like that,” the Russian wants to know laughing when he suddenly stops the shocking while he gets hold of her in a bear grip and it feels as if all her breath is forced out of her body. He suddenly lets her go and in anger she spits him on his face. The electrical current is switched on again, before she collapses unconscious in front of the Russian.
The Russian is merciless. Some water is thrown over her and she is kicked and pulled up by force, before the Russian once more gets hold of her in his bear grip and she once more hear that horrible screaming in her ears.
”God, help me. I am dying! Lord, help me,” she begs and hears the Russian laughing next to her and feels how he is pressing her still tighter, in order to press the last bit of air from her lungs.
”Talk bitch! For whom are you working? You better talk or I will shock you until you are dead,” she hears Petrofski threaten before she once more looses her consciousness.
Maria is tired and her whole body is aching, when she regains consciousness in her cell and she feels ill and full of fever. She pulls the stinking blanket over her body and her head and wishes to die.
What are they planning to do to me next, she wonders after a while and drags herself from the bed to land on her knees. She cries while she is praying and somewhere in the building she hears someone screaming from pain and cold shivers run up and down her spine.
25 march 2025
25 march 2025
25 march 2025
25 march 2025
25 march 2025
Eva T.
24 march 2025
Eva T.
24 march 2025
23 march 2025
22 march 2025