Nandhini Ravi, 15 january 2012
We walked together everyday
Our love growing with every step
Every touch burnt me all day
Every kiss taunted me all night
I waited for the right time
Hoping it would come
To show my love for you goes - beyond
The deepest of seas
The blues of the skies
The greens of the trees
The whites of snow
Never did I think
A day would come
Our lives would part
We would live apart
I still find the love when you
Look into my eyes
A loving embrace
Is all I want
When we walk together - I
long to hold The hands
I once held as my own
There is so much of silence
In the air - so many
memories to taunt my nights
The sky tears seeing us apart
The oceans cry hearing our hearts
The winds whispers the sound of love
It rains when I think abt you my luv
Nandhini Ravi, 7 january 2012
Kiss me goodnight my love
When I wake up be gone
for I wont let you go when m awake
I love you too much to see you leave
I would take you in my arms
& it wouldnt be right
So leave my love
when i lay asleep
Let me believe that you love me so
and it kills you to leave
Kiss me goodnight my love
and be gone
Nandhini Ravi, 7 january 2012
In you I find..
I see the unshed tears
I see the unshared pain
I hear your unspoken words
I see your unheld hand..
Let me hug you
Let me hold you
Let me share your pain
Let me just listen to you
I promise not to judge
I promise not to hurt
Let me just hold your hand
Let me just cry with you
I maynot solve your problem
I maynot give you a solution
But I will lessen your pain
by just being with you..
Am just the desire to break your pain
Am just the shoulder for you to lean
Am the hope in you
Am the happiness you heed
Am the smile in your heart
Am not someone
Am just your friend
I am you
You are me....
Nandhini Ravi, 7 january 2012
I dream of you
I see you in my dreams
With a warm smile on your lips
You seem to glow
I wake up in the morning
I look for you - not
knowing if u r just a dream...
The day goes by..
I seem to be in a trance - captured
by your lovely smile
All other thoughts loose importance
Now its just you i sought
My heart Longs for yours
I ignore the loved ones nearby
I keep looking for you
I keep dreaming
Months go by
I loose my mind
You are now an obsession i seek
Nothing else matters
Finding you seems all supreme
I start to loose the ones around
Looking for vapour i loose -
the diamonds of my life
everywhere I go I look & look
Time flies by - A faint
dream i think of you as
I wonder should I move on
I recall old buddies
I try to catch up - those
I angered & hurt
during my quest for you - I explain
my pain they nod their heads
I wonder if they understand
how much you meant
You are just a dream - I
must move on
I keep telling that - I
must move on
You are a dream - My dream
My love - My darling - My love
In my heart you stay
My life will move on - And
so will my thoughts
But deep in my heart you'll forever remain
My Love My Darling
Deep in my heart you'll forever remain
My Love My Darling
Nandhini Ravi, 27 november 2011
I lie in my bed trying to sleep - Ghosts
Of the past hauting me deep
Tossing & turning I twist the mat
unable to sleep i hurt by back
A warm hand covers my sweaty face
Gentle voice reaches my ear - Sleep My darling
He rocks me in his arm
My tender lover
I wake up to find him holding me tight
My face resting on his might
Oh what a dream I think to myself
Being loved by ones own self
Far somewhere I hear a noise
Wake up Wake up - Its time it says
My eyes pop up so it was a dream
I laugh to myself & set to leave..
Nandhini Ravi, 27 november 2011
See yourself through my eyes for a day my love
Do you see how your smile melts me
Do you see how ur eyes mesmerise mine
Do you feel how ur touch sends shivers through my body
Do you feel the pain that digs a hole in my heart when you are away
Do you? ? ? Do you? ? ? My love...
Do you wonder Like I do - If
If I mean as much to you like you do to me?
If you will smile everytime I kiss you?
If our life together will have a beacon of sunshine
And a few rainy days? ? ? ?
If our baby will have your jaw line & my eyes?
Do you wonder my Love if
If we'll live forever drenched in love?
If everytime our eyes meet, a glow will enlighten in our hearts?
If our hearts will sing in joy everytime we hold hands?
If every rainy day spent together will end in a hug?
Do you feel - My Love
That every day spent together is a gift?
That every smile shared is a memory?
That every kiss is a promise of togetherness?
That every hug completes of our soul?
Do you feel as I do? ? ? ? - My Love
Nandhini Ravi, 27 november 2011
I wanna Break free
from facade from fear
from lies from tears
Cut away the chains - that
make me sweet
I dont wanna be sweet
I dont wanna be nice
I dont wanna be someone
who goes on to sacrifice
I want to retire - into my world
Where Iam the ruler
Where Iam the world
Am not worried
Am not scared
There is no harm
There is no fear
My world is not the slumberland
It is the reality
It is the faith
It is the trust
It is the beauty
It is The Me
A spirit so free unbound by chains
I set myself free and let go the reins
Let the channels of the heart guide me
Now its just me and my heart to prove
Now am free through & through.....
I let myself go - Free
Into my world
Now am free
Now Iam - Me
Nandhini Ravi, 26 november 2011
What should you feel
When you see your love walk away
He is there with you
And he isn't there too
How do I show him
It hurts that he is going away
What did I do
What should I do
That he forever remains
Should I just let go?
Is that what he wants?
For me to Let Go?
Nandhini Ravi, 26 november 2011
A rose on one hand
Holding me in his arms
I Love You - he said
Fog covered us completely
No signs of disturbance
We stood drenched in love
Loving one another
We were not in the streets
But in heaven
Falling in love over & over
Time flew by - the sun
threathened to expose us
to the world
And the most beautiful hour
Of my life froze in time
In my memories
I sit back & dream on
Regret the unsaid words
And the unshown love
But all in all
Cherish every moment
Spent with my secret lover, ,
Nandhini Ravi, 26 november 2011
I fight with you I get angry
you seem upset - dint
bother me much
I think am right - And
thats all matters
Hurting you in the process
A day comes - I
move out of the house, for me
to prove my worth in the world
I work all day - then
the household stuff- And
I start to wonder
A smile for all you seemed to hold
Never a sigh escaped your lips - You
Inspire me to be the perfect woman
Such love I find in you my dear
Such care I find in every act
I know of noone with such a heart
I know they say - its the
size of a fist
Then where do you find so much love in it?
You are the angel who took me in your arms
Loved me always - And
helped me grow
I salute you today - For
Being yourself and
sowing in me a beautiful You
If ever you need
A shoulder to rest - I
promise to give my utmost best...
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