
PROFILE About me Poetry (2)

25 november 2011

Nothing To Give You

I can't give you great riches
Nor money so plenty
Nor dozens of roses
Nor those diamonds of beauty
Can't buy you nice jewels
Or fanciful cars
Can't give you the whole world
Nor those sparking stars.
I can give you these verses
This poem and these rhymes
They're frank and flowered
And they cost precious time
I've given you something
I can never get back.
It's everything I got
And sure nothing will lack.
I can't give you worldly pleasures
Or extreme luxuries
Nor dine with you in the five stars
Or cruise with you in the sea
But my heart will be present
When you're needing my side
I'll be there to guide you
When great problems collide.
I can't give you great riches
But I'll just let you know
That no riches in this world
Could be more precious than you.
Your care and your smile,
Your stare and your style,
All those things are my joy
All you are is my while.
I have nothing to give you
But everything I possess.
I'm not wealthy at all
And my home's just a mess.
I have nothing to give you,
But these words must go free
I have nothing to give you
But my love and just me...
I have nothing to give you
No, nothing but me...

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