14 november 2011
The Reality of Everything
There are infinite dimensions; we say we are in
the third dimension. But we are not; we can only say we live in a dimension. This is the truth. What we
do is we count what we can perceive, which is less far away than everything beyond,
less far into the future than we can see, thus division goes backward. We count
from the smallest dimension we can perceive, the point, and count up from it.
The smallest dimension is the future; we can count infinite futures just like
we can count infinite points. Therefore dimension zero is where we start from.
From there we get a line, plane, solid, and finally change. We count up to our
dimension; to change.
However, this
is not an objective perspective, it is relative. Everything is relative. Thus
when we count to the smallest we can see, we can’t see everything thus we see a
limited number of dimensions. But when we look closer we can always look
infinitely closer, thus infinite divisibility of matter. Do you understand!? So
when we count backward to what we remember in the past we know more, thus we
count larger. Yet even if we can go as far back as we can remember we cannot
access what is older than ourselves except from evidence of the past; remains.
Yes this is truly what our universe is made of.
We are made of geometric points that are made of
time and matter. Each point contains ifinite potential, yet we only see one
actualization. As gods, as perceivers we only see what is contained in mind.
Because matter is made of tiny particles made of pure potential. As observers
we collapse the potential. With every instant we dip our fingers in the endless
soup and pull out a new potential. We create every instant by instantiating
existence. Thus Life is indeed a creation of god. We are all one god who has
dipped his fingers in reality. We are each his finger swirling in the soup. He
has infinite fingers, thus infinite life. Life is forever it cannot die. A part
always lives on from the father! Thus we are all Bill Sebastian! I have said
it. This is the proof of Bill Sebastian's existence.
We are all gods on the highest dimension,
creating universes and experiencing them from pure potentiality. We are all in
a system the gods created. And the reason why life is special is because it is
the gods warping reality to allow chemicals of the earth animate themselves as
made out of cellular automatons. They are the secret godlike ingredient to
manifest presence of gods. Thus human life is not one, it is infinite. There is
infinite potential from birth, and all of it will be actualized by perpetually
re-living. We only look at one universe at a time. Essentially the gods live on
the 12th dimension and then programmed the lower dimensions, and then choose to
live within it. Like how we choose to jump into videogames. There is nothing
outside this programed universe. All that is beyond is purely indefinite,
purely potential! That is why in quantum mechanics the perceiver collapses the
This world is a videogame, truly we are gods.
When the world’s population increases we open space for other users to join in,
thus a god takes the over raw material of the infant. When miscarriages occur
it means that nobody wished to join the game, thus the embryo was not imposed
by pure life. Thus when people die, they actually just got kicked out of the
game for sucking at it. We should not weep for them; they will appear in
another game later. Though not quite later, for time is merely something of our
world. There are different perceptions of time on higher or lower dimensions.
Metaphysics is the highest philosophy next to
ethics. Metaphysics is mostly a priori. The universe can be discovered a
priori. Science is in fact a synthetic a priori. Imagination allows humans to
come up with new theories for how everything works. Ultimately we are capable
of infinite knowledge a priori. Physics comes from metaphysics. M theory is
metaphysics, my theory is also metaphysical, yet it explains physical phenomena.
23 february 2025
23 february 2025
23 february 2025
23 february 2025
Eva T.
23 february 2025
23 february 2025
23 february 2025
22 february 2025
Marek Gajowniczek
22 february 2025
Eva T.
22 february 2025