Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 february 2013

What I Want

I want to know someone’s there
To hold me when I laugh
And when I cry when I’m sad
When I’m at my best, in all my glory
And at my worst, yet you’ll stand by me
Not judge, nor guilt me into shame
I want someone to love me
Be my cheerleader in life
To sing my loving praise
And I want inspire him to be
The champion of my heart
Whose dreams will never be out of reach
I want to lock eyes
From across a crowded room
And only see you and feel our passion
Begin to rise
I want to feel alive

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 february 2013

Shipping My Anniversary

Never thought I'd be sending you clothes today
Today of all days
A day to celebrate but instead
I picked out your favorite threads
And shipped our hopes a dreams away
To made sure you'd warm while away
I'm a little numb and going thru the motions
Throughout these complications
Still can’t believe our marriage is but a memory
On our anniversary

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 january 2013

Sands of Time and Birthday’s Whine

I turn the glass over and watch the sands fall
Creating a mound of memories to recall

I reflect to cherish, the days of my youth
Watching them slip by, not much I can do

But awake to a new day, that too will pass
I will pick up that glass and with no abash

I empty the grains of days gone by
Empty the time, and fool myself “why”?

Who wants to see that you’re getting older
Just let it come by and you’ll feel bolder

I’m not leaving without a fight
I’m stubborn and full of strife

I like how I feel and don’t want a reminder
Just how fast time slips by

So I will run in the that sand
And then kick my heals up high

Take “that” sand, take “that” time

number of comments: 2 | rating: 1 | detail

Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 january 2013

Endless Valentine

My love for you is endless
I say this with all my heart
Please be my valentine
For we will never part

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 january 2013

Who Am I

I lost the person that I once knew
She took a different path to pursue
A path that I had to go through
And paid my past life adieu

I used to like my crafts
To see what I can create
Now I only do for others
So 'they' can appreciate

I used to be outgoing
I liked to make new friends
Now I'm timid and boring
Now I sit back and blend

I used to love to sing
It was my favorite thing
It made me feel that I could heal
The pain that I felt inside

Now it's not a treasure
That I can take pleasure
It reminds me of who I was
And who I do not want to be

I'm told I must heal myself
When all my life I felt pain
I tried so hard to keep it shelved
Protecting myself from blame

I was always very sensitive
To harsh words or a loud yell
They cut so very deep within
Bid my self-esteem farewell

Now I try to see
Just where it all comes from
Not take it so personally
They had also succumb

Who am I, this person I've become
The old me has disappeared
As the new has persevered
I'm someone who's no longer numb

number of comments: 3 | rating: 1 | detail

Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 january 2013

Awakening Feelings

When I'm troubled, down and weak
Your loving touch is what I seek
You're always there to touch my cheek
Even when your world was bleek

You were there for me to hold me tight
Or were you just being polite?
When I felt your feelings were slight
I can't help wonder if you're alright

Behind your loving eyes, smile and praise
What did you really mean to say?
The rash of words, too hurtful to say
We now look back on that painful day

Sometimes signals can be mistaken
When someone's trust has been shaken
We now cry our feeling awakened
When our feelings had been forsaken

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 january 2013

Chirp, Chirp, Chirp!!!

Chirp, chirp, chirp
I can hear the birds sing
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Oh the joy that sound brings

Chirp, chirp, chirp
They fly so carelessly
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Looking for something to eat

Chirp, chirp, chirp
It's like a baby's laugh
Chirp, chirp, chirp
That's splashing in a bubble bath

Chirp, chirp, chirp
They sing a pretty tune
Chirp, chirp, chirp
They also clear out the doom

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 january 2013

Martin Luther King Jr.

When I was little, I wanted to be
A speaker against prejudice and hating
My dad told me of a man of ground breaking
He spoke of equality for you and me

This man would bring people together
Of every creed and color
He tried to teach us live with each other
Side by side with toleration as brothers

He did not expect us to live in bliss
But with respect and without malice
He had a dream so strong and true
He had a dream for me and you

His life was short and not so perfect
He was simple man, a born sinner
A master of words, a deal spinner
But he was a model, a man to respect

His life was cut too short one day
By a man filled with fear and hate
If they were both alive here today
He would wipe the slate clean and pray

The good in his heart
Has lived on today
It shows when we show
Respect for each other

We hear of Equality, Peace, and Love
These can be all be linked
To that man who had a dream
To let freedom ring

His dream lives on today

number of comments: 2 | rating: 2 | detail

Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 january 2013


Guilt is not your friend,
But is it…it depends

Guilt, the stink of sludge
And the color of mud

Guilt, the reminder of the past
Of harm and pain surpassed

Guilt, is the devil in disguise
Waiting for your soul to die

Guilt, is slime with all beauty aside
Covering your beaten hide

Guilt, keeps you in check
When you want to say what the heck…

Guilt, when you feel you should
But it is something understood

Guilt, partners with regret
Consequence’s with debt

Guilt, is like a death
It reminds you of the your dread

It hisses from the lips of those who are pure
It turns their gentle heart insecure

Guilt, it makes the stomach turn
When things are about to turn

Guilt is not your friend,
But is it…it depends

number of comments: 3 | rating: 3 | detail

Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 january 2013

Last Night I Dreamed Of You

I dreamed of your eyes
you looking at me
I dreamed of your smile
You said I was pretty
You cupping my cheek
Touching me gently
Tilting your head
Leaning in to kiss me

I was smiling in my sleep
My heart was warmed
I was helpless and weak
And then I awoke
Feeling empty and depleted

So sad I was with sleep in my eyes
Tears that followed
I pounded my fists with despise

It was bittersweet, my love
Cause you were “my” true love
But I am not yours

number of comments: 2 | rating: 2 | detail

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