Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 12 january 2017

Poem: Guilty and Forgiven

Are the motivations of our heart,
in sync with The Word’s principles?
Do we recognize that we’re guilty
and forgiven… by our blessed Lord?
While some forces seem irresistible,

we know that the battle is not ours
and our responsibility is in the gap;
are we truly standing united in Faith,
meeting needs and praying, employing
The Word as our spiritual bootstrap?

We push forward, not permitting pasts
to hold us back and bind our hands;
the mission of His Kingdom continues,
we willingly celebrate our commitments
and help others to exit the wasteland

of empty or destructive lifestyles.
When we’re humbled, we’re grateful
and thankful for His lasting goodness;
in His sacred wake, we’re left knowing…
that towards us, He’s always merciful.


Author notes

Inspired by:
Luke 18:13; Eze 22:30

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 12 january 2017

Poem: Divine Mask

The divine mask of religion is an…
ugly misnomer of hatred and abuse,
used by the religiously empowered
to take ungodly advantage of weak,
spiritually challenged people,
whose Faith can be easily bruised.
It’s meant to hide the inability
of leaderships’ failure to walk in
an atmosphere of Love, as defined
by Christ Himself; with hostility
that’s masked, grace towards sin
is lacking, when The Word is used
as a club, since they’re unable to
provide general solace and succor
towards those struggling to grow
and mature properly. Christ’s view
of us, is tear-filled; He’s seen
and experienced the harsh cruelty
of Humanity’s efforts to mete out
justice blindly, without needed
consideration and understanding…
of Yahweh’s Providential authority.
Author notes

Inspired by:
Luke 23; Mark 15

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 9 december 2016

Poem: A Clearer View

Without the experienced sadness
of our soul, we would seldom
appreciate the fullness of joy;
when overcoming Life’s bedlam

and its numerous complexities,
our ability to possess vision
and real, practical solutions
come as our personal decisions

to willingly trust in The Lord,
are divinely realized. One day,
a clearer view or perspective
will be spiritually conveyed

to us, under the abundant grace
of God, as we seek… His face.
Author notes

Inspired by:
1 Chr 16:11; Psa 105:4  and

Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by
our tears once in a while so that  we can
see life with a clearer view again.
-Jinky Morrison

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 2 december 2016

Poem: Subtle Maneuvers

With divine insight, subtle maneuvers
of Faith can guide us… on a daily basis;
God’s promises and principles keep us…
safely grounded in His spiritual oasis.

God’s challenge to us is… to trust Him;
His Son paid the heavy cost of Salvation,
whereby all of Mankind may have inclusion
as a family member… of an eternal Nation.
Author notes
Inspired by:
Psa 91; Eccl 9; Heb 11:6; John 3:16  and

Franz Kafka, frustrated with his living quarters
and day job, wrote in a letter to Felice Bauer in
1912, “Time is short, my strength is limited, the
office is a horror, the apartment is noisy, and if
a pleasant, straightforward life is not possible,
then one must try to wriggle through by subtle

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 24 november 2016

Poem: A Taste of Psalm 1

We’re definitely blessed,
to know that we’re not…
blown about, like chaff;
if we perform, as taught,

then we’ll steer clear of
the ungodly, their counsel
and unforeseen troubles.
Via Jehovah’s holy council,

we delight in His Tenets,
Law, Principles, New Mercies
and Grace everyday; our lives
are planted as… sturdy trees

beside Christ’s fresh rivers
of everlasting, living waters;
therefore, let’s prosper as…
victorious sons and daughters.
Author notes
Inspired by:
Psa 1

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 19 november 2016

Poem: Confessions of My Brokenness

Emotional scars, not wounds, document
the totality of my Life experiences;
even though my spirit hasn’t yet shed
its temporary, earthly encasement,

this fleshly clay of human brokenness
cautions me to always be ever mindful
of my blessed Lord and His sacrifice.
Pretending to overlook the preciousness

of this gift of Life, that was bestowed
to me, was an act of absolute foolishness
that kept me apart from Him; ignorance
on my part, insured that Grace flowed…

until my insight was lovingly obtained!
Being honest, with myself, allowed me
to be humbled and bowed before my Lord.
Through genuine vulnerability, I gained

my connection me to a God of redemption.
Though I have suffered, like many others,
I’m not alone; a pained confession of my
brokenness led me towards… His Salvation!
Author notes

Inspired by:
Luke 15:11-32; Rom 10:9-10

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 12 november 2016

Poem: Connected to Hope?

Can you really expect to cope,
if you’re not connected to Hope?
Faith in Christ is a requisite;
let’s not be… overly delicate 
in discussing this matter today;
He alone is the Life, Truth and Way!
Our need for a real relationship
with Him, pushes us towards kinship;
after all, we’re to be joint-heirs
and strive to be spiritually aware 
of our Heavenly responsibilities!
It’s time to grow up, mature and see
the plan and purpose God has for us.
With our identity in Christ Jesus,
we find Life’s meaning and its scope,
seeing that we’re… connected to Hope.
Author notes
Inspired by:
Titu 2:11-14

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 4 november 2016

Poem: Unveiled Faces

Unlike Moses, we should live…
with unveiled faces, letting
the Light of our Faith shine;
as His Children, we’re getting

favor among men; with clear eyes,
smiles and a bright disposition,
our efforts will be pleasing unto
The Lord, as we honor His position

as King of kings; He divinely rules
and reigns in our lives and hearts.
His holy promises remain steadfast
and His Holy Spirit will never depart

from us; as His human candles, our
unveiled faces pierce the darkness,
wherever our journey takes us; therefore,
let us shine… with His righteousness.
Author notes
Inspired by:
Exo 2:25; Prov 3:4, 8:35; 2 Cor 3:18

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 27 october 2016

Poem: Facing Adversity

One of the many secrets,
for facing Life’s adversity
is a change of perspective;
adjusting the lens, we see
things from a Heavenly view-
whereby old problems are seen
as new opportunities, teeming
brightly, unsullied by routines
of dull, antiquated thinking.
Address all challenges head on,
without any semblance of fear;
employing some spiritual brawn
ensures that final solutions
can be found and implemented;
real satisfaction comes, when
by God, you’re complimented.
Author Notes
Inspired by:
Eph 1:18; Matt 25:21  and
"It is one thing to face adversity but it is totally another thing to turn our adversity in to an eternal opportunity to become who God has planned us to be in Christ Jesus through it all. God never takes us through a tunnel that doesn't have a exit, so the one most important thing we have to do through the ordeal we face is to look in to the face of the Lord and trust Him that He will bring us out at the right time. Remember, that those who look in to God's face will become bright and rest in Him like as a baby, because they will understand that it is for their eternal good that God has taken them through such temporal tunnel experiences that bring eternal dividend. You can never learn to trust God more and more deeply, unless you pass through the dark tunnel experiences of life! So let go of yourself and let God take control." —Abraham Israel
Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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Joe Breunig

Joe Breunig, 27 october 2016

Poem: Tranquility

Tranquility can’t be obtained
from external sources; ultimate
peace must come from within…
one’s own soul; when trained
by the local Church, ideals
of Truth’s tenets are taught;
they’re meant to elevate our
thinking, whereby what’s real
or true… becomes much clearer.
Life is simplified as false steps
are avoided; self-confidence grows
with Faith’s maturity; when nearer
to Jehovah, our Life is enhanced!
For His peace surpasses all human
understanding, where tranquility
dwells; when Faith has advanced,
you’ll find tranquility… more often!
Author Notes
Inspired by:
Phil 4:6-7
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2016, All rights reserved.

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  10 - 30 - 100  

Other poems: Poem: For the Birds, Poem: Clinging to The Cross, Poem: Heart and Soul, Warmed, Poem: Not In Haste, Poem: Morning’s Dawn and Dew, Poem: Unseemly Faith, Poem: Carrying Our Sins, Poem: Another World, Poem: Tethered Lambs, Poem: Failures of Self-Righteousness, Poem: Spiritual Earthshine, Poem: Unknown Future, Poem: Circle of Inclusion, Poem: You, the Moon and Me, Poem: Prayer of Repentance, Poem: In No Other, Poem: Human Expectations, Poem: Empty Rhetoric, Poem: Without Agendas, Poem: Hold On, Pain Ends (HOPE), Poem: Trencherman, Poem: Repentant State, Poem: Derailed Victories, Poem: Punishment and Pain, Poem: Evangelize, Poem: Remaining Sin Conscious?, Poem: Quiet Heart, Poem: Applying Practical Faith?, Poem: Tears Into Joy, Poem: Spiritual Abstractions, Poem: Dissections of My Soul, Poem: Experiential Reality, Poem: Atonement, Poem: Waterfall, Poem: Unlettered Poet, Poem: Upheld, Poem: Contact With The Divine, Poem: Unneeded, But Wanted, Poem: Confirmation Bias, Poem: Life’s Complacency, Poem: Wasting Your Wilderness?, Poem: Objective Morality, Poem: Shalom, Poem: Elective Ignorance, Poem: More Than I Imagined, Poem: Ever Glorious, Poem: Wheat and Tares, Poem: Eternal Dialog, Poem: Pain and Disappointment, Poem: Poetic Elegance, Poem: Guilty and Forgiven, Poem: Divine Mask, Poem: A Clearer View, Poem: Subtle Maneuvers, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 1, Poem: Confessions of My Brokenness, Poem: Connected to Hope?, Poem: Unveiled Faces, Poem: Facing Adversity, Poem: Tranquility, Poem: Crumbs, Poem: Mannequins, Poem: Can I Love… What God Sees in Me?, Poem: This Side of Salvation, Poem: Now is the Time, Poem: Live Fearlessly, Poem: Led By Love, Poem: Embrace His Grace, Poem: This Broken Road, Poem: Rooted and Grounded, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Congregation of the Dead, Poem: Prayer of a Heavy Heart, Poem: Rise Up, Poem: Obstacles in Life, Poem: Moral Regulations, Poem: Let Them See, Poem: Raised in Glory, Poem: Darkest Moments, Poem: Pascal’s Wager, Poem: Haters Gonna Hate, Poem: Staying in Peace?, Poem: Still Doubting Yourself?, Poem: Behind Every Difficulty, Poem: Let Us Live, Poem: Better Than a Sermon, Poem: Now, That is Faith, Poem: Wild Flowers, Poem: No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets., Poem: The Shape of Love, Poem: Walking Worthily?, Poem: An Ease In My Soul, Poem: On The Cross of Calvary, Poem: Hurt by Unyielding Truth?, Poem: Unsearchable Things, Poem: A Glorious Man?, Poem: In Dawn’s Early Light, Poem: Broken Bread and Whine, Poem: Within This Circle, Poem: Happiness Will Be Realized, Poem: The Human Condition, Poem: A Privilege of Prayer, Poem: Promises Fulfilled, Poem: In the Direction of Joy and Hope, Poem: Joy is Possible, Poem: Bond of Peace, Poem: Pray. Read. Speak., Poem: Why Do We Bother?, Poem: With a Clear Direction, Poem: Gateway of Hope, Poem: Hallelujah!, Poem: Dear Doubt,, Poem: A Taste of Psalm 8, Poem: Tarnished Halos, A Taste of Psalm 50, Poem: Religious Ideologies, Poem: My Heartfelt Benediction, Poem: Capacity for Love, Poem: The Lens of Christianity, Poem: Shadows of Shame, Poem: Undeniable, Poem: Baptism, Poem: Blessed Solitude, Poem: For My Heaviness, Poem: Walk Through The Fire, Poem: No Escape, Poem: Human Candle, Poem: Never in Jeopardy, Poem: Religious Brands, Poem: Finding Holy Ground, Poem: Y-O-L-O, Poem: Moral Disposition, Poem: Invite, Thank, Trust and Serve, Poem: Imagine. Believe. Achieve., Poem: Unfettered, Poem: Greater Things, Poem: Intimacy with God, Poem: Turned Inwardly?, Poem: Untroubled Heart (II), Poem: The Kingdom of God, Poem: Unedited Truth, Poem: Intellectual Pollution, Poem: Continue to Be Still, Poem: Committed to Him?, Poem: His Love of Words, Poem: Having a Swell Time?, Poem: Saintly Seeds, Poem: The Grace of Giving, Poem: Generating Thirst in Others, Poem: Lacking Peace?,

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