17 march 2013
17 march 2013, sunday ( Mountain Peak )
I'm in a sad valley today, a very deep desert valley between two high mountain peaks of joy- near a pond only large enough for survival, I am like a toad, but survive, I will. I always have.
One mountain peak is behind me- in the past. I saw people happy and laughing there. I was one of them. It makes this sadness deeper and more cruel.
The other mountain peak is before me. I know people will be happy and laughing there as well. Will I be one of them? Yes! How soon I get there is not up to me, but I will get there through determination and perseverance.
Patience is the medicine that heals my pain. Determination gets me on my feet facing the correct direction. Perseverance keeps me walking no matter how weary I get. I could stay here sitting, pouting, angry and complaining- but none of that will get me up the next mountain.
I know the truth and the truth carries me like a white stallion and protects me like solid armor, the truth is as beautiful as a princess. The truth keeps me walking. I'll be patient and quiet. It may take days or weeks or even months to get to the top of the next mountain peak, but I will get there- rest assured I will get there. Every day counts and the pages of the calendar blow away quickly. Therefore, I will not stop to rest.
I dream of the next joyous mountain peak. I see it in my mind. I will get there and when I do, I will stand there humbly- but not as a toad. I can see it that peak now. It draws me so I continue walking, climbing- for I am determined not to stay here in the valley...
...as the sunshine is always on my face :)
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
4 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
3 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025
2 march 2025