Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 19 marca 2013


I went to the mindspring
an oasis in a desert
the place has been off limits to humans
since the 1930s
and so has gone wild
I was the first white man there
to see such vast vistas
and to hear the silence
that was immense
it covered me and everything else
with its invisible blanket
I knew in my heart which was suddenly
what it meant to be part of the earth
rather than an occupant
of rented space
there were no other humans on earth
but me and there were
a few flies
the mountains were punched up and isolated
blocks of jagged rock
the alluvium
crept up their sides in low
long slopes
they were alive and almost
I too was detached
and part of it all 
I did not need a hand to hold or
the reassurance that someone else
was just over the hill or at home
I wanted to crouch down in the sun
expectant but for what
I did not know…
now I am back
not deeply changed
but more solitary than ever before
our place is in the wild
by the ocean or in desert spaces
places where we are neither beggars
nor kings
but bits of the foundational dust

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 18 marca 2013

significant other

when I came into my life
and became my significant other
I became a grave by-product
I love the way he tells me there
has got to be a system
to build a car out of data
choices will be modular options
with a whim of individualism
the great divide echos with
very little variation
in sarcasm
which takes enourmous amounts
of delusion
floundering mindscapes in an ocean
of insane insecurity
constant dissonance resonantes
hammering chords into random bonds
adapted to what is malleable
within a monoculture
I have no relative resources
to spare
I like reason I understand resistence
as well
there have been far too many linguistic
whole languages disappear without notice
before you leave I want to ask you
how you got here
priority mail?
that microcosm of a macroworld
of competition
that no way is anything other
than murderous which makes me
garnish my neighbor’s ruthless
I make good money nominally
a narcissist can make a movie
out of it
that goes viral
in the impossible
your loneliness accuses me
of being someone I hate
who shamelessly steals my shoes
those identical twins day and night
but I am accountable
and talk then talk over
talk with more talk
which is absurd which I have already
because it is part of all the talk
your loneliness I have heard is not
my business
but I have no business
but silence
which accuses me
your absence empties the task
at hand of significance
who needs you when I play hide and seek
with myself?
is that what you mean?
you are up now well after I woke
in a seperate room I hear the bass notes
of wood against wood
and maybe something made of metal and glass
and I wonder if I should go for walk
to be gone for you
it is a fine late autumn afternoon
of cold sunshine in
fall spring
they miss each other
so much
they resemble each other
they just can’t let go
just for another hour
like background noise
distant traffic
to a raven in fir tree
next to a cemetery
or cicadas after a hard rain
with 90 percent humidity
or wall paper from another century
the white noise in the dry yellow grass
listen to how tall it gets
the curtains are closed
holding back the light
when it wants in
the clocks haven’t quite digested
last night’s leftovers
or a forthnight’s overdraws
I suppose
when you are really happy I know I had no
real part in it
so I have nothing to fear

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 9 marca 2013

the flames

and the flames were swallowed by darkness…
you go ahead I’ll be there in a moment
the dogs are dead
I tracked them with a computer
to the end of hope
they’re here
they called me home
I am at your convenience
which will get you nowhere
trust in the lord and you’ve suddenly got one
but company is hard on my knees
and if I were an imitation
of a standardized test
a sample
a reaction
broken into
with the only key
I could explain the fusion
of those funny things you hear out there
that would like to get back inside
who got it from you and returned it
used it last
why do we always
talk over each other when we are trying to think?
the clock is eating the frosted halls of an apparent haven
and of course there is a limited ration of kerosene
who is hidding inside the imitation
that takes over the question marks in ski masks?
punctuate this truncation with a bodice of perfume
yes it could be anybody’s

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 5 marca 2013

get out of jail free

I woke up yesterday on my birthday
I was a rock star
in a double wide garage
let me show you again what ecstacy looks like
after our passing into dust
(something you want to weigh in on)
you alter the settings
and get out of jail free
but your citizenship is revoked
wandering here never ends
and that is okay too
the reserves are just over the hill
their wings on wheels blaze
they are breathing fire
everything is about to change

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 3 marca 2013

who is beautiful

you have to be short for a guy
misshapen and ugly
as if your face was made with the flat
side of a shovel
in wet cement
to lurk openly in broad daylight and mean it
while every caress leaves you feeling
secretly filthy
and your doppleganger is out there
looking to deal with the devil
who is beautiful
white and expensive
no not us we say
I wish I were green
or striped like a mandrel’s genitals
I would lay baskets of poppycock before goldilocks
you just have to be ugly
to key the boxcars full of you know who
going you know where for you know what
to clear nostrils on red carpet
or valet service for a ufo under a carport
don’t go there
once you have seen one and talk yourself out of it
only to discover you are a liar much later
you revel in the freedom of hair coloring
even ghetto was begotten
by the same sow
huffing a cocktail
mixed by a slave
oh yes
smaller and uglier even

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 27 lutego 2013

The Cult

I joined the cult of the self
not completely willingly
but I was born empty
and nothing could fill me easily
not without a tacit acknowledgement
fettered to a vengeance
a charismatic speaker
who demands a democratic process
I never wrote it in stone
but left my footprints
hardening slowly
all over
that wet cement

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 27 lutego 2013

America The Beautiful

murder incorporated
the beautiful
crime against humanity
after all is said
and done
it is just a word
a proper noun
posing as a verb
in memory

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 26 lutego 2013


If I have made a career of failure, it is because success has always
looked like a life of crime to me.

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 25 lutego 2013

The End

who is ever ready for the end?
the elusive obdurate oblivious ending
of anything but pain?
to change what is
to what was?
who is ever ready for love to end?
who is ever ready to say goodbye and mean it
who is ready even after love has died
to walk away?
who can kill all hope rather than hope
for one more day?
who can tell the last chance
from the last hope?
it is the speed that amazes some…
who is ever ready
for the end
once the end has finally

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 25 lutego 2013


I said to myself when i re~read what I wrote
its okay
to say what I said as I did
even if
even when
even though
the consequences
are great
after all
I am not
lying in wait
to trap love
like an unwary
animal in the wild
words are an empty cage
and when passion knows no bounds
its ecstacy
even alone
is sage

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 25 lutego 2013

A Matter Of Convenience

You are something else
puppet master without faith
in the puppets
where the police police the police
and the children are in charge of trouble making
while all of us are walking toward our corpses
it is only a matter of convenience
not to think so
butterfly dust
the rain is also nude
all points of view
face the same direction
the journey toward rebirth
makes me laugh
at trees without trees
in their leaves
I need someone to hold my feet
to keep my mind from leaking
one persona at a time
I am half in half out
of the driver’s seat
with a snake
in a suitcase of smiles

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 25 lutego 2013


the ring is old gold
in my dream I wrapped it in a dream~cloth
a tissue almost transparent made of veins and words
I polished it to the sound of an old oud
and my heart sang as I prepared it
for your finger
with a vow I had never heard
or spoken before flying from my lips
I saw a goldfinch disappear into a sunset
but my feet recognized it
and my heels stamped the earth
in a rhythmic dance
the dust flew up
in a circle
around my ankles

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 23 lutego 2013

well wisher

you are so good to me
it fills me with shame
a cardinal in a cage
who impersonates a parrot    
replaces me
as soon as a kindness confronts me
sadness sorts it out
well before regret
the well wisher's punishment

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 30 lipca 2012

never the same

the greatest moment of my life
I was 5 at most
late summer afternoon
squashed into a bed before dark
ecstacy interrupted
thunderstorms in my head
I scanned the half dark wall paper
the sailing boat the blue shade
half drawn
over and over again
until there was nothing left to see
but a rectangle
of light
an emptiness scintillating like a galaxy
the more intently I stared the more I saw
as it narrowed and faded
absorbed by the wall
which had also disappeared
infinitude within confinement
the room around the void
I was never the same

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 12 lipca 2012


I know I am paranoid
it took the first ten years
of safety education
to open my eyes
a frog's mouth unexpectedly magnified
how life forms are transformed
into celestial garbage bags
my mother's command repeatedly
was to push harder!
it taught me repetition
a contortion of origins hard to control
finally I see my zombie at high noon
eat its own hands in prayer
but something is always missing
in that appetite
I am suspicious of its nexus
a gordian knot I tied with my toes
I sheath my tongue in a hunting knife
and I can't wake up after I awoke
there are ideas that bleed confections
carpenters who never touched a toucan
the flow is moving from mind to mind
mindlessly most of the time
I was so wise once
every game was life or death
with my dice cup full of hot air
in arcades hypnotised by surrealism
advertising its lips
finely stitched with care

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 20 marca 2012

seeding time

it's seeding time again
and that involves a lot of shopping
with any number of warm-up attempts
at least I remember that much during the busy
weeks that cycle faster now
wobbling on bent wheels
and panting
if I was as young as you
I would take a good hard look
at defacing and erasing
and outlaw it
you have a harvest behind the curtains
take it and run!

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 20 marca 2012


tasks wearing old and faded motives
shuffle aimlessly
waving handles an idiotic tale
that I will tell you
there are spills and clutter throughout
the wind we spoke about the wind
as you opened the door to another world
and drove to work
to pay for the trees it was about the trees
in high winds all night
and how you woke wondering about your
thyroid and I was listening
it sounded like surf
at an airport
or a carport in a marina on fire
but it was wind shaking the distant

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 28 lutego 2012

Black Snow

I wonder how much of the sun has already been used?
manditory optimism
as usual
willful ignorance
maintained by a pinhead lobby
of invisible deities
they are busy being happily wounded together
how did you know I would ask that?
propinquity breeds objectivity
where did you go since you first got here?
the sun is over the roof
but you wouldn't know it
by the footprints filling up steadily with black snow

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 5 lutego 2012

It's Just Business

big business
alligator skin
and realistic skin-like gloves
it's just business!
a tie like a blade
from the neck to the genitals

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 5 lutego 2012

I Won't Kill

I will kill a fly
but I won't eat it
is a fly more annoying than a pig?
than a carrot wrapped in plastic?
I won't kill a cobra
but a mushroom?

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 5 lutego 2012

joyful noise

I will take the path
to the white light
inside the bearded cottage
of joyful noise

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 22 grudnia 2011

In The Beginning

In the beginning
it makes your hands glow
coldsnap's whipcrack
cranked up drumfire
gliding on air
blowing trumpets of ice
orange poppies spray out of rock
fishes fly out of the sound like a jail break
our voices
together at last
singing:  this must be the end of the world
while the light
at once in all
struck through our bodies
History's absurdities
we called off the past
whistling through smoke from behind our
numb masks
for the everlasting silence
with our livid night blue sleep on earth
longing for life emergencies
in a carnal embrace
we were becoming
the furious planet
the exiles
the rainbow
all the prisons dissolved in our minds
we dreamed we were freed from time
a necklace of rain
the haunted violin

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 20 grudnia 2011


I would not be surprized
if a fractional percent
of people with depression
are clinically depressed
the rest of us know better
it is a process of clarification
unavoidable world
the absurdity
the compromise
the conditioning
tooth and claw
in expensive threads
the unattainable surrender
to love
and dental records
I picketted our wedding
I protested our predictable
that routine that would steal the day
away from us
the first trick
is to love without loving
to not desire
what isn't there
or what is
which never lasts
I imagine my plurality
the finest moments I live
are alone in the weather
with animals and trees
we are out there all of us
momentarily relieved
man is not wolf to man
man is man to man
wolves treat each other
much better
I love you too much to wish
myself on you
and vice versa
hanging on by a thread
is what spiders do
not people
people panic or grow desperate
in the chains they make
we tell ourselves we'll blow our
brains out
or do it in a more delicate manner
after payday
killing is killing
ritual or not
training or not
if you can kill yourself
you must have killed already
again and again
while making your plans
if only it were legal
like poverty
like a right you were born with
many people explained me to myself
I bought their books
and read them
it became a pasttime
even my anger is half baked
it strives for wrath
but is ultimately faked
to say it doesn't matter
about any or all human events
is to be situated far from apathy

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Anthony DiMichele

Anthony DiMichele, 20 grudnia 2011


there is something missing in our wisdom
and you were born
to find it

we are lived more than we live

how do you die?
how do I die?
it seems to me that the spirit
of vitality
determines that
not the body
and they rarely if ever agree

individuals become sociopaths
when indoctrinated by a culture
of narcissism

is belonging to a group
wearing an identity in common
the greatest human weakness?

everytime I see a solitary leafless tree
I feel as though I am looking into a mirror

remember: silence is the fence
around wisdom
as often as it shelters lies

people who live for the poetry
regardless of circumstances
verify the existence
of what is both essential
and unspeakable

I remember remembering
it was always enlightening
and devastating
something beyond consciousness
without you
through you
it remembers you

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