Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 3 października 2017


The endless horizon
of wooded hills
immersed in silence
interrupted by the rare
singing of birds
coming from the north
between the autumnal shots
and winter hunting
The Sami people
singing their jojk songs
and connecting with the ancestral spirits
the arctic wind
blowing under
the sky of amaranthine colors
at sunset
passing time
measured by growth of moss
on the rocks
and scattered antlers
of reindeers and elks
the perfect proportions
of long summer days
and short days of winter
the unity of coldness
and clean air
at nights
the intensified proximity
of the starlit

                        VIII 1995

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 26 października 2017

A Child of the Universe

                          You are a child of the Universe,
                          no less than the trees and the stars;
                          you have a right to be here.
Hidden in the shadow of the winter evening
surrounded by the infinite space
I go through the darkness
still to seek You
to talk and listen
sailing through the abyss of a night and dream
I search for your face
when I get up in the morning
I feel the touch of your fingertips
in my eyes it glimpses the beauty and ugliness of this world
in yours - I can see the reflection of all the stars and planets
with every day I travel further away
from the world of illusion and failure
entering deeper into the Kingdom's space
I try to weigh every thought and word
I listen daily to the silence bearing the music
and I look into the light dispersing the darkness
of the primordial chaos
every morning washed in the dawn's dew
I am born again,
watching out for Your face -
I am a child of the Universe
                                  II 2005

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 1 maja 2017


                        Jak zieleń kwietnia trwa? Lub trwać będzie. 
                        Jak trwa w pamięci przebudzony ptak,
                        albo jak trwa w pamięci pragnienie czerwca
                        i wieczoru potrąconego przez skrzydło jaskółki.   
                               W.Stevens "Poranek niedzielny"

Maj – znowu cud wiosny
w coraz dłuższe dni
na twojej twarzy
częściej gości uśmiech
a przecież mogło być inaczej –
słońce mogło zgasnąć
na ziemi zapanowałaby ciemność
i zima trwałaby na zawsze 
entropia wszechświata mogłaby się odwrócić
i zacząłby on się zwężać
by wkrótce powrócić
do stanu pierwotnego chaosu
a tak znowu cud wiosny
nieskończona ilość form życia
élan vital
coraz więcej światła wokół nas
i zaczyna się
święto kwitnienia
a przecież mogło być inaczej –
w twojej duszy mogła wciąż panować zima
i twoje serce mogło się skurczyć
by powrócić do punktu wyjścia –
poza horyzont
wiecznej miłości


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 9 lutego 2018

Meduza z Leptis Magna

z wężowymi włosami
i wytrzeszczonymi oczyma
leżąca wśród ruin wspaniałego
starożytnego miasta
czy próbujesz podobnie
jak twoje siostry Gorgony
wciąż straszyć nas
swoim wyglądem i wzrokiem
którego spojrzenie zamienia w kamień?
czy raczej wpatrujesz się w sławną przeszłość
greckich bogów i herosów –
Posejdona co cię uwiódł
jako piękną dziewczynę w świątyni Ateny
(za co ta bogini zamieniła cię w potwora)
czy Perseusza który ściął ci mieczem głowę
co wydobyła na świat twojego syna Pegaza
a ten dotarł aż na Olimp by po śmierci
zostać umieszczonym na nieboskłonie
a może ubolewasz nad losem królestw
których nie obroniły ani armie
ani twoja groźna twarz umieszczona
na tarczy Zeusa
cesarstw co legły w gruzach
tworząc podwaliny pod inne imperia
których Bogowie okazali się
potężniejsi od tych czczonych
w dawnych świątyniach
słynnego niegdyś
rzymskiego miasta
Leptis Magna

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 9 lutego 2018

Chociaż poezja nie zbawi świata

                                                 Poezja jest królewską drogą,
                                                  która prowadzi nas najdalej.
Chociaż poezja nie zbawi świata
to jest jego wartością dodaną
zrodzoną z czterech żywiołów
i niewidzialnego boskiego pierwiastka
wiersz może zarówno uzdrowić
jak i przedłużyć twoje życie teraz
i post mortem
chociaż poezja nie zbawi świata
to na wskroś go przenika
– jest duszą jego ciała
nieskończoność poezji i jej słów
we wszystkich językach ludzkości
(tak jak muzyki z jej dźwiękami i nutami)
– pozostają w harmonii
z nieskończonością wszechświata
chociaż poezja nie zbawi świata
to wyzwoli i uwolni go
da mu nowe życie
Logos –
Słowo Boga
V 2015

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 9 lutego 2018

Olav H.Hauge "To jest marzenie”

To jest marzenie, które nosimy w sobie
aby stało się coś cudownego,
że to musi się stać –
aby czas się otworzył,
żeby serca się otworzyły,
aby drzwi się otwarły,
żeby góry się otworzyły,
aby źródła wytrysnęły -
żeby sen się otworzył,
abyśmy pewnego poranka wślizgnęli się
do zatoki, której wcześniej nie znaliśmy.
                        1966 (tłum. P.Szkołut, 2018)

Olav H.Hauge

              Det er den draumen

Det er den draumen me ber på
at noko vedunderleg skal skje,
at det må skje -
at tidi skal opna seg
at hjarta skal opna seg
at dører skal opna seg
at berget skal opna seg
at kjeldor skal springa -
at draumen skal opna seg,
at me ei morgonstund skal glida inn
på ein våg me ikkje har visst um.


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 8 maja 2021

The Eroticism of Flowers I

Peering into the interior of the tulip's cup
is engaging in an intimate act -
insects arrive and drink up the nectar
pollen from the stamens
are falling upon the petals' crown
and the ovary post

peering into the interior of the flower
is enacting an intimate scene -
like looking deep into your eyes
like a penetration of your soul
to get to its bottom

and there is
the spring


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 26 marca 2021

Although poetry will not save the world

Poetry is a search for brilliance.
Poetry is the royal road
which will lead us the farthest.
A. Zagajewski

Although poetry
this secular religion
whose priests are poets
– will not save the world
she is its very essential added value
born of the four elements
and the invisible divine one

a poem can both heal
and extend your life now
and post mortem

although poetry will not save the world
she permeates it right through
- and she is the soul of its body

the almost infinity of poetry and its words
in all the languages of mankind
(just like music with its sounds and notes)
- are in harmony
with the boundless but finite Universe

although poetry will not save the world
there will reborn, set free and redeem
and will give it a new breath and life

Logos -
the Word of God


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 5 marca 2021

Silence II

like the white infinite ocean
from the very first moment of creation
out of the primordial chaos.

The first tune of existence
and the only melody of tranquility
permeating all atoms,
the innermost depth pressed into the flower buds.

the endless background for music
and spoken words,
the primeval mother of all sounds, tones
and noises of this world,
- for the sounds of the swaying seas,
for cat's meditations and murmurs.

The omnipresent as extragalactic
cosmic background radiation.

the sister of eternity,
the principle for the harmony of the Universe.

The muteness of death,
calmness of Heaven,
first and last.

The pure form.
The fullness of the Word.
In which God dwells.

- have it in yourself


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 14 lutego 2021

In café Mleczarnia

For K. & Ł.

On the pictures from the café in Kazimierz
we are sitting at the open front window,
the mirrored glasses reflect our shapes,
the flame of a candle and a yellow tulip,
chocolate is flowing down the white cup

we are talking about the origins of the Universe
and the atom’s construction,
about the mystical journeys to the East
and Tarkowski's films,
we dispute over the divine nature of Messiah
and gnostic ideas of salvation

experiencing everything anew
and constantly looking for our own way -
we open ourselves to the Logos’ action

the time is elapsing,
the faded portraits of old inhabitants
look at us from the walls,
the candle is dimming
and it becomes colder,
on the following pictures
we are sitting in the café’s back room

our hearts touch the opposite feelings,
we’d like so much from life - but we want also
to be free from our desires

in our heads there are still sounds
from the jazz concert at the club Alchemia,

outside it has silenced the noise from the Jewish square
- and thousands miles away
Jerusalem is plunged into a dream

the Logos is wandering among us,
somewhere in the distance we try to see
the royal outlines of his face

immortalized on the pictures
from café Mleczarnia
we are sailing through the spring night
to the promised land
or not

IV 2008

* Mleczarnia – (Eng.) dairy

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 11 września 2017


                             As April’s green endures; or will endure
                             Like her remembrance of awakened birds,
                            Or her desire for June and evening, tipped
                            By the consummation of the swallow’s wings.  
                                     W.Stevens “Sunday Morning”
May - the miracle of spring
in increasingly longer days
the smiles appear more often on your face
but it could have been differently -
the sun would have extinguished
darkness would have reigned on the earth
and winter could have lasted forever
the entropy of the Universe
could have been reversed
and it would get narrower
to recur soon
to the primordial state of chaos
but now again - the miracle of spring
an infinite amount of the life forms
élan vital
there is more light around us
and it is slowly beginning
the celebration of flowering
but it could have been differently -
winter would dominate still
in your soul
and your heart could have shrunk
to return to the starting point -
beyond the horizon
of eternal love
                             IV 2008

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 31 marca 2018

In Jerusalem

                              „For in him we live and move and have our being.”
                                                                 Acts 17,28

I was searching you in the streets of  Jerusalem
among the stalls of the Old Town
walking on the sloping stones of the Roman era
staring at the palpable faces of the Palestinians
Jews, Armenians – on the focused visages of pilgrims and tourists.

I was looking for your blood and sweat on Via Dolorosa,
on Litostrotos where Pilate judged you
in the Upper Room - next to King David's grave,
in the Garden of Gethsemane which thick twisted olive trees
are still telling the story of the Paschal Night,
under the Wailing Wall, listening to Jewish prayers
I was searching for your wisdom and joy
on the Mount of the Temple where you walked and taught.

I was looking for you in the place of the former Golgotha
I tracked your pain, anxiety and suffering
I opened my heart to your love
and the creative power - for your immortality,
I tried to understandyour eternal victory
over death and evil.
I've been searching for you from dawn to dusk
restless that I will not find you,
but you were everywhere
supplied with your power,
you were always ahead of me
I almost felt your breath
the rustle of your robes
and the sunny scent of your body.

I tried to reach out to touch you
but you suddenly turned and disappeared
- then I felt and understood
You are, Adonai, closer to me
than I - to myself.

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 11 lutego 2018

Silence I


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 10 września 2017

Travelling through the land of greyness

Travelling through the land of greyness
I look for the first flowers of spring
I am waiting
to meet what is going to happen
- a bright new day
a night filled with dreams
about the other shore
to which there spins a bridge of
there among the wild horses
we will go ahead
through the green hills and valleys
holding hands
to our eternal

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 21 czerwca 2018

Medusa from Leptis Magna

Medusa – lying on the ground
among the magnificent ruins
of the ancient city
with snake hair
and staring eyes

do you try similarly
to your sisters Gorgons
still scare us
with the appearance and sight
which look turns into a stone?

or rather you are staring at the famous past
of the Greek gods and heroes -
Poseidon, who has seduced you
as a beautiful girl in the temple of Athena
(for what that goddess has turned you into a monster)
or Perseus, who cut off your head with his sword,
that brought your son Pegasus to the world
and than he reached Olympus
in order to after death
be placed on the sky?

or maybe you regret the fate of the kingdoms
which neither were defended by their armies
nor your threatening face
on the Zeus shield?

of the empires which have laid in ruins
creating the foundations for other kingdoms
which gods have turned out to be
more powerful than those worshiped
in the old temples
of the once famous
Roman city
Leptis Magna


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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 10 sierpnia 2018

By the Baltic sea

The sea waves are washing off footprints in the sand
and the ocean of remembrance throws ashore
the shells of memories
on the horizon -
the illusion of infinity
far away in distance
there are visible boats, cutters, yachts and ships
strong wind and the sound of waves with white manes,
when you are plunging in a dark green tone -
in the waters of all oceans and seas
the childhood memories:
a blue beach ball with the map of continents,
first curiosity about the world
and a sense of its secret,
mother's touch, father's presence
and a sunny honey-colored amber 
making a journey into the past
during a declining summer
you are walking among the pine forest
with carpets of heather, mosses and lichens
while listening to the morning sounds of cranes
and the greatness of the sea bore in you
the thirst for of the Absolute
the Baltic waves are breaking down
on the banks of the ocean of remembrance
shells and rocks are glistening in the sun
present and past
have been tied with each other
like the azure sky and the sea green water
bidding farewell to the sea
you feel that you will come back to it someday,
but nowy you know that
you are ready for everything:
for end and beginning
for death and rebirth
                                            VIII 2008

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Paweł Szkołut

Paweł Szkołut, 30 listopada 2017

Cisza I


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