louis gander

louis gander, 2 february 2013


The sun was rising in the east
behind some hitching posts -
and weathered boards, on buildings old,
had nothing left to boast.

But I wore fancy cowboy duds,
I was a handsome sight.
A crowd of people gathered 'round
to watch this old gun fight.

The street was dead and empty
except for sin and I -
and how I ended up out here,
I'm really not sure why.

A bullet? Very perilous
if we've no self-control -
and sin is much more dangerous,
because it kills the soul.

Now noon met with humidity.
The sun was dry and hot.
Some beads of sweat rolled down my face -
my stomach, in a knot.

But no, I wasn't nervous -
though duel had begun.
I counted out ten paces -
then turned and drew my gun.

But sin is faster, furious -
much quicker than the eye.
Oh please! Dear Lord and Saviour -
I do not want to die!

And then... in just an instant,
I dropped down to my knees.
I fell as peace passed over me
and felt the gentle breeze.

But something stood in front of me.
Its shadow crossed my face.
I then saw Jesus on that cross.
He took my very place.

Ashamed, I dropped my pistol.
My pride was killed that day -
as I pulled off my fancy boots
and flung my hat away.

Now humbled on the dusty street
with crowded eyes on me -
my every pride had vanished as
I learned humility.

In faithfulness, I stood again,
though I was at a loss...
Oh, how could Jesus love me so
from that old rugged cross?

The sun was setting in the west
behind some hitching posts.
And weathered boards, on buildings old,
had nothing left to boast.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 3 december 2012

A Perfect Masterpiece

Peered I, up to the heavens. So stunned, I stood in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and this is what I saw...
A sight exposing every truth, that made me nearly faint.
A sight, that in a million years, no man could ever paint.
A special, brand new masterpiece that God creates each day.
A special, brand new vision that He gives along my way.

I see a vast creation that is pure outside and in
before His work is tarnished by horrendous, evil sin.
He paints His skies so differently. No two are just the same.
He paints the creatures on the earth - the wild and the tame.
The sunsets over mountain peaks are not identical -
and snowflakes falling from the sky - not precisely equal.

The clouds float freely with the breeze while rolling on thin air.
Though no two skies are just alike, they share the canvas there.
And no two meadows look the same as I walk down His path.
I see no trees identical when grown through nature's wrath.
Not equal are the mountain streams or creatures of the wild.
And so unique the sunsets are - as faces of a child.

So patiently, a flower bud waits ready to unfurl.
A swirl of brilliant petals bloom. I see a little girl.
Her whole life laid in front of her that she became forthwith -
another link within the chain this world had yanked her with.
Priorities had dragged her from her work to shopping mall.
And every day, a masterpiece - yet she had missed them all.

Now richly dressed as all the rest who never seemed to care,
she peered inside a cancer ward and saw young children there.
She saw the face of one small boy with cute and chubby cheeks -
and though the tears had dried away she saw the many streaks.
They washed away the happiness in life so short, but giving -
as sin has made the sky to fall on innocent still living.

God waves His hand across the sky, but have I failed to see -
out way beyond my own routine, beyond my vanity?
God paints a perfect masterpiece on each and every child.
I finally saw His masterpiece when that young child smiled.
Peered I, up to the heavens. Through tears, I prayed in awe.
His hand swept over East to West and that is what I saw...

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 9 september 2012


Waves were crashing everywhere -
port, starboard, forward, aft...
My troubles kept on pouring in,
upon my humble raft.

Typhoon winds of pain whipped up -
first one way, then the other.
My earthly troubles slashed about -
another and another.

Adrift on troubled waters,
but where? I did not know!
Yet here out on the stormy seas -
there was dark death below.

The shark infested waters
that I remember still -
snapped temptations fangs at me
and broke my fragile will.

And then on top of everything,
it couldn't get much worse -
when wet, dense fog surrounded me -
my little faith, a curse.

I screamed from fetal position,
"Do something! Please... You must!"
My fist shook at the Heavens.
I lacked sufficient trust.

I threw my hands up in the air
and wondered, "What's the use?"
Now isn't this the way life goes
as sodden ropes let loose!

The wicked waves tore at the logs.
My raft began to split.
Apart, my hopes were shattered then.
What could I do, but quit?

And then when giving up on life -
I saw - but could it be??
Walking troubled waters there -
my Lord had came toward me!

But raft continued breaking up.
The waves were just too great...
My groping arms flung out to Him -
but I was just too late...

With remnants of my raft adrift -
this Jesus disappeared!
Out in the fog He vaporized -
a sick mirage, I feared.

The gift of life is special -
but eternal life much more.
For Jesus was my sacrifice,
and who that cross was for.

Were hope and faith both obsolete
as waves crashed on my back?
Last remnants of my raft dispersed -
and everything went black.

Engulfed by churning breakers,
my feet touched solid stone...
God's precious love threw me to shore!
I never was alone!

I'm thankful God broke up my raft.
Could I have asked for more?
That raft was really nothing with -
my Jesus on the shore!

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Psalm 23:4
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

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louis gander

louis gander, 19 march 2013

The Hourglass

Who begins the timeline,
life's hourglass, brand new?
Excitement grasps first days of life
as grains of sand slip through.
Youthful times surround us.
We lack full wisdom's clue.
We learn to make decisions though,
as grains of sand slip through.
Middle age is stressful
with obligations due -
so we go about our business
as grains of sand slip through.
Oh, to know the answers -
and every facet knew -
so we prepare the answers then
as grains of sand slip through.
With sunset years upon us,
we find God's Word is true -
but still the days flee fast from us
as grains of sand slip through.
Who holds our real value -
and have regrets, will you -
as the hourglass stands empty and
the final grain slips through?
©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Ecclesiastes 9:12 (NASB) Moreover, man does not know his time: like fish caught in a treacherous net and birds trapped in a snare, so the sons of men are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them.

number of comments: 1 | rating: 3 | detail

louis gander

louis gander, 13 january 2013

Erasure Dust

Erasure dust was scattered 'round
my make-shift desk where I was found,
inside my garden court serene,
behind a stand of evergreen.

I should have guessed. I should have known,
mistakes I made were all my own.
I wrote too fast and wrote too long
when pencil slid on paper wrong.

Could all God's people understand?
I tried to move my shaking hand.
To reach lost souls is very tough...
Oh Lord, are these words good enough?

No, back and forth erasure moves,
erasing sins that pencil proved,
that sin's mistakes can ruin lives.
They make a mess as death connives.

And next to rose that set on desk,
erasure dust is so grotesque.
Confused, I was, and ill at ease,
at makeshift desk behind the trees.

The perfect roses, red and pink,
had really made me stop to think.
But if I quit, then life grows still -
so write, I do, and always will.

Though God forgives, the pain remains.
Distracting wrongs bring mental strains.
They bring us pain, great guilt and strife,
but God brings breath, forgiveness, life.

Oh, our mistakes will sometimes be,
yet grace through faith will set us free.
When God brings forth a stiff wind gust
and blows away erasure dust.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

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louis gander

louis gander, 22 october 2012

HIS Hands

"I've cried my eyes out every day.
My burdens, I've out-poured
in never-ending prayers to You.
Why can't You hear me Lord?

"Oh Lord, the stinging hurts me so.
They smear my wounds with salt.
My mind is scarred and You know why.
These burdens aren't my fault.

"And physically, I'm also scarred.
Each hurts a different way.
So tell me... once again I ask,
'Do You hear what I say?'"

"As days go by, I cannot cope.
Will nothing ever change?
If there were different burdens Lord,
I'd happily exchange.

"I'd trade all mine for other ones.
This pain is just too great.
Please let me trade my burdens in,
if it is not too late."

And then I saw my Savior's hands,
cupped high above my head.
He slowly lowered them to me,
and this is what He said.

"If you wish, then I will trade.
Your Savior understands.
I'll take each burden you don't want.
Just place them in my hands."

So collected I, my burdens.
They numbered as the stars.
And just before I threw them in,
I saw those nail scars.

Instinctively, I held them back.
Now I was at a loss...
I cannot trade my burdens for
His day upon the cross.

"Oh come, my dear and troubled child -
come rest in my embrace.
Have faith that I will vanquish them
and I will show you grace."

So once again, still weak in trust,
and hesitant, I feared -
but one by one I set them in
and each one disappeared!

Now I have grace... And burdens? None!
No cross of any kind!
I gave to Jesus everything -
and now have peace of mind.

©2012 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 26 january 2013

A Proud American

This poem ain't a good one.
It may be crass and mean -
but if you read a few more lines,
you'll see what I have seen:

I care about appearance. I'll show off latest trends.
I'll change the way I talk and act impressing all my friends.
Don't call me dumb and stupid. I'm not a bit insane -
yet clueless as to pricing so I angrily complain.
First I waste my money on some foreign plastic toy -
and then complain there are no jobs in states like Illinois.
I vote for those who give me stuff like total free health care -
then think I won't be paying it (naively unaware)...
I want a king or emperor to handle my provisions -
tell me how to act and think and make all my decisions.
Don't call me dumb and stupid. I'm just confused with facts.
Just promise me more goodies now. The rich can pay my tax.
Wow! Every time I hear you speak, my knees begin to go.
I faint within your promises - oh, how I love you so!
Just deposit, every month, some cash to my account -
and I'll be so contented. Keep track of my amount!
And 'Bill of Rights" I'll never need - so scrap them all today.
I'm in a state of ecstasy when I hear what you say.
Abortion I don't care about as long as it's not me.
Allow me my vacations so that I can feel free!
My 1st amendment, I can't use. Why bother I, to preach -
that people ought not kill or steal? ( 'cause that's for you to teach ).
And I don't need the 2nd so protect me from my gun.
 Shoukl someone point a gun at me, I'll just call 9-1-1.
"Search and seizures" - what are they? You're welcome anytime -
and I won't flush the toilet even once if it's a crime.
The 9th amendment's silly. I have no need for rights -
(nor my responsibilities) - so stop these petty fights.
The 10th amendment, I nix too, awaiting your dictates.
Let's call ourselves "United" and eliminate the "States".
United, we'll be holding hands as one huge human chain -
and simply jump the border here if we spin down the drain.
Though foreign countries snicker, I'll vote again for you.
For I'm a proud American. My insolence shines through!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


number of comments: 6 | rating: 3 | detail

louis gander

louis gander, 29 january 2013

Circle Of Love

. . . . and bring our love around again in selfless peace that has no end -
as with a circle bright and true, is love of fam'ly, love of friend -
though some may laugh while others grieve, forgiveness we can sure achieve,
through God's vast blessings scattered 'round so those in need can hence receive -
the Son of God who's virgin born - through whip and nails and piercing thorn -
our sacrifice, the ultimate - a perfect Savior, bloody, torn -
because God loved and likewise we, bring certain hope that others see -
these blessings of a risen Lord so that they too could also be
in peace that's pure as snowy dove while singing praise to God above -
while standing faithful hand in hand in this, our circle filled with love . . . .

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 7 february 2013

Patient One

FOR MANY YEARS they crowded me -
they grew so very tall...
but You, my Lord, had stunted me -
created me so small.

They pushed me off and stole the sun,
and rose up to the sky...
but every year You held me down,
and I had wondered why.

The winds and rain blew very hard
beneath them I was crushed...
and You, my Lord, had gone away,
my blaring screams were hushed.

For many years this happened -
and they'd ignore my plea...
and You, my Lord, seemed not to care,
when they would laugh at me.


So many years have passed since then -
a hundred years or so...
yet you, my Lord, answered my prayers,
and patience helped me grow.

A million weeds had laughed at me -
yet long ago they passed...
and you, dear Lord, protected me,
just as my prayers had asked.

For many years Your little tree -
was pushed around by weed...
but oh, dear Lord, You strengthened me
and met my every need.

And now today, I tower high.
I'm seen for many miles -
but oh, dear Lord, You taught me well,
and humbled all my smiles.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Psalm 37:7 (NASB) Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

number of comments: 2 | rating: 3 | detail

louis gander

louis gander, 15 march 2013

Patient One

FOR MANY YEARS they crowded me -
they grew so very tall...
but You, my Lord, had stunted me -
created me so small.

They pushed me off
and stole the sun,
and rose up to the sky...
but every year You held me down
and I had wondered why.

The winds and rain
blew very hard.
Beneath them I was crushed...
and You, my Lord, had gone away.
My blaring screams were hushed.

For many years this happened -
and they'd ignore my plea...
and You, my Lord, seemed not to care,
when they would laugh at me.---

So many years have passed since then -
a hundred years or so...
yet You, my Lord, answered my prayers,
and patience let me grow.

A million weeds had laughed at me -
yet long ago they passed...
and You, dear Lord, protected me,
just as my prayers had asked.

For many years Your little tree -
was pushed around by weed...
but oh, dear Lord, You strengthened me
and met my every need.

And now today, I tower high.
I'm seen for many miles -
but oh, dear Lord, You've taught me well.
You've humbled all my smiles.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Psalm 37:7 (NASB) Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes.

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