
Benjamin Paa Willie
PROFIL O autorze Przyjaciele (3) Poezja (10)

27 marca 2012

The Second Coming 1

Nothing is changed
After half the years
I had lived before
Is come and gone
I look into myself
I remind my soul
You will be gone
But for three days
You promised
You sermonized
You proclaimed
You salted a song
But you are still not come
Several three days
Is come and gone
Yet you are only in my dream
I look into myself
I hold unto the dream
Cling unto the past
And the future it promised
But you are still
You are still not come
I see the nights
Nights spent under pregnant clouds
Nights of star-devoid skies
When we fixed our eyes
Unto the only two
That we saw in ourselves
Treading in the narrow way
As branches of reeds
Hosanna-ed our love
We unknowingly marched into our
Of the eyes the crowd
The eyes of the crowd
That divides
You understood the intricacies
Yet you promised
You will be gone
But for three days
Several three days from then
Is come and gone
Seven waiting years
Is come and gone
Yet I am still here
Awaiting your resurrection
Overcome Hades
Overcome the land beyond
Become my Christ
Save my soul; my saviour dear
For I am waiting
Three days away
From where the crowd divides
I await
The second coming

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