6 stycznia 2012


My heart beats the same
but nothings left standing
these fragile bones has giving in
as the weather begin to deter
my end. Life as its been                                                         has crossed and my time in the spot light 
has died out. As no one remembers,
as a memory is just that ,
a thought to be forgotten
the mightiest have fell victim
and be left as ashes in the wind
a name to recollect as it passes by
a whisper from my ear to yours
and as i slowly rot in this time
forgotten by everyone. 
Everything i ever held near 
is gone in a blink of an eye 
i see the mystery in my error                                               to believe all puzzles could be built
see all wound heal in time
but time doesn't heal all wound
for a mental scar shall
tarnish even the purest of us
as the spot light's only for a minute
how long that minute last
is how strong at heart you are
so as the insect eat what's left on 
these withered bones
one last breath is all i ask 
to shine one last time

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