Kahlia Mazacalletti

It is ME again....

I feel so blessed, this morning I woke up and finally felt "normal".  It was an experience about being detoxed off meds.  I really believe that you are so in tune with yourself after you get off that stuff.  Mine was Visteral and Topomax.  Topomax for seizures and Visteral for anxiety.  I am always a little anxious about life in general.  I tend to strive toward perfection, it is OK if I don't make it.  I am surrounded by love, good freinds and a special thanks to Louis, who just keeps hanging in there, no matter what.  He gave me some good advice

"believe".......That is so very true as you let other things cloud your judgement.  You have to take an inventory of what you may be doing wrong, and doing to your self.  It can take away your happiness.  I am VERY happy and content.  I feel like 10,000 pounds was lifted off me in the past two days.  Stress can be miserable and lead to physical symtoms.  I am glad I have an excellent DR.  Also when you are a RN like me, you tend to forget about yourself!!!!!  

Happy Friday,

