David de la Croes

Birthday wishes to a loved one abroad

May your day be clad
in bright chitenge,
and your ears filled
with the music of falling waters!
Lwa mitonda , kaizeli!
See us run with arms outstretched
like the wings of an airplane
because, if we could, we would fly to you;
see our encircling, turning legs
like those of sprinting cyclists
because, if we could, we would pedal to you;
see us hop, in a sitting posture
like that of a crazy taxi driver
because, if we could, we would race to you.
But we would rather have you here with us
Africa ya kutonda, kaizeli!
Ku tezi batu - we are waiting for you
Utwa, ba andamisa - come dance with us.
While distance separates you from us
we talk about you, smile, and say:
Mutu yo munde ki ya na ni sikoka kwa batu;
and we want you to remember always:
Ku sebeleza Mulimu, ki makalelo a butali.
Be blessed, dear sister!
We wish you peace, we wish you joy
and above all, we wish you love.

