Kahlia Mazacalletti

Time to unwind!!!

I have been a little hyperactive since I am home.  I think a lot of it is medication withdrawal.  Just my observation.  I want everyone to go buy at Barnes and Noble....Goldie Lopez's book is published and is there for you to get.  It is full of great poetry and Goldie is really Golden.  I bought it and am reading it.  Such good hard work.  She and I are becoming freinds as we are both writing a book. I sure hope mine makes it to a bookstore near you.  It is a lot of work, but I am enjoying it...on my down time.lol  I want to go to florida right now, mybe FT. Lauderdale..I used to live there.  Right now it is an impossibilty.  I have so many papers stacked up, I need to go back to work.  I thought about this Monday but my DR.s said NO.  I am happy and content...some things in life , you cannot ignore.
I think my friends on Truml.com have helped gain more confidence and also just have been there. THank you all very much.......Kahlia

