Joe Breunig

Poem: Outside the Windy City

Outside the Windy City
lives the Lady Finnegan -
Carol dearly loves the Lord Jehovah
and is a part of His earthly plan.

Her heart has been pierced
by God's Holy Spirit;
for she placed her life before Him
and has chosen to submit.

Her adoration for the King
has burst forth with heart's joy,
from reading her great nephew's literature
within the borders of Illinois.

Now she's become God's messenger
via her gifts of Joe's Christian poetry -
For the fragrance of God's Love
envelopes her with scriptural potpourri.

Blessed to be a blessing,
her friendship has touched me -
For we have found common ground
between kinship and a love of poetry.


Author Note: 

Dedicated to my Great Aunt Carol Finnegan,
the sister of my maternal Grandmother, Marguerite Massa.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
