Bunny Crunch

Things That Fly

Glittering moonlight reflects off the shining grass.
Calm rain glides off the leaves of the trees above us,
Pours gentle mist across my feet.
The warm wind flows through my hair.
Gentle starlight brushes across the shadows
In illuminating waves.
Sweet berries fall around us
From high branches of surrounding trees.
The wind carries new rainbow petals
Brought around the world and back just to surround us.
The chirping birds serenade us with their lullaby,
Later to awake the sunrise.
The fresh rain leaps from the sky onto young perennials.
Gel drips from my damp hair,
Filling the cool air with tropical citrus.
The rain scatters across the shimmering grass.
The wind is a force field
Circling closer around us,
Keeping all the world away.
As close as it circles,
It never comes as close as we are
And the glittering moonlight
Never outshines my smile

