Joe Breunig

Poem: Forgiveness

We are wronged by people daily,
but to not forgive is unconscionable.
The Universal King had died for all;
for in eternity's view, we're pardonable.

He has given absolute amnesty
to everyone who has accepted Him.
Make no mistake about this unmerited immunity -
Grace's favor (over the course of Life) wears thin.

Death is inevitable, and our spirits
this mortal frame will leave;
so take advantage of God's condonation
to be granted a heavenly reprieve.

Human lives hang in limbo
under the penalty of death;
speak kindly of others and refrain...
From another wasted breath.
Author Notes:
Condonation is a real word: you can see more about it at:

Since I believe in the Christ's resurrection, His death is in the past tense.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
