
Stage Fright

Stage Fright

I’m no good at poetry,
I cannot make a rhyme. 
I talk to fast or much to slow, 
I can’t keep track of time!

Whenever I am up on stage, 
I feel like I might faint!
Should I worry? Is that natural? 
I'll see a doctor if it ain’t! 

I can hear when I mess up, 
Better than when I do good. 
Nervous breaths of indecision, 
By the crowd are understood.

I must move-always wiggle,
Tuck my hair behind my ear. 
Slightly swaying side to side,
Your disapproval-my biggest fear. 

When it’s over I always smile,
I’m blushing more and more!
The noise of clapping and of cheers, 
I’ll know forever more! 

